Thanks loads, Regressives

My view is the Republican party also had a hand in the fact that their original candidate of choice was destiny politics in the form of Jeb Bush.
Both parties chose to rehash the same names 2 decades later. Bush would have handed the White House to Hillary.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Arguable, but the fact is the problem is not just Hillary, but the Democratic Party itself.

One could easily make an analogy to the again popular Pennywise the Dancing Clown - a shape-shifting monster, alien to all things American, attempting to attract children by offering a free, brightly-colored balloon.
Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?
What cost her the election was a combination of shitting on white people, Obama's anti-America bullshit, and rigging the primaries in her favor. That pissed a lot of white, rust-belt democrats.
What fine and wonderful pander, would Mr. Trump have told the left, if he had won the democratic nomination?
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Arguable, but the fact is the problem is not just Hillary, but the Democratic Party itself.

One could easily make an analogy to the again popular Pennywise the Dancing Clown - a shape-shifting monster, alien to all things American, attempting to attract children by offering a free, brightly-colored balloon.

Hillary won the union vote by 3 points.

In 2012, Obama won that vote by 18 points. Right there alone is a loss of enough votes that cost Hillary those rust belt states.

Trump latched onto the very popular anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade position and that was the ONE BIG DIFFERENCE between him and every other GOP candidate in recent memory.

That's what won him those electoral votes he needed.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
Don't worry, you can still consume male body fluids. It'll be ok. But since you can't get pregnant, why are you so butt hurt over not being able to get an abortion? Be specific!
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

Which states did Hillary lose because she's what you call a regressive?
All of them. She lost cry baby. Go suck your pacifier.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

What you described as " annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors" were a product of Prop. 8 when CA voter's narrowly discriminated against same sex marriage. It was one more stop on the civil rights march, and opposed bigotry by the Authoritarians who choose to legislate morality.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

Oh fuck off Mac.

Nobody ever knows who you are talking about with your little "regressive" tagging, but it is 100% IDIOTIC to blame ANYONE for Trump presidency but the people who voted for Trump in the primaries and the general election.

Admit it, you just like to bitch about "regressives" and will come up with any back-bending rationalization to do it.

You should learn to speak for yourself, child.

I recognize EXACTLY what he is talking about, and until you idiots learn the difference between actual liberalism and your lock-step leftist orthodoxy, our country will continue on its current course.

Good on you..and somehow "regressives" didn't dissuade you.

They also didn't nominate Trump - REPUBLICANS did.
They sure did. And look at perhaps a characteristic of his that animated them probably more than any other: That he wasn't PC. We heard that constantly.

He had no business getting the nomination otherwise.

And plenty of people in the middle clearly felt the same way, even if they didn't say it out loud, because they didn't want to be chastised.

This honest and horrified liberal explains it beautifully:
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?
She was most certainly the most corrupt of a very corrupt party, but you love her anyway.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


For every action there is a reaction.

You cannot tell people who are struggling and suffering that it's all their own fault that America decided they are not good enough to feed their families and pursue their dreams, and then expect them to vote for you. You can't kick people when they are down and then pretend that you represent them. You want to know why Clinton didn't visit the Rustbelt? I'm guessing her team probably felt it would provide an opening for Trump, he could follow her and remind these communities which party ensured their suffering, dictated to them how to raise their families and how to address others. PC run amok, but worse, economic destruction felt broadly.

That's why I have said many times, if Trump keeps his promises you can put anyone on the Democratic side and they will lose. The loyalty he will have gained from these same people he converted if he gets rid of NAFTA, cuts taxes, builds a wall is immeasurable. It will be to the point that those in these communities will pressure others to vote for Trump if they are wavering. He just has to remain that thorn in the side to the establishment, and you will see more anti-old guard candidates winning their districts.

This is a result of over reach. It's happening all over the world, and has been happening in Canada, as in America, for some time. Eventually the backlash occurs.
Seems early in the day for a breakdown thread no? Funny stuff but I mostly agree with you Mac. Lol
I remember seeing a couple of articles right after Trump was elected, that literally talked about ways Ginsburg and Kennedy could stay healthy longer. They literally said, holy shit, we have to keep them going. One suggested following her around with a paramedic.

We could stuff poles up their asses to keep them erect and get Jeff DUN-ham to speak for them.

A little formaldehyde and make up could be applied, liberally, for that real life appearance.

Good on you..and somehow "regressives" didn't dissuade you.

They also didn't nominate Trump - REPUBLICANS did. They had a field of 20 or so candidates and they showed clearly - Trump is where their dead-end right winger movement is at.

This is true, but you can't claim the left didn't help. The final nail in the coffin was Hillary's deplorable remark.

Mac does have a point. You can't go around insulting everybody that may disagree with you and expect to get their vote. I believe America is so sick of the race talk we're about ready to vomit it up. During the 8 years of Obama, you couldn't criticize anything he did without some leftist claiming the opinion was formed because of his color and not because you disagreed with his position.

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