Swagger re. UKIP

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
We, meaning our multiple organisations, we have repeatedly offered help to UKIP, which Farage has refused and he's been bullied into actually making public statements about the refusals.

UKIP are a small party, they CANNOT do this on their own, they need a big organisation to help. UKIP at last General Election got 4 million votes and they gained ONE seat, Douglas Carswell. They don't even have that many MEPs. Why? Simply because they're doing this on their own.

They refused to join the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group, this is a group of 36 European political parties, who are anti-EU and anti-Mass Immigration....things that Farage SAYS he's for, yet he doesn't have the courage to join this group.

Why? You should know why, because he's fully Cucked that's why. He allows himself to be bullied by a combination of the Propaganda MSM and The Usual Suspects ie. You Know Who.

Whenever a UKIP candidate or even an MEP tells the truth, the MSM gangs up on them, then Farage has to disassociate himself from this person and then he is forced to demand said person either resign or be pushed off cliff.

This is NOT how a leader acts, this is NOT a strong leader. Farage is a weak leader, leading from behind and being led by the MSM. Farage FRUSTRATES us SO MUCH.

The first thing in life and politics is, NEVER apologise for speaking the TRUTH and NEVER back down. Period.

Now, the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group today began a two-day meeting in Milan, Italy, ALL 36 parties and leaders are there....MANY of these parties, during the past few years our collective organisations have helped get elected, both to the EU Parliament and also to National Governments, either in Coalition or outside Government but that Government must rely completely on the other party to keep the Government in office - Denmark, Poland, Norway, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria to name but a few.

I am supposed to attend this meeting in Milan tomorrow, but I'm not sure at this moment as something else has come up for tomorrow....IF I can re-arrange that, I'll be on plane to Milan tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders will both be addressing the meeting in Milan....Nigel Farage WANTS in his heart to be leaders like them, but his cowardice prevents him from doing so.

Here is the Facebook page about the Milan meeting:

Europe des Nations et des Libertés - France

You if you like can watch the Conference live on Internet here:

Convegno internazionale Più liberi, più forti - Milano, Giovedì 28 gennaio 2016

Here is the key statement from Matteo Salvini from the Lega Nord in Italia, it's from interview he's given to Wirtschafts Blatt:

"Salvini said that they would “also discuss the lifting of sanctions against Russia, which should be regarded as a friend of Europe. We will present our concept of Europe as the current house collapses. We will explain to the 500 million Europeans how we are going to rebuild it.”

COME ON NIGEL, we WANT UKIP to join us, we WANT you to let us help you to be part of this crucial fight....from the inside and NOT from the outside looking in.

Edited to add comments.
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Yet you let a 95 year old German vet who fought in WWII and was a EMT go to trial for war crimes against the Jews. This is unbelievable how anyone affiliated with WWII goes to trial when only following orders. I'm not sure that Muslims are your problem.
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Yet you let a 95 year old German vet who fought in WWII and was a EMT go to trial for war crimes against the Jews. This is unbelievable how anyone affiliated with WWII goes to trial when only following orders. I'm not sure that Muslims are your problem.

Penelope, WE don't LET this grotesque thing happen. Do you think we'd agree to allowing this?

This disgusting happening is because Traitor Bitch Merkel is Cucked by You Know Who, come on, you seem intelligent, you know the bullying and blackmail they use, you also know the Biggest Extortion Racket in History is ALWAYS held levitating Merkel's head.

Don't worry, once Merkel's out, ALL of this crap stops. No more 95 year-olds in prison, no more "oh dear, sorry, guilty, sorry, guilty", no more MONEY. It finishes. They know this, why do you think they're already in panic mode and already beginning to freak and thousands are now all running away to the Man-Made State, it's because they know, the gig is about to be up. That's why.
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Yet you let a 95 year old German vet who fought in WWII and was a EMT go to trial for war crimes against the Jews. This is unbelievable how anyone affiliated with WWII goes to trial when only following orders. I'm not sure that Muslims are your problem.

