Thanks to liberal stupidity - rolling blackouts across Texas

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
What a damned shame. No wonder you guys want to secede.
The turbines don`t freeze in Greenland, Finland, Norway, etc.
Wind accounts for only 10% of electric power in Texas. But If screeching about libruls makes you happy, have at it.
Texas electric grid was at the mercy of cold weather - The Washington Post
Eggsactly. We've had a Rue Goldberg klickity klackity pos grid in the whole country and we want to move to all electric vehicles in 30 measly yrs. Will take that long to produce near that capacity.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
What a damned shame. No wonder you guys want to secede.
The turbines don`t freeze in Greenland, Finland, Norway, etc.
Wind accounts for only 10% of electric power in Texas. But If screeching about libruls makes you happy, have at it.
Texas electric grid was at the mercy of cold weather - The Washington Post
Naturally far left assholes at the washington post will blame republicans for everything

the truth is that republicans deserve to be blamed for some of the problems and the onus is on their back to fix it

but without liberal interference from washington and beyond we would have as much coal and nuclear power as needed to compensate for the usual government incompetence that plagues mankind everywhere
That state

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

Well of course, and there will be more of blaming the People as that now-fired moron in MA recently did. This is their next tactic. His mistake was how he put it.

A Massachusetts climate official said people who heat their homes and fuel their cars will need to have their “will” broken in order to combat emissions and climate change.

That statement is incredible.

it just shows how insane the global warming wacko’s really are

I agree, and I wonder how many democrat USMB members would second this insanity.
Well I been doing my part using a donkey as my main transportation mode. It farts and shits a lot so I think the total exhaust is that of a car after ya feed the ole nag.
That state

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

Well of course, and there will be more of blaming the People as that now-fired moron in MA recently did. This is their next tactic. His mistake was how he put it.

A Massachusetts climate official said people who heat their homes and fuel their cars will need to have their “will” broken in order to combat emissions and climate change.

That statement is incredible.

it just shows how insane the global warming wacko’s really are

I agree, and I wonder how many democrat USMB members would second this insanity.
Well I been doing my part using a donkey as my main transportation mode. It farts and shits a lot so I think the total exhaust is that of a car after ya feed the ole nag.

Make sure you carry your six-shooter while riding the ole nag. Can't let anyone insult your mule . . .

but without liberal interference from washington and beyond we would have as much coal and nuclear power as needed to compensate for the usual government incompetence that plagues mankind everywhere
Texas has more than enough power generation. They just can’t use it when it’s cold. That’s not because of the evil liberals. That’s short sightedness on Texas’s part to have a contingency.
All I am going to say is that our political class is enriching themselves from renewable energy lobbyists that results in unnecessary deaths of fellow Americans!

I hate the smell of American FAILURE in the morning!
Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?
We’re blaming the entire liberal green movement that spawned fools like obama into starving America for the energy we need to survive as a nation

Gregg Abbott blames the Natural Gas Freezing. Is he a liberal all of the sudden?

Abbott is on the hot seat and he’s feeling the pressure

when I first heard of natural gas freezing it came from a liberal and I thought they were full of shit

but I looked it up and water vapor in the lines freezes below 32f so now I dont know what to think

that may happen in some isolated cases but it cant explain the rolling blackouts across the state
They should have stockpiled snow shovels and generators in preparation for this event.
I would prefer to tell braindead libs who are freaked out over global warming to shove it and reopen some of those abandoned coal fired power plants that dot the Texas landscape
Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?
We’re blaming the entire liberal green movement that spawned fools like obama into starving America for the energy we need to survive as a nation

Gregg Abbott blames the Natural Gas Freezing. Is he a liberal all of the sudden?

Abbott is on the hot seat and he’s feeling the pressure

when I first heard of natural gas freezing it came from a liberal and I thought they were full of shit

but I looked it up and water vapor in the lines freezes below 32f so now I dont know what to think

that may happen in some isolated cases but it cant explain the rolling blackouts across the state

