Zone1 Take Notes

I do know. Ypu are the one with the problem.

You want to play stupid. Thete are 5 times more whites thsn blacks, I've been exposed to or around way more whites than you have blacks. I understand whites better than you understand blacks. That's what happens when you have spent much of yor life as one of the only blacks in the room, the team or the company. It is what happens when you are educated in a white mans system. So don't try that with me, because I can tell you.

I had this place figured out long ago when I made that tread called "I was wrong." And you ran in their to congratulate me on seeing the light because I said what you needed to hear. So yes, I can tell you. I got my degrees in sociology, that's the study of social behavior, o yes, I can tell you. You opinion is based on factless drivel. You talk about out of wedlock births? Lol! that one was discredited shortly after Moynihan wrote his garbage.

“In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

I said whites benefit the most from AA. White women are white people. So then Aa is not reverse discrimination. Furthermore white men are 31 percent of the population and are overrepresented in virtually everything. Last, as white women entered higher paying field and married white men who were already the highest paid, that increased white familiy wealth.

“The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

As for your last sentence, nobody cares what a bunch of idiots think when what they think is not based on fact but on their personal biased beliefs. There are many liberals and conservatives who don't believe racially biased crap.

I've run organizations. I work for myself now. The root cause of our problem is white racism.. The Kerner Commission made that determination 54 years ago. This conversation confirms it. You don't know jack squat about what blacks need to do. Whites can't figure out their own problems but those like you sure think you know everything about things you have never faced and bringing up the token black as a representative to validate your crazy was classic. Blacks don't give a damn what Ben Carson thinks, there are other blacks out there doing work besides him. So just because he's your pet black of the mioment doesn't mean diddly to me.

Nice talking to you. I'm putting you back on ignore until you do study the public policies that created the problems.
How does Ben Carson have victim mentality? Are you saying because he's a minority who made it in a white racist society that he sort of has Stockholm syndrome now?
Why do you think fictional blacks just love how things are now, never think about race, and hate any black person who dares speak out on racism?

Why are you trying to make them a part of a monolithic organization that you believe will do better things?

It proves that you are obsessed with white supremacy. White supremacy lives rent free in your head. (new meme idea)
I go to a town that seems to have a lot of successful black people. Farmington, MI, West Bloomfield, MI. Orchard Lake, MI. Most of them made it out of Detroit.

Did whites put them all in the same neighborhoods or did the blacks want to live with other blacks?

I was talking about how black in college seem to self segregate themselves from the white kids. This hurts the black kid because when we graduate, a lot of us help our friends find jobs at the companies who hired us. Blacks are limiting their opportunities by segregating. I went to college with blacks my freshman year. It wasn't us who pushed him away or brainwashed him. The brothers did that. Well, good luck after you graduate. Hopefully your homey will be able to get you an interview with the companies who hire them. I say you're dumb for limiting your opportunities.
How does Ben Carson have victim mentality? Are you saying because he's a minority who made it in a white racist society that he sort of has Stockholm syndrome now?
That is exactly what he’s saying. He hates that blacks who grew up in poverty made smart, responsible choices and thus became successful because it shows that racism does NOT keep blacks down, but rather their own actions.
That is exactly what he’s saying. He hates that blacks who grew up in poverty made smart, responsible choices and thus became successful because it shows that racism does NOT keep blacks down, but rather their own actions.

Racism has and still does hold blacks down, but not as much as they think. And they argue when we tell them they need to change their behavior.

I'm not denying we made them that way. Ignorant. But if they want to get out of poverty, yes, you sort of have to play the game. Sell out. Smile. Show some teeth. And be on time. Companies give black people a lot of slack and I've seen a lot of blacks take advantage of that. And not a lot of them were ever qualified to advance. It is true companies want to promote minorities but they have to want and deserve it. Even if they aren't ready/qualified. They have to have all the work ethics that it takes to be a VP or executive. A lot of late night, weekends.

Will you go to China for 4 years on the drop of a dime? Stuff like that. That's what it takes to manage.
I think it started a few years ago when they realised they were soon not going to be the overall majority with all the privileges which go with that - the people with these fears seem to have gravitated to the Republican Party which has found the right foghorn for them. The economic situation is another problem. In recent years middle class/working class Americans have often found that despite being prepared to work as hard as they can they cannot get a job. Black people have known this situation for a long time. The only people who have seen an improvement in their living standards in the US since the early 80's are the 1%, no that would be more the 0.1% and especially the 001%. America is living under Corporate Power at the moment in a very unequal society getting worse all the time. Corporate Power works well with Fascism as we saw in Germany. Unfortunately a lot of these people will not protest with black people for their rights so instead they fall into the old thing blaming 'the other', It is a dangerous situation.
I think you are flat wrong. While whites may fall from being the majority, they will never be a minority unless you lump all the minorities together.
If we do what you did, you'd be my slave and your chikdren and grandchildren would be slaves owned by my family for 246 years. Meanwhile we would rape your sisters with punity and sell the children produced from rape. We wold breed you like attle anf kill the undersized and weak stock.

Then after we freed you on paper we would make policies that basically kept you servile. Then if you moved north to places like Detriot, we would burn or destroy your homes unless you decided to live where we put you. Then we would build freeways through your communities,that destroyed the businesses as we moved factories to the suburbs where you can't drive to get a job. Now I can keep going, but as all this was done we would be blind and arrogant about the damage we have done and we would be so delusional that we think we can post screeds of bst with my opinion of what's wrong with white communities as if our opinion is the definitive authoritative fact..

You really don't want us to do things the way whites have done it. And if whites like you keep running your mouths like you have done here, in a few short years you could very well be facing the literal understanding of the verse, WHAT A MAN SOWS, HE SHALL ALSO REAP.
Shame on you. Your first paragraph shows your racism toward white people. It shows that you DO blame whites today for slavery. Your last sentence reads like a threat.
“The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do….And that is to destroy the black family.”

–Walter E. Williams, The Wall Street Journal
Ben Carson is the epitome of victim mentality.
Whites have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action.
More whites are on welfare.
And you are the type of liberal conservatives talk about.
I'm black. You're not. You can't tell me squat about black people and assessing white definitions of victimhood is not an accurate portrayal.
No one cares what you or Ben Carson thinks. You need to quit assuming things because white racism hasn't stopped me. But white racism turned Ben Carson from a man with a backbone who fought his way through medical school to a spineless boot licking lawn jockey.
And you are nothing more than an overgrown suburban brat.
Did you ever explain how Ben Carson is the epitome of victim mentality? I believe you are suggesting because he's a sellout uncle tom and denies blacks are treated like second class citizens, you think he has sort of a Stockholm Syndrome? So he's a victim who is now siding with his captors?
So, we all sort of have to do what Ben Carson has done. When we make it out of poverty/middle class, of course we see how hard/unfair things were back when we were poor, but we made it. And yes a lot of these people white or black, forget where they came from once they make it.

And this is a stretch. You are just being stubbord. Ben Carson does not have victim mentality. If he did, he'd still be a poor black living in the ghetto and he would say it's not his fault he's poor. Racist America is why he's poor.

But he has ownership mentality. Despite reality for blacks, he made it. That's ownership mentality. Despite racism, I made it. Owner, not victim.

He has just forgot all the help he got from liberals and government. His mom got welfare. So how can he be against it?
I think it started a few years ago when they realised they were soon not going to be the overall majority with all the privileges which go with that - the people with these fears seem to have gravitated to the Republican Party which has found the right foghorn for them. The economic situation is another problem. In recent years middle class/working class Americans have often found that despite being prepared to work as hard as they can they cannot get a job. Black people have known this situation for a long time. The only people who have seen an improvement in their living standards in the US since the early 80's are the 1%, no that would be more the 0.1% and especially the 001%. America is living under Corporate Power at the moment in a very unequal society getting worse all the time. Corporate Power works well with Fascism as we saw in Germany. Unfortunately a lot of these people will not protest with black people for their rights so instead they fall into the old thing blaming 'the other', It is a dangerous situation.
After the pandemic our economy experienced "The Great Resignation". People who would have worked another 10 years retired. So jobs are plentiful.

Of all the people who quit and went to another job last year, over 60% of them make more today even after factoring in inflation.

So jobs are plentiful and companies are paying more if you take the risk and move to a new company. People who stayed put, most of them did not get raises last year after factoring in inflation. I got a 4% raise last year. That's not keeping up with inflation.

Now consider most of the fortune 500 companies are looking for diversity candidates. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, Arabs, Asians. Good time to be a minority. We need to stop listening to the news. Seems the national news wants unrest. Things seem fine where I live.
Shame on you. Your first paragraph shows your racism toward white people. It shows that you DO blame whites today for slavery. Your last sentence reads like a threat.
White people to this day benefit from a racist society that dates back to slavery. Even if your great great grandpappy didn't own a plantation, you have benefited from a racist society. Your grand parents did, parents did, you did and your kids will and so will their kids.

Just look at corporate board of directors and the executive board rooms. There are no blacks, women, hispanics, arabs, jews, asians. In a country as diverse as ours, how is this possible? It's possible because whites still rule this country.

