Zone1 Take Notes


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I keep reading about fictional blacks who just love how things are now, never think about race and just hate any black person who dares speak out on racism.

But that's not the case.


From a small African-American church to a New Zealand shooting to mass murder after mass murder all done by “white” active shooters, ignorance abounds and they seem to be losing their minds. Or maybe this country is imploding in on itself because what goes around comes around. Either way, whether they are killing others or their own, “white” nationalism is on the rise. But one thing is for sure. Such primal, hateful, misguided and primitive behavior is anything but supremacy – quite the opposite.

The only reason “white supremacy” has even taken root as an ideology is because they came to this land with that attitude as they invaded territory that never belonged to them. They found that oppressing, enslaving, betraying and murdering others made them feel good about themselves. So the invaders got away with what they could not get away with in England. And the “founding fathers” of America barely survived by the skin of their teeth. If they had lost the war against the British, they would have been hung as traitors. This is the history and the foundational poison seed you don’t read about in the history books.

I keep reading about fictional blacks who just love how things are now, never think about race and just hate any black person who dares speak out on racism.

But that's not the case.

View attachment 685338

From a small African-American church to a New Zealand shooting to mass murder after mass murder all done by “white” active shooters, ignorance abounds and they seem to be losing their minds. Or maybe this country is imploding in on itself because what goes around comes around. Either way, whether they are killing others or their own, “white” nationalism is on the rise. But one thing is for sure. Such primal, hateful, misguided and primitive behavior is anything but supremacy – quite the opposite.

The only reason “white supremacy” has even taken root as an ideology is because they came to this land with that attitude as they invaded territory that never belonged to them. They found that oppressing, enslaving, betraying and murdering others made them feel good about themselves. So the invaders got away with what they could not get away with in England. And the “founding fathers” of America barely survived by the skin of their teeth. If they had lost the war against the British, they would have been hung as traitors. This is the history and the foundational poison seed you don’t read about in the history books.

I really would love to see a town hall where Ben Carson has to defend his positions in a room full of black people.

And I wish Kaitlyn Jenner had to do the same in a room full of gays.

But both sides would have to be honest. The reason Republicans love Ben Carson is

1. He doesn't have victim mentality. I bet he thinks "yes racism exists but I didn't let that stop me"
2. Blacks need to clean up their own communities first. Clean them up first then the economic opportunities will come. Not the other way around
3. Fatherlessness is the black communities problem. No one can stop a poor black woman from spreading her legs with a man who can't/won't be a father, hasn't married you, doesn't make enough money to be a provider
4. Most poor ignorant blacks in the ghetto don't make their kids take school seriously and that's why they will grow up to repeat the cycle
5. Lots of successful black people live happily in white neighborhoods.
6. Maybe Ben can see why white people leave when blacks start moving in.
7. Affirmative Action is reverse racism
8. Welfare is keeping blacks on the plantation

I'm more liberal than Ben Carson and Kaitlyn Jenner. And I already know all your arguments to every one of these positions. Doesn't mean there isn't some truth to all of these positions. Yes I see your side of it too but see 1. YOU have victim mentality. Ben Carson thinks so anyways. So do I.
Um, you do know that black men commit most of the mass shootings in America? If you aren't a drug dealer or criminal in inner city poverty plantations your chances of dying from violence of any kind are extremely small.

Claiming white people commit all mass shootings is completely false.

I keep reading about fictional blacks who just love how things are now, never think about race and just hate any black person who dares speak out on racism.

But that's not the case.

View attachment 685338

From a small African-American church to a New Zealand shooting to mass murder after mass murder all done by “white” active shooters, ignorance abounds and they seem to be losing their minds. Or maybe this country is imploding in on itself because what goes around comes around. Either way, whether they are killing others or their own, “white” nationalism is on the rise. But one thing is for sure. Such primal, hateful, misguided and primitive behavior is anything but supremacy – quite the opposite.

The only reason “white supremacy” has even taken root as an ideology is because they came to this land with that attitude as they invaded territory that never belonged to them. They found that oppressing, enslaving, betraying and murdering others made them feel good about themselves. So the invaders got away with what they could not get away with in England. And the “founding fathers” of America barely survived by the skin of their teeth. If they had lost the war against the British, they would have been hung as traitors. This is the history and the foundational poison seed you don’t read about in the history books.

