The 2012 Democrat Party Convention


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
NOTE: This thread is in the CDZ so we can discuss the Democrat Part Convention in the CDZ spirit.

The Democratic Convention was gaveled to order this afternoon and is already beginning to gather steam..

This thread is for comments on the process, the dynamics, the theme, the tone, and the speeches of those scheduled to speak. Also for what those watching hope to see result from the convention.

So are you watching? Will you watch some of it? All of it?
I don't plan to watch any of it this week.

I will be picking up on specific talks later on.
I will watch some, probably not all. I am curious to hear what former President Clinton has to say. His speech is being billed as a closely guarded secret amidst suggestions that even Obama and his people haven't seen it and don't know what is in it. (And of course that includes speculation that they are not happy about that.) So it's anybody's guess whether all that is hype and just suspense bulding or whether it is all the real deal.
Bump. Come on Democrats. The gavel has whacked the podium and the speeches are in full force at the Convention. Surely somebody is watching? Besides me I mean.
I just got a rundown of what's gonna happen tonight...
The speakers will be covering...
Abortion,birth control,immigration...Not illegal aliens but treating them as immigrants...

I was gonna watch some tonight...
But I am outta here..
Watching it. Not very impressed.

Kal Penn was praising Obama for his friends getting jobs.

Lots of anger from these speakers.

Lots of lies about Romney. Not a surprise.

Lots of mindless chanting.
Watching because I have nothing better to do.

God Bless the lady speaking right now. She's gave more to her country than any of the other speakers at the convention.
Here I am baby! Haha.. I love this song.

Not gonna be doing any Michelle Bashing.

She looks very lovely, actually. :thup:
Michelle gave a good speech as these things go. Immediately the leftwing was boasting about how many more tweets she got on Twitter than Ann Romney did. But there have been several good speeches so far with all focused on looking forward, not going backwards to the failed policies of the Republicans, and that taxing the rich is not class welfare. Things like that.

It is curious that so few Democrats and/or Obama supporters have posted on this thread. Nobody is watching?

And a few other curiosities noted so far:

--Virtual apolexy that Bill Clinton is scheduled to speak tonight and the convention organizers still haven't seen his speech and don't have a clue what he is going to say. . . .

--Even the Huffington Post is doing some fact checking on Michelle's speech as not being all that accurate in some areas. . . .

--The fact that "God" and "Jerusalem" have been essentially banished from all Democratic rhetoric. . . .

--The fact that the Democrats are requiring photo I.D. to get into the convention. . . :)

--The fact that the venue for Obama's acceptance speech tomorrow night has been downsized from 60k to 20k. They say because of the weather?????
Never watch the rah-rah sessions. If there is a speach that is referred to as exceptional, then I will get a transcript of it off of the net.
Wanted to watch bubba for a bit but the NFL opens the season with
my NY Giants vs Dallas....

Sorry but I'm gonna be a bit busy
I just got a rundown of what's gonna happen tonight...
The speakers will be covering...
Abortion,birth control,immigration...Not illegal aliens but treating them as immigrants...

I was gonna watch some tonight...
But I am outta here..

Woman woman woman;)
Watching the mayor of LA pretend he was putting forward a voting motion to amend the platform was pure comedy. the yeas and nays were virtually equal and he/they looked like fools.
CHARLOTTE -- “The Democrats opened the second night of their convention by adding God and Jerusalem to their platform, and awaiting the return of Bill Clinton. Approved on a voice vote, the partly platform now mentions God and declares Jerusalem as the capital of Israel -- two previous omissions that had been attacked by Republicans and other political organizations."
Democrats restore God, Jerusalem to platform; await Clinton (CNN Article)

Democrats Restore God, Jerusalem to Platform; await return of Clinton (Image)

Update: I found a good quip related to the flap at the
" Sean Spicer, communications director of the Republican National Committee, mischievously tweeted: `God and Jerusalem booed 3 times on floor of Dem convention - now I get where concern abt light(n)ing tomorrow come from.'
Changing venues and platform flap distract party as Obama seeks to mitigate risks - The Washington Post

I would add that, for an assembly purportedly consisting of God fearing Christians, it is a bit unseemly for them to await the return of Bill Clinton as if it was an event as significant as the return of Jesus Christ.
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Has anyone noticed how odd liberals are? They're looks, expressions..

I'll bet they're all jumping for joy knowing Barney Fwank is on there side for two more months.

He said, The Democrats will pay the price in November for not doing anything about the economy.
Lets hope he's right, even if its only this one time.

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