Teacher Arrested For Threatening His Students After Drawing Swastikas

Kids today don't know the significance of the swastika symbol. I suspect there is a lot more to the story.

Suspect there is more to the story? All you need to know is he "allegedly" (since he hasn't been convicted yet) said............

send his daughter to their homes with a baseball bat and would “go scorched earth on them,”

told that class that “all Jews have guns” and that he had 17 in his basement and would “F*** them up.”

“I wish pain on all of you and your families.”

Regardless of the rest of the story that is unacceptable under any circumstances for a teacher to say to their 7th grade class.

It's not uncommon for kids in grade school to draw swastikas, anarchy symbols, (if that's even a thing anymore), FTP, and so on. It's kids being stupid kids, they did it when I was in school 20 years ago. They don't understand it, it's part of a rebellious stage for a lot of kids and the vast majority of them grow out of it.

But regardless, no one should be allowed to be a teacher if they say that shit to students. It shows a lack of stability, and inability to keep ones self composed.
I took away the quotation marks in my title because now even though I'm still torn, with the more details I get, the more it sounds like the teacher was out of line.

Oh well, the teacher was way out of line. But then, we are dealing with the public school system where probably neither the teacher nor the students were ever taught that the swastika on its own is neither offensive nor inoffensive since it can be used and interpreted many different ways, depending on the intent of the user.

So in the end, only idiots are offended by one as it is only just a couple of lines---- it is the people often using them meant to inflict pain on others now in the modern usage which should offend people.

Unfortunately, there is very little real education going on in public schools these days, only INSTRUCTION.
I took away the quotation marks in my title because now even though I'm still torn, with the more details I get, the more it sounds like the teacher was out of line.
Oh well, the teacher was way out of line. But then, we are dealing with the public school system where probably neither the teacher nor the students were ever taught that the swastika on its own is neither offensive nor inoffensive since it can be used and interpreted many different ways, depending on the intent of the user.

So in the end, only idiots are offended by one as it is only just a couple of lines---- it is the people often using them meant to inflict pain on others now in the modern usage which should offend people.

Unfortunately, there is very little real education going on in public schools these days, only INSTRUCTION.

Seeing how the racial demographics of John Long Middle School students are 85% White, 5% Asian, 4% Hispanic, 4% two or more races, and 2% Black, I would ascertain that this poor Jewish schoolteacher was the victim of some of that anti-Semitic "white supremacy" we've been hearing about so much these days.

So then when did it start becoming known as a hate symbol? I guess because Hitler used it?
So then when did it start becoming known as a hate symbol? I guess because Hitler used it?
Although used for the first time by far-right Romanian politician A. C. Cuza as a symbol of international antisemitism prior to World War I, it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck for most of the Western world until the 1930s, when the German Nazi Party adopted the swastika as an emblem of the Aryan race.

Swastika - Wikipedia​

Now students aren't supposed to support Ukraine? Whatever the case this dumbass was out of line and should be fired.
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So Biden and Hitler are a lot alike, otherwise they are plagiarists....lol

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