Temperature and Heat are Not the Same Thing?


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014


These are both from Dictionary.com, though the initial definition provided for HEAT had no scientific entries. Scrolling down got me the scientific British definition provided.

For the purposes of this forum and this thread, we're comparing def #1 against def #1.

Temperature is an arbitrary scale used to quantify an instantaneous thermodynamic characteristic of matter and is expressed as a numeric value from any of several arbitrary scales: Fahrenheit, Celsius (aka Centigrade), Rankine (aka Rankin) and Kelvin (both aka Absolute)

The Fahrenheit scale was developed by physicist Daniel Farhrenheit. On it, zero is assigned to the lowest temperature that could be created at that time (1764), which was accomplished with a brine solution of water, ice and ammonium chloride. An upper value of 90 degrees was originally assigned to what Fahreheit believed to be the average temperature of a healthy human body. This was later changed to 96 degrees and finally, after the freezing and boiling points of water at 1 atm pressure were assigned to 32 and 212 degrees respectively, settled at 98.6 as used today. On all these scales, the assignment of two different values determines the 'size' of a unit degree.

Celsius, also know as Centigrade, was developed by Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius in 1742. It was originally called Centigrade, but in 1942 was officially renamed Celsius to honor the astronomer. It is one of the two scales used in the SI (Metric) system. On this scale, 0 is assigned to the freezing point of water and 100 is assigned to the boiling point of water. The Celsius degree is 9/5ths or 1.8 times the size of the Fahrenheit degree. The well known conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius are F = C * (9 / 5) + 32 or C = (F - 32) * (5 / 9).

Finally, there are two absolute scales widely used in thermodynamics: the Kelvin scale and the Rankin scale. Both assign zero to Absolute Zero. Kelvin uses a degree sized identically to a Celsius degree while Rankin uses the Fahrenheit degree. The conversion from Celsius to Kelvin is C = K + 273.15. The conversion from Rankin to Fahrenheit is F = R - 459.67 . To convert between Rankin and Kelvin, one only requires the proportionality: R = K * (9 / 5) and K = R * (5 /9).

I have to run some errands so I will discuss heat in a second post when I return this evening. Feel free to kvetch amongst yourelves.
This is more of that weather-and-climate-are-different desperation.

When they were caught manipulating the data years ago and their answer was, "well, that was for your own good", the scam fell apart. Search for "hockey stick data deception", and you'll probably end up hating the party that likes to fuck kids even more than you do now.

Well, that and being 0 for fucking 41 in climate predictions since 1967.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Gee it's cold here today.

Whatever happened to that "global warming"?
We’re supposed to be 28 tomorrow in Chicago. An hour more sunlight than December, and colder. I want a warmer to explain
We’re supposed to be 28 tomorrow in Chicago. An hour more sunlight than December, and colder. I want a warmer to explain

A high of 23 degrees today with snow flurries this morning, and a low of 9 degrees tonight.

It's so cold I though I saw a woolly mastodon this morning.

Heat, as is seen here in both 1a and 1b, is energy. It is held or stored within matter as an increase in the kinetic energy involved in the Brownian motion of individual atoms and molecules. This kinetic energy is conducted between atoms within and between masses by the electromagnetic forces between the charged particles that make them up. It can also be transferred by the emission and reception of photons. Note that the two definitions in 1A and b differ in that one restricts heat to energy in motion while the other defines it as the energy in a fixed body. Discussions of the nature of heat and of heat transfer can be abstract, complex and nuanced. For instance, conductive heat transfer has historically been considered a massless transfer. But Einstein's E=mC^2 tells us that if energy is transferred, and equivalent mass is also transferred. And transfer of atomic kinetic energy can logically be enabled only by EM forces yet the quantum nature of all transitions at such scales are quantum in nature. A statistical, probabilistic approach to thermodynamics, started by Clausius and Maxwell in 1871, significantly advanced the knowledge and scope of the field of thermodynamics. It is possible to merge the quantum nature of individual transitions into a statistical approach producing a very informed understanding of heat transfer on an atomic scale.