Don't expect white people to do anything more for your people. We will continue to try and gentrify Detroit and bring the black community up but it's never going to be enough for you because even after we've fixed everything, you'll still want reparations. And you're probably not going to get it. Nor do I think it would fix/solve anything. It would just be another stimulus check. Happy now? No? Then get over it.

Right now corporations are looking for sharp hard working black people. You will climb the ladder quickly if you are a black or woman or hispanic/asian/etc. That should be the incentive for the poor ghetto people to tell their kids to go to school and get a college degree and be a good worker and if you are, you will go far.

What are white cons saying on this board? They're anti college. Don't go to college. Education sucks! They're teaching CRT, wokeness, etc. Politicalchic started a threat called Don't Go To College. Listen to how stupid they are. And they complain that corporations are hiring minorities, women or blacks instead of them because of Affirmative Action. Is it that or have white Americans become really stupid from watching Fox, Rush and Reality TV like the Apprentice?

I think corporations like minorities better because we work harder. Plus they need more diversity employees because right now it's like 95% whites. Corporate America is trying to change that. So tell your kids to take school seriously and don't have kids until they can afford them.

I was talking to my friends the other day. None of us have kids. Why? When we were 18 they told us we had to go to college. So we had student debt. Or it cost us a lot to go to school for 4 years. So that put off us having kids for at least 4 years right there minimum. More if you have student debt loans to pay off.

Then they told us sorry, no more pensions. So you have to save at least 10% of your paycheck. This when for 30 years companies barely gave us raises. All the raises went to the CEO.

Then they told us don't expect to get your social security.

So we had to save our asses off if we want to retire at 65, or 62, or 67. Republicans want to raise it to 70, assholes.

So none of us felt like kids were in the cards. Not if we wanted to maintain our quality of lifestyle. So they call us a selfish generation. Fuck them! It's too expensive to have kids.

Since births in the U.S. actually tend to run around 4 million per year, that’s almost like saying nobody had a baby for a year and a half. Figure 1 below shows the difference between the number of babies actually born to moms of each major racial or ethnic group

The lion’s share of “missing babies” would have been born to Hispanic moms. That’s because in 2008, Hispanic moms could expect to have about 2.8 kids on average; now, they can expect to have about 2. Fertility rates declining by almost a third is a huge change, resulting in a loss of 2.7 million Hispanic babies that would otherwise have been born.

Non-Hispanic whites make up the second biggest category of missing babies, with almost 2 million missing births.

So sorry if we tell you to do what we are doing. Don't have kids you can't afford.
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Um, you do know that black men commit most of the mass shootings in America? If you aren't a drug dealer or criminal in inner city poverty plantations your chances of dying from violence of any kind are extremely small.

Claiming white people commit all mass shootings is completely false.

Black Americans are disproportionately impacted by gun violence. They experience 10 times the gun homicides, 18 times the gun assault injuries, and nearly 3 times the fatal shootings by police of white Americans.

Each day on average, 30 Black Americans are killed by guns and more than 110 experience non-fatal injuries. At least every other day, a Black person is shot and killed by police.
2. Blacks need to clean up their own communities first. Clean them up first then the economic opportunities will come. Not the other way around
Funny how opportunity was denied first, from red lining to denial of government guaranteed mortgages. It's a mystery.
Don't expect white people to do anything more for your people. We will continue to try and gentrify Detroit and bring the black community up but it's never going to be enough for you because even after we've fixed everything, you'll still want reparations. And you're probably not going to get it. Nor do I think it would fix/solve anything. It would just be another stimulus check. Happy now? No? Then get over it.
So sorry if we tell you to do what we are doing. Don't have kids you can't afford.
Jesus. Greatest country in the world, eh?
Jesus. Greatest country in the world, eh?

In Germany or Canada it might be easier to have a kid because of socialized medicine but still you can't get rich in Germany like you can in America. Not a lot of Ben Carson's and Kaitlyn Jenner's in Germany.

So yes, America is still the greatest country in the world. It's not perfect.
Funny how opportunity was denied first, from red lining to denial of government guaranteed mortgages. It's a mystery.
I think we are over populated and secretly the people who really run this country knew this 40 years ago and so the economic policies that they have passed have been designed to lower the population.