However, this thread is for the UKIP stuff, so with all due respect, I'd prefer the "other" subject to not invade the thread.

The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.
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The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

I have you on Ignore, I don't wish to read any of your one-line comments.
Hey if you allow your vets to be treated like crap, I don't care.
Greet Wilders is a amazing speaker. You SHOULD go. UKIP is small and young and is not expected to gain ground nor grow a spine. But like anything of VALUE pushing ahead and TAKING ground takes practice and spine.

UKIP will grow IF you nurture it. UKIP will take ground IF you back it. And UKIP WILL be blessed if you pray for it. Germans know a thing or two about getting militant. And I can't think of a better person OR group to get you there. You put the following thingsTOGETHER and you move FORWARD.


That's a NATION, a REAL nation.
Just had a quick look at this and Nige cant join Lucys loons.
There is a problem with one of the existing group members.
Janice Atkinson MEP was turfed out of UKIP for corruption last year.
She was trying to pull an expenses scam on a local restaurant.
Obviously this is no barrier to cosying up with the forces of euro fascism.
Janice is now big mates with french fascist Marine le Pen as the following pic shows.
They would have to kick out Janice to accept Nige who now has his own nazi group.

Janice Atkinson expelled from Ukip over false expenses claims


The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

Most of the German Pow's died in Pow camps and work camps. Millions of jews didn't die. Spruce up on your history. 6 mil is the same no they used in 1917 to 1921. Jews were not innocent in WWII.

The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

Most of the German Pow's died in Pow camps and work camps. Millions of jews didn't die. Spruce up on your history. 6 mil is the same no they used in 1917 to 1921. Jews were not innocent in WWII.

In what country were the "camps" in which German POWs died

The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

Most of the German Pow's died in Pow camps and work camps. Millions of jews didn't die. Spruce up on your history. 6 mil is the same no they used in 1917 to 1921. Jews were not innocent in WWII.

In what country were the "camps" in which German POWs died

The country would be RUSSIA, even basic historical understanding tells this to everyone. RUSSIA German POW's FROM 1941-1953, died in the Russian Gulags until Stalin died in 1953.

Of course MSM doesn't mention this, as it's all the narrative about "evil" Germans, never EVIL Communists.

The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

Most of the German Pow's died in Pow camps and work camps. Millions of jews didn't die. Spruce up on your history. 6 mil is the same no they used in 1917 to 1921. Jews were not innocent in WWII.

My thread was so not meant to be about this stuff, it was designed for UKIP and how we can convince them to let us help them WIN proper elections.

The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

Most of the German Pow's died in Pow camps and work camps. Millions of jews didn't die. Spruce up on your history. 6 mil is the same no they used in 1917 to 1921. Jews were not innocent in WWII.

In what country were the "camps" in which German POWs died

The country would be RUSSIA, even basic historical understanding tells this to everyone. RUSSIA German POW's FROM 1941-1953, died in the Russian Gulags until Stalin died in 1953.

Of course MSM doesn't mention this, as it's all the narrative about "evil" Germans, never EVIL Communists.

Ok------you gpt some stats? ----GERMAN POWs EXTERMINATED IN
WORK CAMPS IN RUSSIA ---------you got some information on the transport
of these MILLIONS of German POWs? --------some pictures of their barracks?
Some pictures of their emaciated dead bodies?--------was it all a big secret?
Go for it mate. Most kippers are pseudo nazis anyway.

I think you will find that this is the neo Marxists and muslims that are Nazi's, just look at the LIES, PROPAGANDA and BLOOD LIBELS you spread about the Jews and Israel. Not many right wing party members have any problems with the Jews, and those that do are soon dealt with. The real Nazis are the likes of the ANL, UAF and hope not hate who employ the thugs from rent a mob and scum-r-us to cause trouble at peaceful marches. The same faces can be seen at PETA and ALF rallies causing trouble.

