Hi all...I saw this film and it opens portraying nude high-school girls in a locker-room frolicking, playing, and other is a Horror film rated: R so it is not an Adult stars actress Sissy Spacek so it was a mainstream, "A-movie" and the film was even made into a remake some time in the 1990s or the 2000s.
Was kind of put off by the portrayal of nude high school girls in a locker room, but can anyone who was mature in the 1970s speak on what kind of climate was in the country that an "A-movie" could be rated-R and portray high school girls nude in a high school locker room (showing their full nudity)? :disgusted:
Was kind of put off by the portrayal of nude high school girls in a locker room, but can anyone who was mature in the 1970s speak on what kind of climate was in the country that an "A-movie" could be rated-R and portray high school girls nude in a high school locker room (showing their full nudity)? :disgusted: