In Other News, Hitler Won WW2.

That is the result of a decades long propaganda campaign by the Fabian Socialists. They have been trying to convince the world that there is left wing socialism, and right wing socialism. Anyone with a brain can figure out that their goal is socialism no matter what it is called.
To hittle means to affront, abduct, or abase. A hittler is one who affronts, abducts, or abases. The man I believe to be Hitler the vampire did send his disciples to affront and abase me. It depends what you mean by abduct. I mentioned that I suspected he personally joined the Russian Imperial Family's assassins to betray them right to their faces. To "affront" them. He's rude enough to do that TOO.
Aha. An interesting expression for "my enemies", imperialist.

Orban will sell Hungaria in the same way as Lukashenko sold Belarus. Their country has only the name "I". Same with Erdogan, same with Donald Trump, Putin, Xi Jing Ping, Kim-Jong Un and many many others. Fortunatelly most of this I-landers are dead now. But the monsterous Hydra never loses all heads.
What is this "imperialist" crap? I do not think your reality is fact based.
To hittle means to affront, abduct, or abase. A hittler is one who affronts, abducts, or abases. The man I believe to be Hitler the vampire did send his disciples to affront and abase me. It depends what you mean by abduct. I mentioned that I suspected he personally joined the Russian Imperial Family's assassins to betray them right to their faces. To "affront" them. He's rude enough to do that TOO.
Most of the black Americans I know who went against the grain and retained and grew their wealth over successive generations after 1964 have one thing in common: they own large tracts of arable land. Or they did so originally and used that as a springboard to bigger and better things. Land has intrinsic value because it's inherently financially generative. No matter how bad the economy gets you can grow food on it. At minimum this shields you against utter and devastating financial LOSSES. Since the prevailing trend for affluent blacks is regression into poverty over time, these land investments are always a step in the right direction.
Most of the black Americans I know who went against the grain and retained and grew their wealth over successive generations after 1964 have one thing in common: they own large tracts of arable land. Or they did so originally and used that as a springboard to bigger and better things. Land has intrinsic value because it's inherently financially generative. No matter how bad the economy gets you can grow food on it. At minimum this shields you against utter and devastating financial LOSSES. Since the prevailing trend for affluent blacks is regression into poverty over time, these land investments are always a step in the right direction.
Mathematically even, loss prevention is a better strategy for long-term financial growth than merely fighting for financial gain. If you invest $100 that grows by 15% in year one, then shrinks by 5% and repeat, you end up with $119 and change. But if that same $100 grows steadily by 5% annually, you end up with $121. Both accounts grow by an average of 5% annually, but the lossless investment is the most profitable.

Land is the most fundamental and strategic lossless investment, because you need a residence anyway. You don't necessarily need stocks, bonds etc., but you must have a roof over your head. Thus a profitable land investment is also wasteless in the sense that you didn't piss away your housing budget.
Oh the Prussians were ALL anti-Catholic? It wasn't just Bismarck? ...

The anti-Catholicims of the Prussians has a concrete name: "the Prussian culture fight". In this culture fight for example had been used subliminal messages (a mix of lies and truth) ... as for example that sado-maso inquisitors had murdered in the middle ages 2 million women by burning them alive as witches on pyres. You will not undertand a big part of such subliminal messages because to undertand it you need to know a lot about the European history and culture and you need also to know the German language very well to see such structures.

But a part of this subliminal messages dominates still the English speaking world. The truth was only: Yes, witches had been burned! The rest is more or less only "fantasy" or better to say "fanaticismsy". In the middle ages some people believed in witches (pagans) - and very very seldom someone was burned to death ("burned" on reason to exclude someone from the living community of all people as if he had been dead - without to shed blood. This is by the way a parallel reason of the "stoning" in the bronce age. Stoning means to bury someone alive). Whatever. The normal answer to such a form of belief had been: "Do not believe in witches - this are prejudices - witches do not exist!". That's what I say by the way in a similar way to you too "Do not believe in vampires. That's a prejudice! Vampirs do not exist! To believe in vampires is nonsense!"

Indeed not 2 million witches had been burned - but "only" about 50,000 witches. And not only women had been burned but also men (Hexen und Hexer = witches and "sorcerers": Your language has no male form for witches(!)). In the areas where the Catholic inquisitions had been mighty nearly never witches had been burned. But this "sadomaso"-image is still active - for example in discussions about sexual abuse made from catholic clerics.