College is unaffordable, cutting welfare, no jobs, recessions, inflation, low wages, Walmart being our countries largest employer when it used to be GM, cuts to social security, day care and pre school are too expensive, no pensions anymore, telling us not to count on social security,

Who the fuck wants to bring a kid into this world?

It's a fact that men in the black community don't like wearing condoms. So any woman who lets a broke man put his uncovered penis inside her, is responsible for the future poor person they are going to raise. Or criminal/prisoner. Most people in prison didn't grow up with 2 parents in the home.
I really would love to see a town hall where Ben Carson has to defend his positions in a room full of black people.

And I wish Kaitlyn Jenner had to do the same in a room full of gays.

But both sides would have to be honest. The reason Republicans love Ben Carson is

1. He doesn't have victim mentality. I bet he thinks "yes racism exists but I didn't let that stop me"
2. Blacks need to clean up their own communities first. Clean them up first then the economic opportunities will come. Not the other way around
3. Fatherlessness is the black communities problem. No one can stop a poor black woman from spreading her legs with a man who can't/won't be a father, hasn't married you, doesn't make enough money to be a provider
4. Most poor ignorant blacks in the ghetto don't make their kids take school seriously and that's why they will grow up to repeat the cycle
5. Lots of successful black people live happily in white neighborhoods.
6. Maybe Ben can see why white people leave when blacks start moving in.
7. Affirmative Action is reverse racism
8. Welfare is keeping blacks on the plantation

I'm more liberal than Ben Carson and Kaitlyn Jenner. And I already know all your arguments to every one of these positions. Doesn't mean there isn't some truth to all of these positions. Yes I see your side of it too but see 1. YOU have victim mentality. Ben Carson thinks so anyways. So do I.
Ben Carson is the epitome of victim mentality.
Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action.
More whites are on welfare.
And you are the type of liberal conservatives talk about.
I'm black. You're not. You can't tell me squat about black people and assessing white definitions of victimhood is not an accurate portrayal.
No one cares what you or Ben Carson thinks. You need to quit assuming things because white racism hasn't stopped me. But white racism turned Ben Carson from a man with a backbone who fought his way through medical school to a spineless boot licking lawn jockey.
And you are nothing more than an overgrown suburban brat.
Ben Carson is the epitome of victim mentality.
Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action.
More whites are on welfare.
And you are the type of liberal conservatives talk about.
I'm black. You're not. You can't tell me squat about black people and assessing white definitions of victimhood is not an accurate portrayal.
No one cares what you or Ben Carson thinks. You need to quit assuming things because white racism hasn't stopped me. But white racism turned Ben Carson from a man with a backbone who fought his way through medical school to a spineless boot licking lawn jockey.
And you are nothing more than an overgrown suburban brat.

I don't think you know what victim mentality is.

Let's say you are a victim of racism. If you are victim you say, "I'm the loser I am now because of racism. It held me back"

An owner mentality says, "I succeeded despite the racism I endured".

So how is Ben the epitome of victim mentality? First question.

How do white benefit the most from AA? You mean white women? That's true.

I'm the type of liberal conservatives talk about? Do realize white liberals don't COMPLETELY disagree with white conservatives and Ben Carson?

I'm white. You're not. You can't tell me squat about white people. Is this true or false? Trying to see if you are a hypocrite.

No one cares what white liberals, white conservatives and black conservatives think? What you mean is black liberals don't care what anyone else things. Fine. That's why white liberals, white conservative and black conservatives don't hire you. Maybe this is why you get shot by cops so much.
Don't expect white people to do anything more for your people. We will continue to try and gentrify Detroit and bring the black community up but it's never going to be enough for you because even after we've fixed everything, you'll still want reparations. And you're probably not going to get it. Nor do I think it would fix/solve anything. It would just be another stimulus check. Happy now? No? Then get over it.

Right now corporations are looking for sharp hard working black people. You will climb the ladder quickly if you are a black or woman or hispanic/asian/etc. That should be the incentive for the poor ghetto people to tell their kids to go to school and get a college degree and be a good worker and if you are, you will go far.

