TED CRUZ: I’m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence!

Cruz is trying to smother his potential rightwing nut primary competition in the crib.

The Senator doesn't have a problem with the bill because it protects religious freedom without allowing discrimination.

It's to prevent government over reach.

For crying out loud, Clinton signed the Federal RFRA 22 freaking years ago.

You can't protect religious 'freedom' without allowing discrimination when the religious are claiming it's part of their religion to discriminate.

Apparently, no one has rights except the fundie nutters.
TED CRUZ: I’m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence!
TheRightScoop ^ | 3/30/2015 | Right Scoop

Unlike Scott Walker and more emphatic than Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz enthusiastically supports Gov. Mike Pence and urges all Americans to do the same:

HOUSTON, Texas — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following statement today in support of Governor Mike Pence’s effort to defend religious liberty and protect against the government forcing individuals to violate their deeply held beliefs:

“I want to commend Governor Mike Pence for his support of religious freedom, especially in the face of fierce opposition. There was a time, not too long ago, when defending religious liberty enjoyed strong bipartisan support. Alas, today we are facing a concerted assault on the First Amendment, on the right of every American to seek out and worship God according to the dictates of his or her conscience. Governor Pence is holding the line to protect religious liberty in the Hoosier State. Indiana is giving voice to millions of courageous conservatives across this country who are deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks upon our personal liberties. I’m proud to stand with Mike, and I urge Americans to do the same.”

BOOM! No compromise. No fear.

Read more: TED CRUZ I m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence The Right Scoop -

Ted cruz is the anti-fag!
Really, Jesus Christ wasn't, so I see the pseudo Christians are on the war path to kill someone again...
Cruz is trying to smother his potential rightwing nut primary competition in the crib.

The Senator doesn't have a problem with the bill because it protects religious freedom without allowing discrimination.

It's to prevent government over reach.

For crying out loud, Clinton signed the Federal RFRA 22 freaking years ago.

You can't protect religious 'freedom' without allowing discrimination when the religious are claiming it's part of their religion to discriminate.

Apparently, no one has rights except the fundie nutters.
They have all the rights, it's certain Americans they want to deny freedoms and liberty....to,,,,cause they is a religion of love and forgiveness....Like the Muslims....
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What ever happened to protecting religious freedom?

If we don't protect a person's religious freedom do we get to walk into a delicatessen or a halal store and demand that we are served pork?

Serious question. Because just because pork is against a Jew or Muslim's religious dietary belief it isn't against my Christian faith.

So a deli owner or a halal store would be discriminating against me would they not?

What a stupid analogy.......try again

No it's not. Not at all. I've been listening to lawyers wall to wall rather than coming in and watching the hysteria on the boards. Shit people should freaking chill out.

But everyone's acting like Richard Simmons on meth. The hysteria is insane and I believe is entirely manufactured at this point and being driven by the media.

Step 1: Move along, nothing to see here
Step 2: Blame the liberals
Step 3: Blame the media
Step 4: Accept responsibility for bad legislation

Well, maybe not step 4
What ever happened to protecting religious freedom?

If we don't protect a person's religious freedom do we get to walk into a delicatessen or a halal store and demand that we are served pork?

Serious question. Because just because pork is against a Jew or Muslim's religious dietary belief it isn't against my Christian faith.

So a deli owner or a halal store would be discriminating against me would they not?
Poor analogy.

It wouldn't be discrimination for an establishment to not have a particular item on a menu. You want pork? Then don't go to a place that doesn't have pork.

It would be discriminatory if an establishment refused to serve a customer simply because they don't like the way they look, or because of some perceived lifestyle.
This is such bullshit. And I'm really getting sick of the over the top rhetoric.

These bills have been passed by 20 some odd states now. And the RFRA is almost a mirror image to what Clinton signed in 1993.

All the lies and hype make me want to bazooka barf.

That's the lie tiny, that a bunch of other states drafted laws exactly like this one. Just ask this Fox News Host:

Watch A Fox News Anchor Debunk His Network's Defense Of Indiana's "Religious Freedom" Law

That's why I said "almost mirror image". I can't see the video on dial up. It will take me a week to load it.

From what I understand the Hobby Lobby case changed the game and that's why states are looking at expanding their current RFRA's to include for profit corporations.

Hey don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player here saying straight out that the SCOTUS's ruling opened up Pandora's box.

The hysteria is off the charts and it's bullshit.
I'm tracking that Senator Obama voted FOR Illinois' RFRA in 1998. I'll get a link.

Oh and btw Schumer co sponsored the Federal Bill.
What ever happened to protecting religious freedom?

If we don't protect a person's religious freedom do we get to walk into a delicatessen or a halal store and demand that we are served pork?

Serious question. Because just because pork is against a Jew or Muslim's religious dietary belief it isn't against my Christian faith.

So a deli owner or a halal store would be discriminating against me would they not?

