Thanks to liberal stupidity - rolling blackouts across Texas

Wind turbines create internal heat and should not freeze if in use prior to the cold. Also it is tezass who the fork cares?
You just sit in California and be sad.
Why would I be sad? I have great weather and a beautiful state to enjoy unlike tezass where there is nothing but trouble.
Did the fires caused by PG&E's incompetence and corruption ever go out? How about the billions in unfunded pension mandates -- they ever find the money for that? Hey, is that app that maps human shit on the streets of Frisco still up and running, or did it crash from over-use?
Frisco? What is that? Everywhere you step is left with shit from you!
You should perhaps stop, unless you don't mind looking like a moron. Makes no nevermind to me.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
And Obama offered guaranteed federal loans to companies to build nuclear power plants. Not one company accepted the offer. That is when we found out the ACTUAL resistance is none of that, and that a liberal made the only honest effort in 30 years to get a new nuclear power plant built.
Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Here's the answer, if pants-wetting liberals will use some sense for a change.

This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
Cool! Whats the gist of it?
Obama offered guaranteed federal loans to companies to build nuclear power plants. Not one company acvepted the offer.
i bet you dont have a link for thst

but I do

he not only offered $8 bil for two reactors on GA but the offer was accepted

however the left has many ways to block nuclear energy so its a real uphill struggle comparable to building the Keystone pipeline

Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
And Obama offered guaranteed federal loans to companies to build nuclear power plants. Not one company accepted the offer. That is when we found out the ACTUAL resistance is none of that, and that a liberal made the only honest effort in 30 years to get a new nuclear power plant built.
"We supported the first new nuclear power plant in three decades."

So why has it been so long since a license was granted?

Interestingly, the experts we spoke with said it’s not because of bureaucratic hassles or super-stringent rules. Rather, it’s because building new plants is expensive, and the dynamics of the energy market haven’t made new reactors a good deal for energy producers.

The Nuclear Information and Resource Service opposes nuclear energy as "dangerous, dirty and expensive," said executive director Michael Mariotte. It’s the expensive part that’s made for the long wait, he said.

Energy companies have struggled to build plants in a cost-efficient manner, and the Georgia plants are a long way from being finished, he said. The Southern Co. is trying to construct two reactors at once, which makes for more operational complexity.

"If history repeats itself, then they won’t get built. We’ll have to see how much the industry has learned in the past three decades in terms of managing construction costs," he said.

His group is part of a lawsuit to stop the construction, on the grounds that the reactor designs need to be updated with lessons learned from the recent nuclear disaster near Fukushima, Japan. (The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the license on a 4-1 vote; the dissenting vote was cast for that reason.)

A sunnier take on the three-decade wait is that the nuclear industry has been really good at innovating and getting more electricity out of its existing plants. That’s what Steve Kerekes of the pro-nuclear Nuclear Energy Institute told us.

"From essentially a static number of facilities -- a little over 100 --we’ve increased our electricity output roughly 40 percent. That’s the equivalent of nearly 30 new reactors since 1990, and we’ve done that from existing facilities," he said.

Nuclear executives say they would build more plants if the current energy markets were different. The Georgia plant is going forward in a state where regulations allow utilities to bill customers for construction costs before the plant is finished.

By way of contrast, the Illinois-based nuclear energy company Exelon operates in many states where that’s not the case. Exelon executives have said plainly it makes little economic sense for them to build new plants, citing two more factors. First, natural gas prices are very low. Second, Congress has abandoned plans to address global warming through a cap-and-trade system or other attempts to limit carbon emissions from coal-fired electricity generation. Both those things work against the business case for building new reactors. (Exelon executives, by the way, donated to Obama’s 2008 campaign, as we noted in this fact-check.)

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
In Mizzouri and Okiehoma were are just having plan old power outages due to ice and snow and the power plant can't help.
The red state texans have

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
In Mizzouri and Okiehoma were are just having plan old power outages due to ice and snow and the power plant can't help.
The red state texans took the cheapest bid, and their belief that human influence on climate change is a hoax, let their denial rule, so no provisions for severe weather were included.

Naturally, the stupid right-wingers would blame liberals for their own mistakes, so all their bullsh!t along that line is expected, But, will the red state texans learn from this extreme weather event? Not likely.

