CDZ Taxing matters

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Just reading a thread on another forum and the poster is saying that tax is extracted "at the point of a gun".

Well obviously it isnt but I understand what he is driving at.

Nobody likes paying taxes but in a civilised society they are inevitable.

What do you think is a legit use of your tax money ?

I will start you off by just listing a couple of things that I hate my tax money being spent on.

Nuclear weapons. - pointless

Government advisors - people we pay to lie to us

Bank bail outs - Too big to fail ?

Royal family - In bred scrounging bastards.

But none of the major parties share my views. So I just have to pay up and get on with it.

The majority of my tax goes on useful stuff.

Health,education,defence,law and order,social security,roads,railways,rubbish removal,law and order , clean water,clean beaches and so on. So to balance out the crap there are a lot of positives that I get from taxation.

So what should your tax money go on and what could you do without ?
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?
I can't believe the UK still has a royal family, like your living in a fucking fairy tale
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Where will you educate them ?
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Where will you educate them ?

I won't. They will educate themselves just like anyone else, at a school or university.
Tax should go mainly to military to keep us safe from threats abroad, and department of justice (courts, officers, prisons) to keep us safe from thugs at home.
Small amounts for national parks and Congress funding.

Just about all the rest is useless and should be done away with.
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Where will you educate them ?
in a slave society they would be educated and well fed to a certain degree, its interesting that your posing this question with a picture of a horse, a beast of burden, in your signature, turning the populace into beasts of burden would be their main goal. You would eat just like that horse would eat, and be educated (or trained is probably a better word) just as that horse would be.

Surplus populations would be wiped out through either starvation or execution, and sparing maybe some religious superstitions would be used as food. A secondary class would be promoted to control the lower classes, knights or "whip crackers" who would be slightly more educated but usually not so much that they can't be used as cannon fodder
What about healthcare and infrastructure?

Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Where will you educate them ?

I won't. They will educate themselves just like anyone else, at a school or university.
But there wont be any schools or universities.There wont be busses to take them to school because there wont be any bus drivers and there wont be any teachers to teach them either.
Private and state level.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Where will you educate them ?

I won't. They will educate themselves just like anyone else, at a school or university.
But there wont be any schools or universities.There wont be busses to take them to school because there wont be any bus drivers and there wont be any teachers to teach them either.

I see, in your make believe world only a Federal government can fund such things.
Would the private sector be able to operate without an educated and sickly workforce ?

Who said people wouldn't be educated? Sickly workforce?
Where will you educate them ?

I won't. They will educate themselves just like anyone else, at a school or university.
But there wont be any schools or universities.There wont be busses to take them to school because there wont be any bus drivers and there wont be any teachers to teach them either.

I see, in your make believe world only a Federal government can fund such things.
Its a lot more cost effective for this type of thing. The other option is a patchwork of solutions that work out more expensive for the consumer.

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