What are white cons saying on this board? They're anti college. Don't go to college. Education sucks! They're teaching CRT, wokeness, etc. Politicalchic started a threat called Don't Go To College. Listen to how stupid they are. And they complain that corporations are hiring minorities, women or blacks instead of them because of Affirmative Action. Is it that or have white Americans become really stupid from watching Fox, Rush and Reality TV like the Apprentice?

I think corporations like minorities better because we work harder. Plus they need more diversity employees because right now it's like 95% whites. Corporate America is trying to change that. So tell your kids to take school seriously and don't have kids until they can afford them.

I was talking to my friends the other day. None of us have kids. Why? When we were 18 they told us we had to go to college. So we had student debt. Or it cost us a lot to go to school for 4 years. So that put off us having kids for at least 4 years right there minimum. More if you have student debt loans to pay off.

Then they told us sorry, no more pensions. So you have to save at least 10% of your paycheck. This when for 30 years companies barely gave us raises. All the raises went to the CEO.

Then they told us don't expect to get your social security.

So we had to save our asses off if we want to retire at 65, or 62, or 67. Republicans want to raise it to 70, assholes.

So none of us felt like kids were in the cards. Not if we wanted to maintain our quality of lifestyle. So they call us a selfish generation. Fuck them! It's too expensive to have kids.

Since births in the U.S. actually tend to run around 4 million per year, that’s almost like saying nobody had a baby for a year and a half. Figure 1 below shows the difference between the number of babies actually born to moms of each major racial or ethnic group

The lion’s share of “missing babies” would have been born to Hispanic moms. That’s because in 2008, Hispanic moms could expect to have about 2.8 kids on average; now, they can expect to have about 2. Fertility rates declining by almost a third is a huge change, resulting in a loss of 2.7 million Hispanic babies that would otherwise have been born.

Non-Hispanic whites make up the second biggest category of missing babies, with almost 2 million missing births.

So sorry if we tell you to do what we are doing. Don't have kids you can't afford.
If we do what you did, you'd be my slave and your chikdren and grandchildren would be slaves owned by my family for 246 years. Meanwhile we would rape your sisters with punity and sell the children produced from rape. We wold breed you like attle anf kill the undersized and weak stock.

Then after we freed you on paper we would make policies that basically kept you servile. Then if you moved north to places like Detriot, we would burn or destroy your homes unless you decided to live where we put you. Then we would build freeways through your communities,that destroyed the businesses as we moved factories to the suburbs where you can't drive to get a job. Now I can keep going, but as all this was done we would be blind and arrogant about the damage we have done and we would be so delusional that we think we can post screeds of bst with my opinion of what's wrong with white communities as if our opinion is the definitive authoritative fact..

You really don't want us to do things the way whites have done it. And if whites like you keep running your mouths like you have done here, in a few short years you could very well be facing the literal understanding of the verse, WHAT A MAN SOWS, HE SHALL ALSO REAP.
Ben Carson is the epitome of victim mentality.
Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action.
More whites are on welfare.
And you are the type of liberal conservatives talk about.
I'm black. You're not. You can't tell me squat about black people and assessing white definitions of victimhood is not an accurate portrayal.
No one cares what you or Ben Carson thinks. You need to quit assuming things because white racism hasn't stopped me. But white racism turned Ben Carson from a man with a backbone who fought his way through medical school to a spineless boot licking lawn jockey.
And you are nothing more than an overgrown suburban brat.

Let me tell you my brothers story. He was born to two poor Greeks in Detroit. We lived with my grandmother until I was in 4th grade. My dad had no education. He worked for restaurants as a cook. Broke. He experienced racism at job interviews. Co workers told him to go back to his own country. Quit stealing our jobs. We could tell some of our white neighbors didn't like us. We were the foreigners. Long last foreign name. But we made friends with their kids and assimilated. We would never be just like them but we didn't want to be. We liked our ethnicity. We felt like we were better than them and I'm sure they felt they were better than us. We saw a lot of divorce among whites who've been in this country a long time.

Anyways, so we eventually moved out of Detroit. This was important. If we stayed, we'd probably both be blue collar losers. Maybe not. We were hard working. But we moved out to a white community where a lot of our peers were going off to college. So my brother and I went to college. I don't know that we would have thought about college if we stayed in Detroit. The circumstances that led us to college only happened because we were in a good school and our peers were all going off to college. We all wanted to graduate and become the richest or most successful. We saw other kids our age doing great things so we wanted to do great things. In Detroit, very few of the kids are even prepared to go to college because they don't learn very much in Detroit Public Schools.