The red state texans will automatically assume the Polar Vortex, which has grown in magnitude each year, is a singular phenomenon, and once in a lifetime event. Their right-wing nut denial already makes them blind to the strengthening hurricanes and the longer Hurricane Season, so they will make no upgrades or improvements on their substandard power grid. After all, when the sh!t hits the fan, the red state texans can just blame the liberals, as usual, and then snivel to the federal government for help. (That same federal government the red state texans despise.)

Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Here's the answer, if pants-wetting liberals will use some sense for a change.

This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
Cool! Whats the gist of it?
It uses a completely different nuclear fuel and process, and can additionally burn spent nuclear fuel and even fissiles from nuclear weapons. Plus, its waste, even when burning spent fuels and weapons materials, reduces its radioactivity to background levels in just 300 years versus current nuclear waste products.

A meltdown is impossible. The design is scalable from 50 megawatts to 1,200 megawatts.
Obama offered guaranteed federal loans to companies to build nuclear power plants. Not one company acvepted the offer.
i bet you dont have a link for thst

but I do

he not only offered $8 bil for two reactors on GA but the offer was accepted

however the left has many ways to block nuclear energy so its a real uphill struggle comparable to building the Keystone pipeline

Excellent, thank you. I either never saw or had forgotten that a company accepted the offer.
Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Here's the answer, if pants-wetting liberals will use some sense for a change.

This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
Cool! Whats the gist of it?
It uses a completely different nuclear fuel and process, and can additionally burn spent nuclear fuel and even fissiles from nuclear weapons. Plus, its waste, even when burning spent fuels and weapons materials, reduces its radioactivity to background levels in just 300 years versus current nuclear waste products.

A meltdown is impossible. The design is scalable from 50 megawatts to 1,200 megawatts.
Sounds amazing, will read more. 100 years since we first split the atom. Imagine where we will be in 100 more. Nuclear and solar are the future, and we should be heavily subsidizing both.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
In Mizzouri and Okiehoma were are just having plan old power outages due to ice and snow and the power plant can't help.
The red state texans have

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
In Mizzouri and Okiehoma were are just having plan old power outages due to ice and snow and the power plant can't help.
The red state texans took the cheapest bid, and their belief that human influence on climate change is a hoax, let their denial rule, so no provisions for severe weather were included.

Naturally, the stupid right-wingers would blame liberals for their own mistakes, so all their bullsh!t along that line is expected, But, will the red state texans learn from this extreme weather event? Not likely.

The red state texans will automatically assume the Polar Vortex, which has grown in magnitude each year, is a singular phenomenon, and once in a lifetime event. Their right-wing nut denial already makes them blind to the strengthening hurricanes and the longer Hurricane Season, so they will make no upgrades or improvements on their substandard power grid. After all, when the sh!t hits the fan, the red state texans can just blame the liberals, as usual, and then snivel to the federal government for help. (That same federal government the red state texans despise.)

No, Hurricanes Are Not Bigger, Stronger and More Dangerous

Meanwhile, I'm curious how you're going to blame insanely-blue-state California's power grid failures on Republicans.
Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Here's the answer, if pants-wetting liberals will use some sense for a change.

This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
Cool! Whats the gist of it?
It uses a completely different nuclear fuel and process, and can additionally burn spent nuclear fuel and even fissiles from nuclear weapons. Plus, its waste, even when burning spent fuels and weapons materials, reduces its radioactivity to background levels in just 300 years versus current nuclear waste products.

A meltdown is impossible. The design is scalable from 50 megawatts to 1,200 megawatts.
Sounds amazing, will read more. 100 years since we first split the atom. Imagine where we will be in 100 more. Nuclear and solar are the future, and we should be heavily subsidizing both.
I'll agree with solar only with the caveat that we have orbital collectors that beam power down to surface rectenna farms.
Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Here's the answer, if pants-wetting liberals will use some sense for a change.

This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
Cool! Whats the gist of it?
It uses a completely different nuclear fuel and process, and can additionally burn spent nuclear fuel and even fissiles from nuclear weapons. Plus, its waste, even when burning spent fuels and weapons materials, reduces its radioactivity to background levels in just 300 years versus current nuclear waste products.