This is why blacks blame us for slavery. My parents were born in Greece. We were slaves to the Turks. We didn't own any black slaves in America. But we moved here and in 1 generation we started benefiting from a racist society that treats blacks like second class citizens.

Do you see how ghetto blacks act? We made them that way. Do you think they'd be that way if we didn't treat them like second class citizens? When did we stop treating them like second class citizens?

IM2 just gets mad at me because I don't agree with him 100% of the time. He's like a Trump supporter. If any Republican goes against the party they are immediately deemed a RINO. I'm a LINO. Liberal In Name Only. LOL
“The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do….And that is to destroy the black family.”

–Walter E. Williams, The Wall Street Journal
That's s pretty stupid statement..considering that under slavery there WAS no black whatever the massa decreed.
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White people to this day benefit from a racist society that dates back to slavery. Even if your great great grandpappy didn't own a plantation, you have benefited from a racist society. Your grand parents did, parents did, you did and your kids will and so will their kids.

Just look at corporate board of directors and the executive board rooms. There are no blacks, women, hispanics, arabs, jews, asians. In a country as diverse as ours, how is this possible? It's possible because whites still rule this country.

This is why blacks blame us for slavery. My parents were born in Greece. We were slaves to the Turks. We didn't own any black slaves in America. But we moved here and in 1 generation we started benefiting from a racist society that treats blacks like second class citizens.

Do you see how ghetto blacks act? We made them that way. Do you think they'd be that way if we didn't treat them like second class citizens? When did we stop treating them like second class citizens?

IM2 just gets mad at me because I don't agree with him 100% of the time. He's like a Trump supporter. If any Republican goes against the party they are immediately deemed a RINO. I'm a LINO. Liberal In Name Only. LOL
What benefits do you think I have that IM2 doesn’t? He claims to be more successful and harder working, without knowing me or anyone else on these forums.
What benefits do you think I have that IM2 doesn’t? He claims to be more successful and harder working, without knowing me or anyone else on these forums.

Where to start?

How about people's perception of you? Hiring managers are bias. And we see that the demographic that has benefited most from affirmative action is white woman. That's because if a white guy has to hire one of these

black, hispanic, arab, asian or white woman, they prefer working with white women.

Let me give you another example.

Black Americans are disproportionately impacted by gun violence. They experience 10 times the gun homicides, 18 times the gun assault injuries, and nearly 3 times the fatal shootings by police of white Americans. You benefit by not growing up in a society like that. It would mess with your mind.

These are two ways you benefit from a racist society lady.

You broads are funny. You get it when we talk about how men do it to women, like how you make 70 cents for every dollar I make. You get it when it's you. But when we talk about blacks you're suddenly stupid.
I think you are flat wrong. While whites may fall from being the majority, they will never be a minority unless you lump all the minorities together.
Well lets look at what I actually said
years ago when they realised they were soon not going to be the overall majority

The overall majority would mean that there were more whites than there are all other people which I think is the case. However it is estimated that some time in the near future this will not be the case. At that time they would still be the largest group but all the other groups together would be more than them. I never suggested they were going to be a minority.
That's s pretty stupid statement..considering that under slavery there WAS no black whatever the massa decreed.
Isn't that true today? Look at birth rates today. Massa, aka Government, isn't giving people tax credits for having kids. Massa, aka Employer, isn't paying a wage you can afford to have kids. Daycare and college are unaffordable. So when massa doesn't make conditions right, you aren't having families either.

Under the current economic system there will be no families. Save whatever massa decrees. Especially white families. We're having the least kids.
Isn't that true today? Look at birth rates today. Massa, aka Government, isn't giving people tax credits for having kids. Massa, aka Employer, isn't paying a wage you can afford to have kids. Daycare and college are unaffordable. So when massa doesn't make conditions right, you aren't having families either.

Under the current economic system there will be no families. Save whatever massa decrees. Especially white families. We're having the least kids.
So what?

People are not required to procreate.
So what?

People are not required to procreate.
I wish they wouldn't. We're overpopulated if you ask me. I think/hope the government has passed these policies that cause fewer children on purpose.

That's why I hate the new abortion laws. We should be opening up more clinics.

This just pushed abortion to pills instead of clinics. Now you can just take pills for 3 days laying in bed and that's how we will abort in the future.
So what?

People are not required to procreate.
Depends on which state you live in

Fifteen states passed new laws regulating access to abortion in 2022. At least nine states restricted access to abortion in some way. Six states expanded access to the procedure.
Depends on which state you live in

Fifteen states passed new laws regulating access to abortion in 2022. At least nine states restricted access to abortion in some way. Six states expanded access to the procedure.
You can still use birth control
People can still get tubal ligations and vasectomies

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