Thanks loads, Regressives

Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
When society celebrates the killing of babies through abortion, and uses abortion as birth control It needs to be outlawed. There are plenty of different birth control methods available today.
The funny part here is that this is one more thread arguing, albeit in an odd way, that Trump did NOT win on his own merits.


Nah, he just walked over a long line of established Republican candidates to get the nomination, and stood next to the doddering old Democrat frump at the debates.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

Oh fuck off Mac.

Nobody ever knows who you are talking about with your little "regressive" tagging, but it is 100% IDIOTIC to blame ANYONE for Trump presidency but the people who voted for Trump in the primaries and the general election.

Admit it, you just like to bitch about "regressives" and will come up with any back-bending rationalization to do it.

You should learn to speak for yourself, child.

I recognize EXACTLY what he is talking about, and until you idiots learn the difference between actual liberalism and your lock-step leftist orthodoxy, our country will continue on its current course.
Unfortunately, the very same narcissism that makes them illiberal authoritarian leftists is what stops them from seeing this.

And, also unfortunately, here we are.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?
She was most certainly the most corrupt of a very corrupt party, but you love her anyway.

Your need to lie is creepy.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?
She was most certainly the most corrupt of a very corrupt party, but you love her anyway.

Your need to lie is creepy.
You mean you don't love the criminal in a pantsuit?

Good on you..and somehow "regressives" didn't dissuade you.

They also didn't nominate Trump - REPUBLICANS did.
They sure did. And look at perhaps a characteristic of his that animated them probably more than any other: That he wasn't PC. We heard that constantly.

He had no business getting the nomination otherwise.

And plenty of people in the middle clearly felt the same way, even if they didn't say it out loud, because they didn't want to be chastised.

This honest and horrified liberal explains it beautifully:

Mac, the problem with Democrats is------->they are no longer Democrats. They take a bunch of fringe positions, stick them together, and create a coalition. They then try and mainstream the fringe positions to make them palatable.

Try asking most people who are Republicans, if they were always Republicans, and know what you get! I used to be a Democrat. Same goes for independents.

The Democratic party is now run by "regressives" as you call them, and are far outside of the mainstream. This is why they attack Trump constantly; and don't think for an instant if it was any other Republican, it wouldn't be the same. They can NOT get the mainstream to vote for them on the issues they push, so their intent is NOT to get vote switching, but rather make the Republican so unpalatable, their voters stay home.

As of right now, there is not 1 Democratic candidate for President, who is NOT a regressive. If Trump were to NOT run for re-election and Pence was the standard bearer, besides California, New York, and Illinois, it would NOT surprise me to see him get almost all of the rest. UNDERSTAND--------->the population is not comfortable with Trump, but they really despise the regressives everywhere but the coasts!
There is an important underlying motive for conservatives not to admit that Trump won because he won so much more of the labor/union vote than previous Republican candidates.

To admit that would be to admit that the conservatives' most sacred view - that presidential candidates need to move to the right to do better -

was thoroughly trashed by Trump. He moved LEFT, not right.
Bernie the leftist was beating Trump in the matchup polls by a higher margin than was Hillary the centrist.
And yet the party you support undermined Bernie and actively worked for his opponent. Yet you still support a this terribly corrupt party. WTF!
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?
She was most certainly the most corrupt of a very corrupt party, but you love her anyway.

Your need to lie is creepy.
You mean you don't love the criminal in a pantsuit?

I've had 8 chances to vote for HRC and never voted for her once.
There is an important underlying motive for conservatives not to admit that Trump won because he won so much more of the labor/union vote than previous Republican candidates.

To admit that would be to admit that the conservatives' most sacred view - that presidential candidates need to move to the right to do better -

was thoroughly trashed by Trump. He moved LEFT, not right.
Yes but you still hate him, even though he is more like you.

Do you have a self hate fetish? Or is it because your leaders tell you what to think?
There is an important underlying motive for conservatives not to admit that Trump won because he won so much more of the labor/union vote than previous Republican candidates.

To admit that would be to admit that the conservatives' most sacred view - that presidential candidates need to move to the right to do better -

was thoroughly trashed by Trump. He moved LEFT, not right.

Another thing that has to seriously be considered was the court appointments. Between the gay marriage ruling and Obama Care, that was enough to place justices at the top of our list.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

The big uproar over Amy Coney is ridiculous. It started over an article that she wrote in the 1990s where she specifically said Catholic Judges have to either put their beliefs to the side or recuse themselves.

Wait...........was Russia behind this article? :disbelief:
YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

again, it wasn't the far left that insisted on putting an unelectable Hillary on the ballot. That ws the Democratic Centrists who insisted on that. even though no one was all that thrilled with her, let's make her the nominee anyway.

You see, Mrs. Clinton was more your kind of Democrat than mine, buddy.

Okay, so one more time, for those playing along at home.

Mitt Romney got 47% of the national vote.
Trump got 46% of the national vote.

Mitt Romney got 59% of the white vote.
Trump got 58% of the white vote.

The needle was not moved because White People weren't pandered to enough. yeah, Hillary should have done a lot more to address the valid concerns of rust belt Americans who longed for Daddy's union job.

But no, at the end of the day, if you were too racist to vote for Obama after Bush fucked up the economy, you were probably also too misogynistic to vote for Mrs. Clinton.