A meltdown is impossible. The design is scalable from 50 megawatts to 1,200 megawatts.
Sounds amazing, will read more. 100 years since we first split the atom. Imagine where we will be in 100 more. Nuclear and solar are the future, and we should be heavily subsidizing both.
I'll agree with solar only with the caveat that we have orbital collectors that beam power down to surface rectenna farms.
I look at solar more on the micro scale. Probably for the same reason. There are places in this country where homes can rely nearly 100% on solar. And places they can't. Every watt from solar is a watt we dont have to build a nuke plant to generate. So i see it as mitigation. Or subsidy. Wind, same, but maybe even less so. (Wind farms in the ocean are not out of the question)

As far as satellites beaming down solar that even efficient? I am guessing it takes several to act like a lens, or something? Wow davie, hitting me with cool tech stuff i havent seen yet.
Hate towards Nuclear energy is supported by most people liberals and conservative because of fear.
Opposition to nuclear energy used to be a liberal hot button issue

liberals were passionately opposed and conservatives did not have enough power to overcome their obstruction
Here's the answer, if pants-wetting liberals will use some sense for a change.

This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
Cool! Whats the gist of it?
It uses a completely different nuclear fuel and process, and can additionally burn spent nuclear fuel and even fissiles from nuclear weapons. Plus, its waste, even when burning spent fuels and weapons materials, reduces its radioactivity to background levels in just 300 years versus current nuclear waste products.

A meltdown is impossible. The design is scalable from 50 megawatts to 1,200 megawatts.
Sounds amazing, will read more. 100 years since we first split the atom. Imagine where we will be in 100 more. Nuclear and solar are the future, and we should be heavily subsidizing both.
I'll agree with solar only with the caveat that we have orbital collectors that beam power down to surface rectenna farms.
I look at solar more on the micro scale. Probably for the same reason. There are places in this country where homes can rely nearly 100% on solar. And places they can't. Every watt from solar is a watt we dont have to build a nuke plant to generate. So i see it as mitigation. Or subsidy. Wind, same, but maybe even less so. (Wind farms in the ocean are not out of the question)
I see wind and solar both as small-scale, point-of-use sources. Someone could live way out in the sticks off the grid as long as he's got a good view of the sun and regular wind.
As far as satellites beaming down solar that even efficient? I am guessing it takes several to act like a lens, or something? Wow davie, hitting me with cool tech stuff i havent seen yet.
It's more efficient than ground solar power, since the sun's always shining in geosynchronous orbit, and there's not atmosphere with its pesky clouds in the way.

Solar Power Stations In Space Could Supply The World With Limitless Energy

This completed array would orbit about 22,000 miles above the Earth and "beam" the energy back down to the surface. The photovoltaic array converts the sunlight into electricity, which in turn is converted into RF electrical power (microwaves) that are beamed wirelessly to ground-based receivers. These would take the form of giant wire nets measuring up to four miles across that could be installed across deserts or farmland or even over lakes.

A solar facility like this could generate a constant flow of 2,000 gigawatts of power, Mankins estimates, compared to the largest solar farm that exists today in Aswan, southern Egypt, that only generates in the region of 1.8 gigawatts.
That is some highly cool shit.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
The failure of the energy companies to properly winterize their equipment is the problem. Turbines in MN, ND, MT are working fine.

Put the blame where it belongs. n the people running the energy companies in TX. They demanded to be free of the US grid eliminating their ability to respond effectively to a major event then got cheap on their equipment. Wind is down but so or gas and others who need water flowing to operate.

Worst part is this is all predictable. They know what types of conditions will cause outages and how the outages will spread. They knew this was possible but elected to ignore the possibility because preparing for the possibility would have cut into profits.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Chimpy Bush and Rick Perry helped push this goofy shit onto Texas.

Fake republicans pushing fake energy solutions.
The red state texans took the cheapest bid, and their belief that human influence on climate change is a hoax, let their denial rule, so no provisions for severe weather were included.
Thats idiocy.

you are just spouting bullshit

it you may not be entirely wrong since it appears that most of the busted windmills were made in joe biden‘s favorite country - china

and a new Ice Age was never predicted by the all-knowing AlGore or the brain damaged Greta Thunberg

they told us to expect burning heat waves and only changed the story when doomsday failed to show up as predicted
Chimpy Bush and Rick Perry helped push this goofy shit onto Texas.
Yes, they did their part to screw up energy production

But the basic problem stems from masses of liberals who fear man-made global warming more than they fear sitting in the dark without electricity

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