In 4th grade my counselor told my mom I learned nothing at the Detroit School I went to. Except what she taught me. So step one, if you live in a shit hole in America, you need to get out.

Long story short, my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company now. Of HR. His job is to find diversity candidates. They can't find qualified blacks. And when they do find one, another company steals them away. Its a good time to be an educated black. I know this black woman who works for Google HR. My brother said GIVE ME HER RESUME. She even said the technology industry is not doing well and she wants to find a better job. I even told her that this could be an opportunity to double her pay and move up the ladder by jumping ship. That was 3 weeks ago. I still haven't seen an updated resume.
If we do what you did, you'd be my slave and your chikdren and grandchildren would be slaves owned by my family for 246 years. Meanwhile we would rape your sisters with punity and sell the children produced from rape. We wold breed you like attle anf kill the undersized and weak stock.

Then after we freed you on paper we would make policies that basically kept you servile. Then if you moved north to places like Detriot, we would burn or destroy your homes unless you decided to live where we put you. Then we would build freeways through your communities,that destroyed the businesses as we moved factories to the suburbs where you can't drive to get a job. Now I can keep going, but as all this was done we would be blind and arrogant about the damage we have done and we would be so delusional that we think we can post screeds of bst with my opinion of what's wrong with white communities as if our opinion is the definitive authoritative fact..

You really don't want us to do things the way whites have done it. And if whites like you keep running your mouths like you have done here, in a few short years you could very well be facing the literal understanding of the verse, WHAT A MAN SOWS, HE SHALL ALSO REAP.
I can't disagree with any of that. Being a liberal, I can't deny what you are saying is true.

But forget the past. Right now, companies are looking for blacks to hire. They can't find qualified candidates. But they are in high demand.

Also, right now after the pandemic and the great resignation, a lot of older people retired and so there are a lot of job openings at every level. Any smart hard working black has no excuse today unless they live in a shit hole and I'll say it again, they need to get out.

Slowly Detroit is being fixed up but still any black who's poor and wants to do better should probably move to the suburbs. No one will burn their homes. That's in the past.
I don't think you know what victim mentality is.

Let's say you are a victim of racism. If you are victim you say, "I'm the loser I am now because of racism. It held me back"

An owner mentality says, "I succeeded despite the racism I endured".

So how is Ben the epitome of victim mentality? First question.

How do white benefit the most from AA? You mean white women? That's true.

I'm the type of liberal conservatives talk about? Do realize white liberals don't COMPLETELY disagree with white conservatives and Ben Carson?

I'm white. You're not. You can't tell me squat about white people. Is this true or false? Trying to see if you are a hypocrite.

No one cares what white liberals, white conservatives and black conservatives think? What you mean is black liberals don't care what anyone else things. Fine. That's why white liberals, white conservative and black conservatives don't hire you. Maybe this is why you get shot by cops so much.
I do know. Ypu are the one with the problem.

You want to play stupid. Thete are 5 times more whites thsn blacks, I've been exposed to or around way more whites than you have blacks. I understand whites better than you understand blacks. That's what happens when you have spent much of yor life as one of the only blacks in the room, the team or the company. It is what happens when you are educated in a white mans system. So don't try that with me, because I can tell you.

I had this place figured out long ago when I made that tread called "I was wrong." And you ran in their to congratulate me on seeing the light because I said what you needed to hear. So yes, I can tell you. I got my degrees in sociology, that's the study of social behavior, o yes, I can tell you. You opinion is based on factless drivel. You talk about out of wedlock births? Lol! that one was discredited shortly after Moynihan wrote his garbage.

“In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

I said whites benefit the most from AA. White women are white people. So then Aa is not reverse discrimination. Furthermore white men are 31 percent of the population and are overrepresented in virtually everything. Last, as white women entered higher paying field and married white men who were already the highest paid, that increased white familiy wealth.

“The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

As for your last sentence, nobody cares what a bunch of idiots think when what they think is not based on fact but on their personal biased beliefs. There are many liberals and conservatives who don't believe racially biased crap.