The temperature of matter can be measured in a number of different ways but the two most common are to get some sort of working fluid or test solid into thermal equilibrium with the mass to be measured and use temperature-based changes in their characteristics as the indicator. For instance, the volume of a sample of mercury or alcohol held in a thin glass tube is used to make a thermometer. So can a bimetallic strip which, due to the differing indices of expansion of the two metals of which it is made, flexes as its temperature changes. Electronically, the intensity of IR radiation at a certain frequency or range or set of frequencies can be used. The Stephen Boltzman equation shows us the intensity spectrum of the radiation from materials at given temperatures but the actual emissions of a given body will differ from a theoretical black body according to their emissivity and a substance's emisivity must be known to get an accurate reading from an IR or laser thermometer (the laser is only used to aim the device, not to measure temperature).

So temperature is an arbitrarily-scaled measurement that humans have developed to characterize the thermal energy content of some sample of matter. That content is the kinetic energy of all the atoms and molecules contained in that sample as the whirl and bounce. The nature of the two things; heat and temperature, is analogous to the water in a tank and a meter that tells you its volume. Or it could be your car rolling down the road and the meter in your dash that tells you its speed. One is a form of energy that all matter contains and one is a tool that we have developed to help us understand that energy. They are not the same thing.

Heat, as is seen here in both 1a and 1b, is energy. It is held or stored within matter as an increase in the kinetic energy involved in the Brownian motion of individual atoms and molecules. This kinetic energy is conducted between atoms within and between masses by the electromagnetic forces between the charged particles that make them up. It can also be transferred by the emission and reception of photons. Note that the two definitions in 1A and b differ in that one restricts heat to energy in motion while the other defines it as the energy in a fixed body. Discussions of the nature of heat and of heat transfer can be abstract, complex and nuanced. For instance, conductive heat transfer has historically been considered a massless transfer. But Einstein's E=mC^2 tells us that if energy is transferred, and equivalent mass is also transferred. And transfer of atomic kinetic energy can logically be enabled only by EM forces yet the quantum nature of all transitions at such scales are quantum in nature. A statistical, probabilistic approach to thermodynamics, started by Clausius and Maxwell in 1871, significantly advanced the knowledge and scope of the field of thermodynamics. It is possible to merge the quantum nature of individual transitions into a statistical approach producing a very informed understanding of heat transfer on an atomic scale.

The temperature of matter can be measured in a number of different ways but the two most common are to get some sort of working fluid or test solid into thermal equilibrium with the mass to be measured and use temperature-based changes in their characteristics as the indicator. For instance, the volume of a sample of mercury or alcohol held in a thin glass tube is used to make a thermometer. So can a bimetallic strip which, due to the differing indices of expansion of the two metals of which it is made, flexes as its temperature changes. Electronically, the intensity of IR radiation at a certain frequency or range or set of frequencies can be used. The Stephen Boltzman equation shows us the intensity spectrum of the radiation from materials at given temperatures but the actual emissions of a given body will differ from a theoretical black body according to their emissivity and a substance's emisivity must be known to get an accurate reading from an IR or laser thermometer (the laser is only used to aim the device, not to measure temperature).

So temperature is an arbitrarily-scaled measurement that humans have developed to characterize the thermal energy content of some sample of matter. That content is the kinetic energy of all the atoms and molecules contained in that sample as the whirl and bounce. The nature of the two things; heat and temperature, is analogous to the water in a tank and a meter that tells you its volume. Or it could be your car rolling down the road and the meter in your dash that tells you its speed. One is a form of energy that all matter contains and one is a tool that we have developed to help us understand that energy. They are not the same thing.
How does a thermometer explain energy?

Heat, as is seen here in both 1a and 1b, is energy. It is held or stored within matter as an increase in the kinetic energy involved in the Brownian motion of individual atoms and molecules. This kinetic energy is conducted between atoms within and between masses by the electromagnetic forces between the charged particles that make them up. It can also be transferred by the emission and reception of photons. Note that the two definitions in 1A and b differ in that one restricts heat to energy in motion while the other defines it as the energy in a fixed body. Discussions of the nature of heat and of heat transfer can be abstract, complex and nuanced. For instance, conductive heat transfer has historically been considered a massless transfer. But Einstein's E=mC^2 tells us that if energy is transferred, and equivalent mass is also transferred. And transfer of atomic kinetic energy can logically be enabled only by EM forces yet the quantum nature of all transitions at such scales are quantum in nature. A statistical, probabilistic approach to thermodynamics, started by Clausius and Maxwell in 1871, significantly advanced the knowledge and scope of the field of thermodynamics. It is possible to merge the quantum nature of individual transitions into a statistical approach producing a very informed understanding of heat transfer on an atomic scale.

