Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

But hours went by before trump did anything.
For the 1000th time, how can you have an attack on the Capitol without one single weapon?
For the 1000th time, how can you have an attack on the capital without one single weapon?
We all watched it on TV. The weapons were flag poles, bear spray, fire extinguishers, and there were firearms found later. It was an attack. It was a coup attempt incited by a fat man that could not admit it lost his re-election.

We all watched it on TV. The weapons were flag poles, bear spray, fire extinguishers, and there were firearms found later. It was an attack. It was a coup attempt incited by a fat man that could not admit it lost his re-election.

Oh a flag pole (that was already there). Of course. lol. You leftwingers are starting to believe your own ridiculous story.
I bet the OP watched the whole thing on TV without changing his wet drawers.
The unarmed insurrection lie is so stupid you have to be a progbot to believe it
MAGA is not so smart, are you? That is fine. Go get someone to read my threads to you.
We all watched it on TV. The weapons were flag poles, bear spray, fire extinguishers, and there were firearms found later. It was an attack. It was a coup attempt incited by a fat man that could not admit it lost his re-election.

Funny how the same people who keep going on about other weapons besides guns kill people now act like guns are the only weapons that exist.

But hours went by before trump did anything.
Were the rioters watching TV? How would they have known and why would they care? You people are just plain dumb.

But hours went by before trump did anything.
Oh, you mean the Selfie Stick Riot? I heard that a thousand congress critters were murdered in cold blood with the deadly weapons. THE HORROR! :auiqs.jpg:

But hours went by before trump did anything.

Even his kids were freaking out and trying to get Trump to call it off, but Trump was enjoying the violence.
Having been voted out of office, Trump was content to do nothing and watch America burn to the ground..
Oh, okay. I got it. The Selfie Stick Riot became the FLAMING SELFIE STICK RIOT and all of America burned to ashes. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess the ashes hid all the congress critters' blood on the ground.

Oh, the drama.

begging trump to stop the Capitol attack​

Oh Pleeeaze, Pres. Trump! After telling these people to go down and peacefully support Pence, being baited into the Capitol, incited to riot by FBI plants, and arresting hundreds of people on phony, bogus charges aimed to make J6 look serious, then calling it an insurrection rocking the foundations of democracy, we asked the president to fly over the crowd in a red cape throwing flowers of peace and tell his flock to come on home! It was all Trump's fault! :th_waiting:

Look, shitferbrains, J6 was a set up, another democrat con-- no one is falling for it so you can stop stroking yourself now. We all know the whole thing was a fake, staged event designed to try to hang around Trump so afraid you are of his being reelected you are! My guess: the Dems will wrap up their J6 "investigations" just in time for the midterms hoping to bludgeon the voters with a lot of bogus lies hoping to once again steal an election.

But hours went by before trump did anything.
J6 Reichstag Fire

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