What a stupid analogy.......try again

No it's not. Not at all. I've been listening to lawyers wall to wall rather than coming in and watching the hysteria on the boards. Shit people should freaking chill out.

But everyone's acting like Richard Simmons on meth. The hysteria is insane and I believe is entirely manufactured at this point and being driven by the media.

Step 1: Move along, nothing to see here
Step 2: Blame the liberals
Step 3: Blame the media
Step 4: Accept responsibility for bad legislation

Well, maybe not step 4

Ok, never said #1. Never said #2. Said #3. Why apologize #4.

"Before Indiana, 19 states enacted similar laws, as did the federal government with the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed by President Clinton and passed with only a few opposition votes in Congress. Courts have extended religious freedom protections in another 11 states.

After Mr. Clinton signed the federal act in 1993, “some 19 states followed that, and after last year’s Hobby Lobby case, Indiana properly brought the same version that then-state Sen. Barack Obama voted for in Illinois,” Mr. Pence said."

White House hits Indiana s religious freedom law amid criticism of Obama hypocrisy - Washington Times
Liberals/homosexuals has become so militantly dishonest they are ripping this country apart...they don't mind using companies TO BEAT others over the head for something they don't like. but then turn around and wail about a business not baking a cake for them

it's' become nasty as hell
Of course he does, he is on the losing side of every social issue.

Isn't it cool how they never seem to recognize the avalanche OKA: The massive wall 'trending' toward them?

Sort of reminds me of a Movie I watched recently when the characters are on a far away planet and one refers to the Mountains in the distance and the main character peering out the window says, "Those aren't Mountains, its a WAVE!"
Liberals/homosexuals has become so militantly dishonest they are ripping this country apart...they don't mind using companies TO BEAT others over the head for something they don't like. but then turn around and wail about a business not baking a cake for them

it's' become nasty as hell

Relativism... it's the 'mindset' used exclusively by Evil, for the purveyance OF Evil. And "Tearing Shit Apart" is what it does... from the individuals saddled with it, to the culture they infect through it.
Pence vows to 'fix' religious freedom law, ensure 'no license to discriminate'
Pence vows to fix religious freedom law ensure no license to discriminate Fox News


Guess Pence missed the sign and wants something like a future in politics back.
Such laws put the defenders out front in spotlights.

That will only hurt Cruz and the haters nationally and in all of the purple and blue and in some of the red states.

It helps Cruz....he is in the Clown Car anyway

But it hurts Bush and Walker who are forced to take sides on an issue they wish would just go away

Of course it helps Cruz... as it IS CRUZ. Standing up for GOOD, against EVIL. Taking a stand against the push by deviants to normalize DEVIANCY... OKA: PERVERSION.

No downside to that.
Such laws put the defenders out front in spotlights.

That will only hurt Cruz and the haters nationally and in all of the purple and blue and in some of the red states.

It helps Cruz....he is in the Clown Car anyway

But it hurts Bush and Walker who are forced to take sides on an issue they wish would just go away

Of course it helps Cruz... as it IS CRUZ. Standing up for GOOD, against EVIL. Taking a stand against the push by deviants to normalize DEVIANCY... OKA: PERVERSION.

No downside to that.

No question that Cruz is firmly establishing himself as the driver of the Clown Car
Liberals/homosexuals has become so militantly dishonest they are ripping this country apart...they don't mind using companies TO BEAT others over the head for something they don't like. but then turn around and wail about a business not baking a cake for them

it's' become nasty as hell

Relativism... it's the 'mindset' used exclusively by Evil, for the purveyance OF Evil. And "Tearing Shit Apart" is what it does... from the individuals saddled with it, to the culture they infect through it.
Relativism is why we no longer burn witches, beat women with sticks, children with ropes. It is the real world in which absolutes do not exist. No wonder you abhor it.
What ever happened to protecting religious freedom?

If we don't protect a person's religious freedom do we get to walk into a delicatessen or a halal store and demand that we are served pork?

Serious question. Because just because pork is against a Jew or Muslim's religious dietary belief it isn't against my Christian faith.

So a deli owner or a halal store would be discriminating against me would they not?

What a stupid analogy.......try again

No it's not. Not at all. I've been listening to lawyers wall to wall rather than coming in and watching the hysteria on the boards. Shit people should freaking chill out.

But everyone's acting like Richard Simmons on meth. The hysteria is insane and I believe is entirely manufactured at this point and being driven by the media.

Of course its manufactured. The Left is driving a narrative which says that the Sexually Abnormal are distinct gender, which provides for this new gender the same protections of a special class which protects women and other people of genetic minority... all of which is manufactured as well.

These are known as WEDGES, and these wedges are used to divide the culture... .

The bad news is that if you refuse to stand up against those advocating the wedge, your inaction is assent and the culture is split. If you stand up against them, the culture is split.

So, by their very existence the culture is split, thus to tolerate them, the culture is divided.

So, tolerance is that which destroys the nation. Twisted... huh?

Reality, it can be SUCH a b i t c h .

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