Swalwell suggests Trump is guilty for taking the Fifth

Yes, and it is the FEDS who have been PROVEN to be lying in everything they say about Trump.

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe anything they claim from then on.

Hello stupid!

The Feds have been proven to be CORRECT in everything they said about Trump. All of his advisors and campaign workers being pleading guilty to and/or being convicted of lying to the FBI, Congress,
The Feds have been proven to be CORRECT in everything they said about Trump. All of his advisors and campaign workers being pleading guilty to and/or being convicted of lying to the FBI, Congress,

No, you little pathological liar you, they have not.
On the advice of council, I am invoking my fifth amendment rights,

Trump finger.jpg
The Feds have been proven to be CORRECT in everything they said about Trump. All of his advisors and campaign workers being pleading guilty to and/or being convicted of lying to the FBI, Congress,
All of them? No. A select few yes, and every one was charged with some technicality that no Democrat would ever have been charged with and not one was charged with anything related to President Trump, his campaign or his administration. It was purely to turn the screws in an effort for them to say something they could use against Trump. None did.

It is the very one sided and politically motivated corrupt application of justice by a corrupt DOJ/FBI that teaches other in their line of fire not to trust them to be fair or honest about anything.
So far not a single person on the left here has even acknowledged, much less commented on, that the A.G. taking Trump's deposition campaigned vigorously and publicly on taking him down. Have acknowledged ANY of the examples furnished where an unscrupulous FBI/DOJ charged innocent people with perjury because they remembered a date or sequence or fact wrong years later.

There is such a thing as being reasonable and in being so dogmatic you choose to be dishonest, vindictive, hateful instead of fair minded or allowing for something other than "he is BAD".
Didn't Trump campaign vigorously to take Hillary down, and lock her up, when he became president of the united states?

what's the difference?
The real question, and the only one that matters, is....

Did Trump break the law, and do what Michael Cohen, claimed he did, by playing with the books?

If he did, and it can be proven in court, then yes, he's guilty.... Just like anyone else would be If they did the same.

If there is no evidence to support it, then he is not guilty.
I know that these stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know a damn thing about anything but not having to tell your accuser anything is a cornerstone of American jurisprudence.

In fact it is even in the Bill of Rights.

I shit you not, Go look it up if you are a Moon Bat that don't believe me.
Didn't Trump campaign vigorously to take Hillary down, and lock her up, when he became president of the united states?

what's the difference?

He made snippy remarks in response to her insults. Both were pretty childish in that regard. But no, he campaigned strongly on Make America Great Again and is on record that he wished no harm come to Hillary. He did say at one point he would do a full investigation of her email improprieties that Comey said were illegal, but once elected he said he was not interested in investigating her. It was never a key point of any kind in his campaign. It was absolutely a key campaign statement the NY AGs campaign and she is trying to make good on it.
While we're on the subject of Eric Swalwell, he quoted Trump today that "Only guilty people take the Fifth' as President Trump took the Fifth rather than answer the N.Y. attorney general's questions.

I don't know. Does that make DJT a hypocrite?

Or is Trump now wiser and understands that people are justified in taking the fifth when they're under siege and persecution by a weaponized DOJ & unscrupulous House members determined to find something, anything they can pretend is heinous enough to destroy somebody? That is especially true in the case of Donald J. Trump. That's how afraid they are he might win the Presidency again.
Swalwell is right. And Trump is definitely a hypocrite;
He wasn't charged with contempt, because the case had gone to court, to determine if he had to turn over the documents to the republicans who nvestigating, or were they covered by executive privilege?

the Judge's decision when the case was litigated, was that Holder had to turn them over to the committee, executive privilege would not cover holding them back, because the public had a right to know, congress had a right to know....

and HE DID turn them all over, at that point.... After the Judge's order.
This is true. But there was no vendetta to get Eric Holder. He was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in their Fast and Furious investigation, but once he released the documents, there was no more effort to get him.

The left is desperate to find something, anything at all, they can use to convict Trump to justify keeping him off the ballot in 2024. In all my very long life now, I have never seen this kind of hatred and efforts to coerce, frame, use any means fair or unfair they can think of to take somebody down. And it isn't just the left. There are some old guard Republicans just as eager to put him down because he initially challenged their doctrines. And as President he demonstrated and would do so again that their approach, their methods in some areas were flawed and counter productive. That not only bruised their egos but sidetracked their long term goals. Liz Cheney, in her father's shadow, is one of them.
He was wrong about the meaning of taking the 5th.
Nah, he was just knee jerk vomiting crybaby nonsense on the spot, just like you do. . And you agreed with him 100%. And now he is taking the 5th to avoid incriminating himself. And you know it. That's the most pathetic thing about your childish act.
Nah, he was just knee jerk vomiting crybaby nonsense on the spot,

Your specialty!
just like you do. .

Nope. You’re just projecting. Again.
And you agreed with him 100%.
Liar. Why do you lie so very very much. I suspect it’s compensation for your micro penis.
And now he is taking the 5th to avoid incriminating himself.

No. He’s taking the 5th to avoid the risk that he might say something which some unscrupulous persecuter might misconstrue
And you know it.

I know you’re wrong. As always.
That's the most pathetic thing about your childish act.
What. Replying to an asshole troll such as you?
While we're on the subject of Eric Swalwell, he quoted Trump today that "Only guilty people take the Fifth' as President Trump took the Fifth rather than answer the N.Y. attorney general's questions.

I don't know. Does that make DJT a hypocrite?

Or is Trump now wiser and understands that people are justified in taking the fifth when they're under siege and persecution by a weaponized DOJ & unscrupulous House members determined to find something, anything they can pretend is heinous enough to destroy somebody? That is especially true in the case of Donald J. Trump. That's how afraid they are he might win the Presidency again.

Trump is only "under siege" because he thinks laws are for other people.

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