I've run organizations. I work for myself now. The root cause of our problem is white racism.. The Kerner Commission made that determination 54 years ago. This conversation confirms it. You don't know jack squat about what blacks need to do. Whites can't figure out their own problems but those like you sure think you know everything about things you have never faced and bringing up the token black as a representative to validate your crazy was classic. Blacks don't give a damn what Ben Carson thinks, there are other blacks out there doing work besides him. So just because he's your pet black of the mioment doesn't mean diddly to me.

Nice talking to you. I'm putting you back on ignore until you do study the public policies that created the problems.
I keep reading about fictional blacks who just love how things are now, never think about race and just hate any black person who dares speak out on racism.

But that's not the case.

View attachment 685338

From a small African-American church to a New Zealand shooting to mass murder after mass murder all done by “white” active shooters, ignorance abounds and they seem to be losing their minds. Or maybe this country is imploding in on itself because what goes around comes around. Either way, whether they are killing others or their own, “white” nationalism is on the rise. But one thing is for sure. Such primal, hateful, misguided and primitive behavior is anything but supremacy – quite the opposite.

The only reason “white supremacy” has even taken root as an ideology is because they came to this land with that attitude as they invaded territory that never belonged to them. They found that oppressing, enslaving, betraying and murdering others made them feel good about themselves. So the invaders got away with what they could not get away with in England. And the “founding fathers” of America barely survived by the skin of their teeth. If they had lost the war against the British, they would have been hung as traitors. This is the history and the foundational poison seed you don’t read about in the history books.


Prior to, and well after the United States becoming a country--Britain ruled most of the world with a racist hand.
White ruled most of the world--either directly, economically, or both.

England addicted an entire country, China, to opium. They ruled the Indian sub-continent with an iron fist. They milked Africa with no regard for the natives..and with their ships out of Liverpool and Bristol they started and profited from the slave trade--until well after it was made illegal.

What happened in the US was just an extension of what had been going on for a long time. Europeans were very intolerant..and remained so for some time.

White superiority was an unquestioned tenet of faith amongst all white peoples.

We have been crawling slowly out of that muck for generations now...and eventually we'll get there.

I do note that we are speaking in English. Which is to say that as far as cultures go--the English-dominated Western culture is what it is. When the time comes that race becomes no issue--that culture will still dominate in some in the US.

The language you think in predicates how you think..and guides your conclusions.

I note that you say that the founding fathers would have been hanged had they lost..very possible. But they would have been hanged by white racists in furtherance of their white dominance colonialism. I doubt not for a moment that had the English won, the natives would have been in just as much trouble. Slavery? Well, England had no problem with slavery as long as it was not in England--witness Jamaica, Bermuda etc.. Profits were what England was about...and sugar was big money.

Most people in history are just living their lives as best they ascribe a lot of motives that most of the time were never even thought about.

Everyone was doing it..thus they did it too.

Much like today.
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I keep reading about fictional blacks who just love how things are now, never think about race and just hate any black person who dares speak out on racism.

But that's not the case.

View attachment 685338

From a small African-American church to a New Zealand shooting to mass murder after mass murder all done by “white” active shooters, ignorance abounds and they seem to be losing their minds. Or maybe this country is imploding in on itself because what goes around comes around. Either way, whether they are killing others or their own, “white” nationalism is on the rise. But one thing is for sure. Such primal, hateful, misguided and primitive behavior is anything but supremacy – quite the opposite.

The only reason “white supremacy” has even taken root as an ideology is because they came to this land with that attitude as they invaded territory that never belonged to them. They found that oppressing, enslaving, betraying and murdering others made them feel good about themselves. So the invaders got away with what they could not get away with in England. And the “founding fathers” of America barely survived by the skin of their teeth. If they had lost the war against the British, they would have been hung as traitors. This is the history and the foundational poison seed you don’t read about in the history books.