The temperature of matter can be measured in a number of different ways but the two most common are to get some sort of working fluid or test solid into thermal equilibrium with the mass to be measured and use temperature-based changes in their characteristics as the indicator. For instance, the volume of a sample of mercury or alcohol held in a thin glass tube is used to make a thermometer. So can a bimetallic strip which, due to the differing indices of expansion of the two metals of which it is made, flexes as its temperature changes. Electronically, the intensity of IR radiation at a certain frequency or range or set of frequencies can be used. The Stephen Boltzman equation shows us the intensity spectrum of the radiation from materials at given temperatures but the actual emissions of a given body will differ from a theoretical black body according to their emissivity and a substance's emisivity must be known to get an accurate reading from an IR or laser thermometer (the laser is only used to aim the device, not to measure temperature).

So temperature is an arbitrarily-scaled measurement that humans have developed to characterize the thermal energy content of some sample of matter. That content is the kinetic energy of all the atoms and molecules contained in that sample as the whirl and bounce. The nature of the two things; heat and temperature, is analogous to the water in a tank and a meter that tells you its volume. Or it could be your car rolling down the road and the meter in your dash that tells you its speed. One is a form of energy that all matter contains and one is a tool that we have developed to help us understand that energy. They are not the same thing.

Obviously a fake. There is no entry for "heat" in the British dictionary, as it's cold, wet, and rainy there all year.
Obviously a fake. There is no entry for "heat" in the British dictionary, as it's cold, wet, and rainy there all year.
Why is there little heat in full sunlight? 28 today in Chicago. Sunlight produces energy
Why is there little heat in full sunlight? 28 today in Chicago. Sunlight produces energy

Most of Chicago's heat and energy comes from the gunfire. Maybe there's an ammunition shortage.
Post the quote from your op then
Read the fucking OP

Have you ever considered that it's your constant demands that make everyone here think you're quite the asshole?
Read the fucking OP

Have you ever considered that it's your constant demands that make everyone here think you're quite the asshole?
See, I don’t read minds, so I need you to quote the part you’re referring to
View attachment 766643
View attachment 766644

These are both from Dictionary.com, though the initial definition provided for HEAT had no scientific entries. Scrolling down got me the scientific British definition provided.

For the purposes of this forum and this thread, we're comparing def #1 against def #1.

Temperature is an arbitrary scale used to quantify an instantaneous thermodynamic characteristic of matter and is expressed as a numeric value from any of several arbitrary scales: Fahrenheit, Celsius (aka Centigrade), Rankine (aka Rankin) and Kelvin (both aka Absolute)

The Fahrenheit scale was developed by physicist Daniel Farhrenheit. On it, zero is assigned to the lowest temperature that could be created at that time (1764), which was accomplished with a brine solution of water, ice and ammonium chloride. An upper value of 90 degrees was originally assigned to what Fahreheit believed to be the average temperature of a healthy human body. This was later changed to 96 degrees and finally, after the freezing and boiling points of water at 1 atm pressure were assigned to 32 and 212 degrees respectively, settled at 98.6 as used today. On all these scales, the assignment of two different values determines the 'size' of a unit degree.

Celsius, also know as Centigrade, was developed by Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius in 1742. It was originally called Centigrade, but in 1942 was officially renamed Celsius to honor the astronomer. It is one of the two scales used in the SI (Metric) system. On this scale, 0 is assigned to the freezing point of water and 100 is assigned to the boiling point of water. The Celsius degree is 9/5ths or 1.8 times the size of the Fahrenheit degree. The well known conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius are F = C * (9 / 5) + 32 or C = (F - 32) * (5 / 9).

Finally, there are two absolute scales widely used in thermodynamics: the Kelvin scale and the Rankin scale. Both assign zero to Absolute Zero. Kelvin uses a degree sized identically to a Celsius degree while Rankin uses the Fahrenheit degree. The conversion from Celsius to Kelvin is C = K + 273.15. The conversion from Rankin to Fahrenheit is F = R - 459.67 . To convert between Rankin and Kelvin, one only requires the proportionality: R = K * (9 / 5) and K = R * (5 /9).

I have to run some errands so I will discuss heat in a second post when I return this evening. Feel free to kvetch amongst yourelves.
What the hell do Environmental Wackos like you know about things like this?

You stupid Moon Bats don't even know the difference between a male and female no less anything having to do thermodynamics.

Environmental Wacko definitions:

When it is cold it is weather.

When it is hot it is man made global warming.

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