The reason why Mrs. Clinton lost was because too many people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 voted for Gary "Roll your own" Johnson and Jill Commie Stein. Why? Because the media repeated an uncritical narrative that she was corrupt, and she had it int he bag anyway.
Mac, the problem with Democrats is------->they are no longer Democrats.
I would revise that to say that they are no longer LIBERAL, at least those who are clearly in control.

These people convinced themselves that (a) Obama's win in 2008 and (b) national demographics gave them the green light to push their illiberal authoritarian agenda out in the open. But they fucked up. They jumped too soon. And so here we are, with Trump and his judges.

And remember, I didn't come up with the term "Regressives". That was coined by a horrified honest liberal Brit Muslim, and pushed by other honest liberals, from former Young Turk Dave Rubin to the brilliant Sam Harris to Bill Maher.

The Regressives here try to assign that term to me, because they are what they are, fucking liars.
Bernie the leftist was beating Trump in the matchup polls by a higher margin than was Hillary the centrist.
And yet the party you support undermined Bernie and actively worked for his opponent. Yet you still support a this terribly corrupt party. WTF!

I support Bernie's wing of the party.

There is an important underlying motive for conservatives not to admit that Trump won because he won so much more of the labor/union vote than previous Republican candidates.

To admit that would be to admit that the conservatives' most sacred view - that presidential candidates need to move to the right to do better -

was thoroughly trashed by Trump. He moved LEFT, not right.
Yes but you still hate him, even though he is more like you.

Do you have a self hate fetish? Or is it because your leaders tell you what to think?

Bernie the leftist was beating Trump in the matchup polls by a higher margin than was Hillary the centrist.
And yet the party you support undermined Bernie and actively worked for his opponent. Yet you still support a this terribly corrupt party. WTF!

I support Bernie's wing of the party.
Bernie got screwed and yet there were no consequences. Dump that corrupt party.

There is an important underlying motive for conservatives not to admit that Trump won because he won so much more of the labor/union vote than previous Republican candidates.

To admit that would be to admit that the conservatives' most sacred view - that presidential candidates need to move to the right to do better -

was thoroughly trashed by Trump. He moved LEFT, not right.

Another thing that has to seriously be considered was the court appointments. Between the gay marriage ruling and Obama Care, that was enough to place justices at the top of our list.

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

again, it wasn't the far left that insisted on putting an unelectable Hillary on the ballot. That ws the Democratic Centrists who insisted on that. even though no one was all that thrilled with her, let's make her the nominee anyway.

You see, Mrs. Clinton was more your kind of Democrat than mine, buddy.

Okay, so one more time, for those playing along at home.

Mitt Romney got 47% of the national vote.
Trump got 46% of the national vote.

Mitt Romney got 59% of the white vote.
Trump got 58% of the white vote.

The needle was not moved because White People weren't pandered to enough. yeah, Hillary should have done a lot more to address the valid concerns of rust belt Americans who longed for Daddy's union job.

But no, at the end of the day, if you were too racist to vote for Obama after Bush fucked up the economy, you were probably also too misogynistic to vote for Mrs. Clinton.

The reason why Mrs. Clinton lost was because too many people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 voted for Gary "Roll your own" Johnson and Jill Commie Stein. Why? Because the media repeated an uncritical narrative that she was corrupt, and she had it int he bag anyway.

And so, many people say that Trump is NOT really a Republican. He is more of a Democrat..............which he is, if you take the Democratic positions of 15 years ago and before. The only thing that really puts him in the Republican camp, is his stand on abortion. If you doubt me, look it up!

Democrats until recently were---->

1. for blue collar

2. anti trade deals

3. against illegal immigration

4. for free speech

And so, if a DEMOCRAT is actually in the Oval Office, what does that say about who the Democrats actually are today that insist he is all wrong! In essence, the Democrats are now doing FRINGE problems, which they create a constituency out of. They try and cobble together people who want open borders, LGBTQ people, men in womens bathrooms, and a host of off the wall things that have absolutely NOTHING with running a country.

Now, what could possibly go wrong-)
YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

again, it wasn't the far left that insisted on putting an unelectable Hillary on the ballot. That ws the Democratic Centrists who insisted on that. even though no one was all that thrilled with her, let's make her the nominee anyway.

You see, Mrs. Clinton was more your kind of Democrat than mine, buddy.

Okay, so one more time, for those playing along at home.

Mitt Romney got 47% of the national vote.
Trump got 46% of the national vote.

Mitt Romney got 59% of the white vote.
Trump got 58% of the white vote.

The needle was not moved because White People weren't pandered to enough. yeah, Hillary should have done a lot more to address the valid concerns of rust belt Americans who longed for Daddy's union job.

But no, at the end of the day, if you were too racist to vote for Obama after Bush fucked up the economy, you were probably also too misogynistic to vote for Mrs. Clinton.

The reason why Mrs. Clinton lost was because too many people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 voted for Gary "Roll your own" Johnson and Jill Commie Stein. Why? Because the media repeated an uncritical narrative that she was corrupt, and she had it int he bag anyway.

More proof that the far left does not have a clue about their own party. Yet you see they will run the same old debunked far left religious dogma. They just can not admit defeat, just like in 2010 when they lost the house. They can not ever admit to be wrong. They would much rather see the planet burn than admit they are wrong.

They are wrong 99.9% of the time so I guess for them it is easier than having to apologize every they make a post.

Hilary was chosen to step aside and allow the half white man be the nominee in 2008 for the chance to be the nominee in the next available election.

You far left drones do not understand your choices are made for you well in advance. And you play right in to as the little drones you are.

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