The A&E Duck Boycott

When Walking Dead returns in February A & E wouldn't give a rat's ass about any boycott.

yea and when Longmire returns a few months after that....
Longmire is the only thing I watch on A&E. The reality stuff isn't to my liking. It's obviously why the networks like it but to me it's pretty boring.
I watch nothing on A&E. They are pretentious and over rated. Now they are toast :lol:
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I just switch channels around until I find something I like. Occasionally, I drop by MSNBC to see what this months talking points are going to be for liberals at the USMB.
A&E fucked up here. Don't care who you are, a person should be allowed to express himself off camera without being suspended for it. Sorry.

Unless he is dogging his employer, and he wasn't doing that. I hope A&E bites the proverbial dust. Give AWE channel a try. They have not allowed anyone to beat them into submission, so they still say Merry Christmas!~ And they have some darn good shows.
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A&E fucked up here. Don't care who you are, a person should be allowed to express himself off camera without being suspended for it. Sorry.

Unless he is dogging his employer, and he wasn't doing that. I hope A&E bites the proverbial dust. Give AWE channel a try. They have not allowed anyone to beat them into submission, so they still say Merry Christmas!~ And they have some darn good shows.

Once a broadcast channel goes officially liberal, they doom themselves to failure unless their suck-holing the American taxpayer for support.
I don't know how much others are paid an episode, but I read that The Robertsons were paid $200,000. per episode.
Maybe in Hollywood that isn't considered expensive......But I wouldn't call it a drop in the bucket.

The Robertsons don't Need this series, being independantly wealthy already.
But, A&E would lose a Huge Cash Cow.

A&E is run by amateurs.

From article link below:

“A rookie mistake.” That’s how one TV industry veteran who’s put in time dealing with rogue reality stars described A&E’s handling of its Duck Dynasty nightmare.
Our panel of industry execs is still scratching their heads in re why the A&E let Phil Robertson, a guy whose religious beliefs were well known to the network, within 100 yards of a GQ interview.
“Who the hell let them talk to GQ in the first place?” one veteran wondered. “This is their biggest show. Are they going to get a bigger audience by talking to some snarky reporter from GQ? Where is the upside? There is none. Zero.”

Chimed in another: “GQ is not a Duck Dynasty-friendly place, and [A&E] knew they had talent that talks and goes off the reservation. What the fuck you gonna get from GQ? It’s not going to get you a new audience. Then they left him alone with the reporter.” (A&E had a rep on site, but the reporter nonetheless managed to squeeze in some alone time with Phil, during which he cut loose, according to media reports).

Robertson, on the other hand, is guilty only of consistent behavior. “He has not flinched. He’s very consistent in his opinion. He has gone off [A&E’s] script, but he’s perfectly on-script for him,” said one TV exec. “There was some sincerity to the show – unless it was all bullshit. Turns out, it wasn’t.”

'Duck Dynasty' Debacle Has TV Industry Abuzz As A&E Charts New Territory -
i think the boycott is a bit misguided. If we are going to boycott something because of this piss poor decision on their part, we should be boycotting everything on A&E but Duck Dynasty.

Like the song says ..

"You can't please everyone so you got to please yourself"

You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time......................:eusa_angel:

You get what you need.

Hit it and don't look back.
I don't know how much others are paid an episode, but I read that The Robertsons were paid $200,000. per episode.
Maybe in Hollywood that isn't considered expensive......But I wouldn't call it a drop in the bucket.

The Robertsons don't Need this series, being independantly wealthy already.
But, A&E would lose a Huge Cash Cow.

A&E is run by amateurs.

From article link below:

“A rookie mistake.” That’s how one TV industry veteran who’s put in time dealing with rogue reality stars described A&E’s handling of its Duck Dynasty nightmare.
Our panel of industry execs is still scratching their heads in re why the A&E let Phil Robertson, a guy whose religious beliefs were well known to the network, within 100 yards of a GQ interview.
“Who the hell let them talk to GQ in the first place?” one veteran wondered. “This is their biggest show. Are they going to get a bigger audience by talking to some snarky reporter from GQ? Where is the upside? There is none. Zero.”

Chimed in another: “GQ is not a Duck Dynasty-friendly place, and [A&E] knew they had talent that talks and goes off the reservation. What the fuck you gonna get from GQ? It’s not going to get you a new audience. Then they left him alone with the reporter.” (A&E had a rep on site, but the reporter nonetheless managed to squeeze in some alone time with Phil, during which he cut loose, according to media reports).

Robertson, on the other hand, is guilty only of consistent behavior. “He has not flinched. He’s very consistent in his opinion. He has gone off [A&E’s] script, but he’s perfectly on-script for him,” said one TV exec. “There was some sincerity to the show – unless it was all bullshit. Turns out, it wasn’t.”

'Duck Dynasty' Debacle Has TV Industry Abuzz As A&E Charts New Territory -


Thank you.
"Boycott" ain't gonna work. That's just a Twit wank.

A TV broadcast is available to everybody and viewership is unaccountable. That, along with the truism that there's no such thing as bad publicity, means that both A&E and the Robertsons are in for a windfall. Those who claim they're gonna boycott largely won't (talk is cheap) and those who weren't watching before are now exhorted to check out what all the kerfuffle is about. End result: the show's ratings will spike even higher. Mark my words.

Just as the opposite of love is not hate but indifference, the only thing that would put a dent in the show's ratings would be no one talking about it, and that's hardly what's happening.

"There is only thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about" -- Oscar Wilde
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It's time for a come to Jesus moment with these shrieking place better then this one.....ever heard the expression "fuck a duck"? Well, A&E took it seriously....OOPS! WRONG DUCK. With the Facebook "boycott A&E" nearing 600K likes, the hand has been dealt....and the Dynasty is holding the "straight" flush...heh heh. They can walk, they can cost the network a fortune by blowing lines requiring dozens of do-overs, they can all say the same thing Phil said and force A&E to fire them all. That would breach the merchandising contract and the Ducks could waddle off to another network. A&E vs. Phil...who you think is gonna blink?


The Robertson family will hold to their religious convictions. They are not in this game to get rich. They were wealthy even before DD. A&E's convictions are simple....M O N E Y.

Their decision to cut Phil out will be their loss. I expect the entire family will walk away if Phil is not reinstated. And even if he is, the Robertson family is holding the high cards right now. They may say enough is enough and let A&E swing in the wind.

You're right that it's all about money -- always was. But the rest of the clan doesn't have the option to walk. Contracts don't just go away when they're inconvenient.
To me this isn't so much of a Christian issue as it is one of people who'd prefer to be left alone by the PajamaBoys.

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