Texas rancher faces $60k in property damage from migrants, says landowners hiring private security

I would rather we just make it easier and simpler for people to come across the border, get a work visa, and work. The bureaucratic red tape is why we have such a problem with people flowing over the border illegally.
its never been easier than it is right now, and what we have from that is an overload,,,
Flag. Foul. Non citizen does NOT mean illegal necessarily. We are speaking about those here illegally.
How do you think those illegals are getting bus and plane tickets? Who is paying for the bottles of water and food they are given? How are child invaders getting meals at school? When sick or injured who pays for their care at the ER. No. They are not all, in their millions, getting jobs. Many times even when working the family will get assistance. Don't try to tell us what it really is. We see it all the time.
How do you think those illegals are getting bus and plane tickets? Who is paying for the bottles of water and food they are given? How are child invaders getting meals at school? When sick or injured who pays for their care at the ER. No. They are not all, in their millions, getting jobs. Many times even when working the family will get assistance. Don't try to tell us what it really is. We see it all the time.

This has all been covered. I never once argued that kids don't get fed. I have pointed out correctly that no one can live here off that.
How do you think those illegals are getting bus and plane tickets? Who is paying for the bottles of water and food they are given? How are child invaders getting meals at school? When sick or injured who pays for their care at the ER. No. They are not all, in their millions, getting jobs. Many times even when working the family will get assistance. Don't try to tell us what it really is. We see it all the time.
Seeking asylum is not a crime. Only right-wingers prefer to be hypocrites and bigots.
its never been easier than it is right now, and what we have from that is an overload,,,

That is absolutely NOT true. Go back 100 years ago when you had Europeans flooding this country through Ellis Island and other ports. They essentially signed their names in a book, got a quick screening for TB, and were sent out on their way.
That is absolutely NOT true. Go back 100 years ago when you had Europeans flooding this country through Ellis Island and other ports. They essentially signed their names in a book, got a quick screening for TB, and were sent out on their way.
OMG your right,,
you have to go back 100 yrs to find something to support your claim,,,

I choose to look at it from a current perspective where millions of current people are without work and living off the government tit like slaves to a master,,

but sure lets let more people come in and overload the system,, what could the harm from that be??
That is absolutely NOT true. Go back 100 years ago when you had Europeans flooding this country through Ellis Island and other ports. They essentially signed their names in a book, got a quick screening for TB, and were sent out on their way.
Europeans did not flood this country, 100 years ago. They were screened for many diseases, including STDs. They had to prove they were self supporting. Either they had money or were able bodied. Many people were deported. We did not let in just anyone.
I choose to look at it from a current perspective where millions of current people are without work and living off the government tit like slaves to a master,,

but sure lets let more people come in and overload the system,, what could the harm from that be??
So isn't that the problem that should be fixed?
OMG your right,,
you have to go back 100 yrs to find something to support your claim,,,

I choose to look at it from a current perspective where millions of current people are without work and living off the government tit like slaves to a master,,

but sure lets let more people come in and overload the system,, what could the harm from that be??
This is the goal.

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