Zone1 The Ark and The Flood

1st post
If we go your way, Hiroshima is merely a 'borrowed myth',
because Jews also reported about this global event.

Do you think ancient civilizations all conspired
to use similar language describing these
events to fool humanity?

There were many local floods. The flood myth is a rehash of a flood of the Euphrates river basin in 2900 BC. It lasted 4 days and covered an arena 150 miles wide and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. A king of Sumer was hauling beer, grain and livestock on barges to sell downriver.
Demonstrably false. Physically impossible.

But you just said it did.

Demonstrably false. We have fossils of carnivores that are 100s of millions of years old.

We have words of scientists who have clearly demonstrated their misuse of science and math to the point we are being sold cancer, The air, water, land, thus our food all polluted by their gross misuse of science and math. In fact it was just proven not long ago that their carbon dating is not correct.
I said a water vapor layer like the ozone layer up in the heavens. That is what God sent down to the earth during the flood. No it is not impossible.
We have words of scientists who have clearly demonstrated their misuse of science and math to the point we are being sold cancer, The air, water, land, thus our food all polluted by their gross misuse of science and math. In fact it was just proven not long ago that their carbon dating is not correct
100% irrelevant, and a pretty stupid con that only works on stupid people.

But the fact that that you went straight to it shows the poverty of your arguments and of the evidence you possess to support your magical,childish claims.
There were many local floods. The flood myth is a rehash of a flood of the Euphrates river basin in 2900 BC. It lasted 4 days and covered an arena 150 miles wide and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. A king of Sumer was hauling beer, grain and livestock on barges to sell downriver.

Gods son was an eyewitness to Noahs flood-- Luke 17:26) He compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead)
5th post
You dont know that is fact. And if he didnt it wouldnt matter. God used Holy spirit to write the words through mortals in his bible.

Mark never met Jesus either. Why do you suppose God made so many geographical errors in Luke?
10th post
I did, that's why it's hilarious.

They also all have myths about fire and weather.

It's as if the human inventors of those religions all lived on the same planet that has floods and fires and weather. Or something.
Naw, that's illogical reasoning. You are shaping the conclusion to fit your hypothesis. Go back and pick up a Sophomore High School Geometry class and learn some logic and reasoning... :flameth:
Naw, that's illogical reasoning. You are shaping the conclusion to fit your hypothesis.
Nah, that's a phrase some creationist vogger taught you that you don't even understand. That's why you can only state it instead of argue it.

Your little hissy fit hasn't gotten you anywhere, sorry.

Yes, it's reasonable to conclude they all contain flood myths and fire myths and weather myths and crop myths because they were all written by humans living on the same planet where floods and weather and fires happen.

But feel free to grow up a little bit and argue otherwise.

Face it, you couldn't fashion an argument if your life depended on it.
Nah, that's a phrase some creationist vogger taught you that you don't even understand. That's why you can only state it instead of argue it.

Your little hissy fit hasn't gotten you anywhere, sorry.

Yes, it's reasonable to conclude they all contain flood myths and fire myths and weather myths and crop myths because they were all written by humans living on the same planet where floods and weather and fires happen.

But feel free to grow up a little bit and argue otherwise.

Face it, you couldn't fashion an argument if your life depended on it.
I enjoy your vivid imagination about people and a world wide flood they all seem to have. Actually, what happened was the flood and then the people afterward all had their take on it later on. The fools who believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old simply are fooled by the faulty dating systems.
There is a thousand times all the fresh water in the world's rivers and lakes underground in aquifers.
I have two questions regarding the Ark and the Flood.

The Flood

Explain to me how the earth was "flooded" with trillions upon trillions of gallons of water?
WHERE did all that water come from?
When the floods receded......WHERE did all that water GO???

If you flood a WHOLE PLANET that was only 3/4 water, that extreme excess of water had to come from SOMEWHERE off this planet.

And having flooded said planet, the same goes for where did the water go when it "receded".

The Ark

Two of every kind of living creature on this planet? On one tiny boat? I don't think so.
Unless Moses was a Time Lord and his "ark" was actually an interdimensional space vehicle, this is ludicrous and impossible.
With the supposed dimensions of the Ark related to modern measurements, the Ark they describe could have existed, but not for two of each living creature on this planet!! The Ark would have had to have been the size of Hawaii, at the very LEAST, in order to accommodate TWO of each living creature on this planet!!!

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Well in answer to the first question, the people of that time and place didn't know anything of the world. In fact most of them had no clue it is a sphere rotating in space. They probably didn't wonder about it a great deal. So a huge flood, even as we have experienced such in the United States and other countries, in which the water extended as far as the people could see, would likely be interpreted by those ancient ones as water covering the whole Earth.

And as the ancient Jews and even some Jews of the 20th Century believed and maybe some Orthodox Jews and Christians even now believe that nothing has ever happened or happens that God did not decree, voila, God caused a great flood to cover the Earth.

The general aspect of the flood story is even more interesting in that virtually ALL the cultures in Old Testament times in that part of the world have a flood story in their traditions/lore. So it might have been one of those massive floods that sometimes happens ever 100 or 1000 years or so that provided the inspiration for the story(ies).

As for the Ark itself, I tend to view those Old Testament stories as allegory to teach in a colorful way that God is in control of it all. The story of Adam and Eve explains how sin entered the world, the story of Cain and Abel how it spread into the family, the story of Noah how it spread into the community, the story of the Tower of Babel how it spread into the whole world. And in each case there are consequences for sin visited on all the people. And the Ark is just one of many recurring OT themes of creation, sin, judgment, redemption and the redemption was often rescue of just a remnant of the faithful.

And if we go with the belief that these are literal history. and I don't try to talk folks out of that, then all we have to know is that with God all things are possible.

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