The vast majority of British people want an end to immigration and those already here sending back when they cause bother. We also want out of Europe and out of the human rights laws that don't work. and we want the Labour party members that allowed the schoolgirls to be raped by muslim gangs to be held accountable and their names made public

The slaughter of millions of Jews is surely deserving of some court time ?

FFS - you think that you lose the power to be shocked.

So when will the left wing be dragged into court for mass murdering 10 million Jews before Hitler ordered it done. Or the muslims who mass murder everyone that does not follow their branch of islam.

Farage had his chance and blew it, in the process he showed that he and his party were showing lip service to the fears and concerns of the British public. This is why he lost, and it was carefully engineered so that the vote would be split and no one party would get an outright majority. The people saw it differently and remembered the labour party and its defence of child rapists and so voted aqgainst them.
Hey if you allow your vets to be treated like crap, I don't care.

He was a war criminal and knew that what he did was wrong, so he deserves to be punished. If it had been muslims he had helped to mass murder you would be screaming for him to be executed on the spot
We, meaning our multiple organisations, we have repeatedly offered help to UKIP, which Farage has refused and he's been bullied into actually making public statements about the refusals.

UKIP are a small party, they CANNOT do this on their own, they need a big organisation to help. UKIP at last General Election got 4 million votes and they gained ONE seat, Douglas Carswell. They don't even have that many MEPs. Why? Simply because they're doing this on their own.

They refused to join the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group, this is a group of 36 European political parties, who are anti-EU and anti-Mass Immigration....things that Farage SAYS he's for, yet he doesn't have the courage to join this group.

Why? You should know why, because he's fully Cucked that's why. He allows himself to be bullied by a combination of the Propaganda MSM and The Usual Suspects ie. You Know Who.

Whenever a UKIP candidate or even an MEP tells the truth, the MSM gangs up on them, then Farage has to disassociate himself from this person and then he is forced to demand said person either resign or be pushed off cliff.

This is NOT how a leader acts, this is NOT a strong leader. Farage is a weak leader, leading from behind and being led by the MSM. Farage FRUSTRATES us SO MUCH.

The first thing in life and politics is, NEVER apologise for speaking the TRUTH and NEVER back down. Period.

Now, the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group today began a two-day meeting in Milan, Italy, ALL 36 parties and leaders are there....MANY of these parties, during the past few years our collective organisations have helped get elected, both to the EU Parliament and also to National Governments, either in Coalition or outside Government but that Government must rely completely on the other party to keep the Government in office - Denmark, Poland, Norway, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria to name but a few.

I am supposed to attend this meeting in Milan tomorrow, but I'm not sure at this moment as something else has come up for tomorrow....IF I can re-arrange that, I'll be on plane to Milan tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders will both be addressing the meeting in Milan....Nigel Farage WANTS in his heart to be leaders like them, but his cowardice prevents him from doing so.

Here is the Facebook page about the Milan meeting:

Europe des Nations et des Libertés - France

You if you like can watch the Conference live on Internet here:

Convegno internazionale Più liberi, più forti - Milano, Giovedì 28 gennaio 2016

Here is the key statement from Matteo Salvini from the Lega Nord in Italia, it's from interview he's given to Wirtschafts Blatt:

"Salvini said that they would “also discuss the lifting of sanctions against Russia, which should be regarded as a friend of Europe. We will present our concept of Europe as the current house collapses. We will explain to the 500 million Europeans how we are going to rebuild it.”

COME ON NIGEL, we WANT UKIP to join us, we WANT you to let us help you to be part of this crucial fight....from the inside and NOT from the outside looking in.

Edited to add comments.

UKIP is about an unorganized guy who wants to do things his way. He doesn't want to be a part of the puzzle, he wants to be the main player. It's always been about Farage and no one else. People voted UKIP because of his charisma and his willingness to say things that weren't exactly true, like Trump does.

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