I think it started a few years ago when they realised they were soon not going to be the overall majority with all the privileges which go with that - the people with these fears seem to have gravitated to the Republican Party which has found the right foghorn for them. The economic situation is another problem. In recent years middle class/working class Americans have often found that despite being prepared to work as hard as they can they cannot get a job. Black people have known this situation for a long time. The only people who have seen an improvement in their living standards in the US since the early 80's are the 1%, no that would be more the 0.1% and especially the 001%. America is living under Corporate Power at the moment in a very unequal society getting worse all the time. Corporate Power works well with Fascism as we saw in Germany. Unfortunately a lot of these people will not protest with black people for their rights so instead they fall into the old thing blaming 'the other', It is a dangerous situation.
Funny how opportunity was denied first, from red lining to denial of government guaranteed mortgages. It's a mystery.
Good thing they ended that with the the Community Reinvestment Act & the Housing & Community Development Act so that people with horrible credit could qualify for 100% home financing even though they had never paid back anything in their lives.
So what if it lead directly to the housing crash & recession in 2008?
Giving anybody, regardless of race, a 100% mortgage loan even though they had absolutely horrible credit histories was one of the dumbest things the feds have ever done & it ruined many people.
The Dems were repeatedly warned it would cause problems & they didn't care.

I keep reading about fictional blacks who just love how things are now, never think about race and just hate any black person who dares speak out on racism.

But that's not the case.

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Why do you think fictional blacks just love how things are now, never think about race, and hate any black person who dares speak out on racism?

Why are you trying to make them a part of a monolithic organization that you believe will do better things?

It proves that you are obsessed with white supremacy. White supremacy lives rent free in your head. (new meme idea)
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I do know. Ypu are the one with the problem.

You want to play stupid. Thete are 5 times more whites thsn blacks, I've been exposed to or around way more whites than you have blacks. I understand whites better than you understand blacks. That's what happens when you have spent much of yor life as one of the only blacks in the room, the team or the company. It is what happens when you are educated in a white mans system. So don't try that with me, because I can tell you.

I had this place figured out long ago when I made that tread called "I was wrong." And you ran in their to congratulate me on seeing the light because I said what you needed to hear. So yes, I can tell you. I got my degrees in sociology, that's the study of social behavior, o yes, I can tell you. You opinion is based on factless drivel. You talk about out of wedlock births? Lol! that one was discredited shortly after Moynihan wrote his garbage.

“In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

I said whites benefit the most from AA. White women are white people. So then Aa is not reverse discrimination. Furthermore white men are 31 percent of the population and are overrepresented in virtually everything. Last, as white women entered higher paying field and married white men who were already the highest paid, that increased white familiy wealth.

“The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

As for your last sentence, nobody cares what a bunch of idiots think when what they think is not based on fact but on their personal biased beliefs. There are many liberals and conservatives who don't believe racially biased crap.

I've run organizations. I work for myself now. The root cause of our problem is white racism.. The Kerner Commission made that determination 54 years ago. This conversation confirms it. You don't know jack squat about what blacks need to do. Whites can't figure out their own problems but those like you sure think you know everything about things you have never faced and bringing up the token black as a representative to validate your crazy was classic. Blacks don't give a damn what Ben Carson thinks, there are other blacks out there doing work besides him. So just because he's your pet black of the mioment doesn't mean diddly to me.

Nice talking to you. I'm putting you back on ignore until you do study the public policies that created the problems.
I agree, white women benefit the most from affirmative action. True. They also stay late, come in early and take on the hard assignments.

I hung out with the black lady HR at Google. Not happy with her job. Says they're laying people off. But not her. Notice she still has a job? And my brother says, "SEND ME HER RESUME", so I know a black woman is even better than a white woman as far as affirmative action. And if that's not true, tell the racists like Correll here on USMB who says it's racist. It's not. It's also benefiting women.

Nothing you have said here is untrue except you won't admit your hypocrisy. You know about white community but I can't know about the black community? Bullshit. I grew up with blacks. Eventually I was only 1 of 3 whites in an all black middle school. So I've gone deep under cover.

I was talking about this black lady HR at google I know. She also has not sent me her resume when I told her it could be a huge step up. I could take her from making $100K to $300K possibly and so far 3 weeks no resume sent. She's comfortable. Probably doesn't want to come in early or stay late. She likes where she's at.

So there aren't a lot of qualified minorities in corporate America to become VP's let alone CEO's. CEO? Forget about it. Baby steps. Do yall realize what that takes? I think she does and that's why she hasn't sent me her resume yet.

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