The Blame Bush Era May Be Over

President Bush by abiding with the 1991 Cease Fire and removing Saddam SAVED nearly 2 million children from starvation. What has Obama done?
President Bush by responding to the will of these 32 democrat comments
32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

Uhhu? Bush clearly went into Iraq to save the children and it had nothing to do with oil. Who did he save the children from? A combination of US sanctions and Saddam and his cronies being morons!
But how many children died because Bush simply messed up the post war period? Made a power vacuum that was filled by people who you really didn't want it filled by. They didn't offer incentives for people not to go to the insurgents to fight the US and UK troops.

Just because you do one thing that just happens to be seen as something good, doesn't mean nothing bad didn't happen.

How many children did Bush NOT SAVE during his presidency?

Did Bush save the children in Chechnya?
Did Bush save the children in Dafur?
Did Bush save the children in Sierra Leone?
Did Bush save the children in Sri Lanka?
Did Bush save the children in Somalia?
Did Bush save the children in the Central African Republic?

No, Bush only supposedly saved the children where oil was at stake in an OPEC country that didn't like the US. What a surprise.

Obama simply hasn't gone into these wars. No, he hasn't saved children, except maybe in Libya (there are children there too, and oil, and OPEC, shocking), but then again if you look long term, he's reduced the threat of Muslim extremists, which doesn't mean much as the threat is so high due to US foreign policy in the last 50 years or so.
And the left will blame Reagan, just like parrots.

History has already diminished its views of the Reagan Presidency

Maybe the left wing has...otherwise no.

The biggest accomplishment of Reagan was the end of the Cold War. No, Reagan did not cause the end of the Soviet Union, it had been crumbling for decades. But Reagan wisely chose not to exploit the fall of the Soviet Union. He allowed Gorbachev to save face and govern the transition of Government
What has diminished the view of Reagan is the impact of the Reagan Revolution. His tax rates put us into a permanent deficit. But his biggest impact is the destruction of the middle class. That will be his legacy

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