Back in 2009 when my wife and I RV'd thru the Southwest and Texas, there were convoys of trucks with windmill parts with pilot cars stacked up on I-40 going into Texas. This was 11 years ago! They banked too much on windmills!!
Plenty a Texas politician got well paid!
I never said it would be great I merely pointed out in my first post that the argument posted here has nothing to do with whether your a liberal or conservative.
Hate toward nuclear energy is time-honored liberal position

as is the entire man-made global warming DOOMSDAY hoax that has caused the shortage of energy produced by coal
Mac why don't you get off your high horse and use your god given commonsense if you have any. Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear. I for one would welcome Nuclear energy with new and improved designs and plants but unfortunately there not in favor right now, maybe education would help but will have to wait and see. As usual you say golbal warming is a doomsday hoax, where as the majority of the climate scientist say it's real. I'm a pragmatist and believe that an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The statement about coal is pure bullshit and you know it. As I said before this is not a conservative or liberal problem. If you don't see it or believe it that's your problem.
Another idiot who doesn't now how to read and probably can't think rationally. I never once said Green technology would replace fossil fuels today.
Why, in 2021, are you babbling about 2075?

try to get with the program and discuss our energy problems TODAY not 50 years from now
I am not babbling about 2075, what I said is that by that time,my estimate, fossil fuels would be replaced by green technology. It will be an evolutionary process not revolutionary. If you want to solve the energy problems of 2021 then you need to realize that each state has it's own problems and the energy companies of any state need to be profitable and unfortunately they will do what they think is necessary to supply energy to their customers in such a way that it maximizes their return on investment. If the problem effects you personally then you can think of solutions that provide you power in the event of an outage. If you can't afford one but have a great solution for your utility provider get a sizeable amount of customers to support you and raise hell. I'll leave you again with the fact that this is not a Liberal or Conservative problem but I'm afraid you'll never see that because your like a horse with blinders on.
Each windmill uses 400 gallons of oil to lubricate the gears. Gears are 70% of the windmill. It has to be changed AND they leak! The other 30% of lubricants are things like lithium.
As we're finding out, they also are not reliable.
Welcome to the fallacy of renewable energy and the Green New Deal where we pay more for energy and receive alot less reliability.
We continue to create more problems than we solve in the catchphrases of believe in The SCIENCE AND GOV'T, while Americans unnecessarily die!

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
And the Republican Governor turns to ACTUAL Socialism to save the day:

Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?
We’re blaming the entire liberal green movement that spawned fools like obama into starving America for the energy we need to survive as a nation

Gregg Abbott blames the Natural Gas Freezing. Is he a liberal all of the sudden?

Abbott is on the hot seat and he’s feeling the pressure

when I first heard of natural gas freezing it came from a liberal and I thought they were full of shit

but I looked it up and water vapor in the lines freezes below 32f so now I dont know what to think

that may happen in some isolated cases but it cant explain the rolling blackouts across the state

Back in 2009 when my wife and I RV'd thru the Southwest and Texas, there were convoys of trucks with windmill parts with pilot cars stacked up on I-40 going into Texas. This was 11 years ago! They banked too much on windmills!!
Plenty a Texas politician got well paid!

Less than 20 % of Texas energy is supplied by windpower.
My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.
They dont all and I never said they did

but those that do, along with millions of other people, are not in a position to follow your example
I agree but by 2075 when I'll be long gone green technology will make fossil fuels obsolete. You don't have to agree but you'll be on the losing side. The trend does not follow your position.
Remember, kids, you can make plastics and tens of thousands of other products using only wind- and solar-generated electricity. You don't need hydrocarbon feedstocks at all.
Your correct we need hydrocarbon feedstocks but in the future maybe we wont need oil to make plastics. Here's some interesting reading for you. Can the world make the chemicals it needs without oil?
If it works...awesome.
That would be a far better investment of green energy money.
And when the idea flops and we are sitting in the dark...?
The difference between me -- a rational conservative -- and short-sighted, get-magic-energy-quick liberals is I don't think we should abandon current methods of energy production until new technologies prove feasible, economical, and scalable.

If a new idea doesn't work, abandon it and look elsewhere. Don't bitterly cling to it and insist it's bound to work someday if we just pump more taxpayer money into it.
Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Each windmill uses 400 gallons of oil to lubricate the gears. Gears are 70% of the windmill. It has to be changed AND they leak! The other 30% of lubricants are things like lithium.
As we're finding out, they also are not reliable.
Welcome to the fallacy of renewable energy and the Green New Deal where we pay more for energy and receive alot less reliability.
We continue to create more problems than we solve in the catchphrases of believe in The SCIENCE AND GOV'T, while Americans unnecessarily die!


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