Thanks loads, Regressives

Good example, thanks.

Good example of Mac getting bitch-slapped by reality.

I never have to name names. You folks always self-identify for me, just as you are here.

You literally can't help yourselves. I expose your behaviors, you jump in to illustrate them for me.

And thanks.

Mac, maybe you need to start a cult of people who agree with you, you seem to have that kind of personality where you need constant validation.

Okay, real world- whole bunch of reasons why Trump won. Archaic electoral system being the main one. Hillary being an awful candidate with no charisma being the second. I think people are also rightfully frustrated with a political system in Washington- both parties- that gets nothing done.

I will even go so far to say Trump actually did tap into a valid concern. People like me, living in the rust belt, looking at the great jobs our parents were able to get because they belonged to a union and could look forward to a pension and be able to enjoy a real middle class lifestyle. (Not that my Dad ever got to the Pension part, as he died at 56 from Asbestos they told him was totally safe to work with.)

What made Trump unacceptable is that he blamed people of color, either in this country or outside of it, for why that isn't the case anymore, because the real reasons- Automation, Corporate Greed, etc. And because it's easier to hate "the other" than to take the steps to adapt to a different world, he won.

This has nothing to do with people who denounce the Islamophobia, Homophobia, Racism and Misogyny Trump played on.

These people wouldn't have hated one iota less if Ann Coulter was allowed to spew her filth on Berkeley Students who are having none of it.
Gosh, all the Regressives are in full agreement!

You dont know what regressive even means.

You simply call everyone that, with no merit.

If you're familiar with the inane style of PoliticalChic on this forum, then you can easily see that Mac is her best imitator.
The fingers in the ears go la la la, la la la, la la la the confirmation bias goes wahh wahh wahh, wahh wahh wahh the dissonance inside goes blah blah blah...allll through the town
ZOMG! you regressives make mac's point over and over again. it is good of you to do so, as mac cannot make a point himself.

Oh, Snap. You are going to Shatter Mac's little self-view as the Only Honest Man in America.

Since the primary intent of his posts is to enflame, he fits the perfect definition of a troll.

why won't he name these so-called Regressives? Because then he risks pinning himself down to specifics, and then risks getting his head handed to him even worse then he already does.

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