That's Racist: White Liberals Dumb Themselves Down While Speaking To Minorities


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Uh, That's Racist: White Liberals Dumb Themselves Down While Speaking To Minorities...Because They Think They're Incompetent

Uh, That's Racist: White Liberals Dumb Themselves Down While Speaking To Minorities...Because They Think They're Incompetent
The Democrats are said to be the party of Jim Crow, black codes, and the Ku Klux Klan—but it’s the GOP that’s racist, or something. These historical debates get the Left and Right going on social media. Yet, a new study just slays the whole notion that liberalism is averse to racism. It’s the seat of irony. The report found that white liberals dumb themselves down while interacting with minorities in order to get along with them (via Yale Insights):
Racial bias can put people of color at a disadvantage when interviewing for a job, buying a house, or interacting with the police. New research suggests that bias may also shape daily interactions between racial minorities and white people, even those whites who tend to be less biased.​
According to new research by Cydney Dupree, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Yale SOM, white liberals tend to downplay their own verbal competence in exchanges with racial minorities, compared to how other white Americans act in such exchanges. The study is scheduled for publication in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.… While many previous studies have examined how people who hold racial bias behave in multi-racial settings, few have studied how whites who are more well-intentioned interact with people of other races. “There’s less work that explores how well-intentioned whites try to get along with racial minorities,” Dupree says. “We wanted to know their strategies for increasing connections between members of different social groups—and how effective these strategies are.”... The team found that Democratic candidates used fewer competence-related words in speeches delivered to mostly minority audiences than they did in speeches delivered to mostly white audiences.

Actually, it's everywhere you look. The bigotry of low expectations. Black people could never find a way to get ID cards. I mean, how racist is that?
I have a last name that sounds “ethnic” so we have gotten mail from banks etc., that were so patronizing it made me sick. We always automatically get the free lunch packet though we don’t qualify. You see how low the expectations are from lefties toward minorities.
Who pushes racial quotas and affirmative action? What are those policies, if not enshrining liberal biases and beliefs about minorities into law? If liberals really believed that minorities are their intellectual equals, they would not insist on affirmative action policies. Quite simply, the liberals that support affirmative action are making a very clear statement that they do not believe that minorities are capable of performing on a level playing field.
The Democrat party is comprised of racist white liberals who use minorities to advance themselves, both politically and professionally.. Sen. Warren‘s false claim to Cherokee heritage serves as a reminder of their poignantly racist exploitations.
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