But this all had not happened in the "dark ages" (how your culture calls the middle ages) but much later. "Catholics" killed in this way about 50% men and 50% women (of also 50% of all this people who had been much less people as the Prussians had propagated). The other 50% of this people had been killed from "Protestants". And indeed only in case of the so called "witch hunt" of the protestants had been murdered about 90% women and only 10% men. Still I have not a big idea why "protestants" made this. One reason could perhaps be that such burnings also had been an attractive horror entertainment.

Most people worldwide - still today - believe in the nonsense of such forms of the Prussian anti-Catholic propaganda from the Pussian culture fight, when the Prussian governemnt tried to eliminate completelly the political influence of the Holy Catholic Church in "their" Germany. The Prussians spreaded the image they had been the religiously most tolerant nation (what's also a mix of truth and lies) while they did not allow the Jesuits for example to go to Prussia and to work for the image of Catholics against such lies.
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... A hittler is one who affronts, abducts, or abases. ...

Hitler is a variant spelling of the surname Hiedler of Hitler's ancestors, which was first used by Adolf Hitler's father Alois Hitler. Hiedler is derived from Hiedl, a word from the Bavarian and Austrian dialect for an underground spring or river.

Source: Hitler (Familie) – Jewiki

A drainage channel is, for example, an underground river.
What is this "imperialist" crap?

Russian, Chinese, American, colonialist, idiot ... and a self-reflexive joke ... Who has enemies has to defend something ... but what do you
'defend' to death except your own empire ¿of wrongness? ... Who will stand in the end? ... You? ...

I do not think

This I think about very most people in the world - including myselve sometimes.

your reality is fact based.

Every reality is fact based.
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Russian, Chinese, American, colonialist, idiot ... and a self-reflexive joke ... Who has enemies has to defend something ... but what do you
'defend' to death except your own empire ¿of wrongness? ... Who will stand in the end? ... You? ...

This I think about very most people in the world - including myselve sometimes.

Every reality is fact based.
We are in a post truth society. Reality does not exist without truth.
Hitler is a variant spelling of the surname Hiedler of Hitler's ancestors, which was first used by Adolf Hitler's father Alois Hitler. Hiedler is derived from Hiedl, a word from the Bavarian and Austrian dialect for an underground spring or river.

Source: Hitler (Familie) – Jewiki

A drainage channel is, for example, an underground river.
So if you're abducted and sold down the river, you've been both hittlered and hiedlered maybe.

For the record my mom has a dysfunctional upbringing. She spent some of her teenaged years in a Catholic orphanage. According to her the nuns who raised her were neither racist because she was black, nor child molesters. Not even close. She enjoyed an idyllic von Trapp family-style lifestyle there. However I think she had articulated some white supremacist sentiments BEFORE she was assigned to that orphanage, because she was impressed with whites' obvious wealth compared to blacks. Regardless of whether SHE was black, she was still rewarded and further invested with skills and opportunities because she favored whites. People are abused in the Catholic system for reasons which may not be apparent until you fully understand the situation.
So if you're abducted and sold down the river, you've been both hittlered and hiedlered maybe.

You are really totally weird. The world is not a subject of the English language. Alois Schicklgruber - the father of Adolf Schicklgruber - knew as less about the name "Hiedler" as you are doing. Otherwise he had not intonated this name of some of his relatives in a wrong way what leaded also to the wrong written form "Hitler". This shows also that Alois Schicklgruber did not say the truth why he liked to use this name.

For the record my mom has a dysfunctional upbringing. She spent some of her teenaged years in a Catholic orphanage. According to her the nuns who raised her were neither racist because she was black, nor child molesters. Not even close. She enjoyed an idyllic von Trapp family-style lifestyle there. However I think she had articulated some white supremacist sentiments BEFORE she was assigned to that orphanage, because she was impressed with whites' obvious wealth compared to blacks. Regardless of whether SHE was black, she was still rewarded and further invested with skills and opportunities because she favored whites. People are abused in the Catholic system for reasons which may not be apparent until you fully understand the situation.

So why is the Catholic church your worst problem?

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The narrative you back is not fact based. It is propaganda.

Which "narrative"? And what do you understand by using the word "propaganda" now? I say what I think. For to say what I think I use my reality simulator - my brain. When this what I'm thinking is correlating with the reality all around then this is for am an indicator that this what I think could be preliminarily true.
What do you speak about at all when you say nothing is true and nothing is real? Why do you suddenly believe in facts? Which facts? The not existing facts? Do you live in a black box? What am I in your black box? Something what god sends to you from another universe so as not to let you despair in your lonely darkness?
Which "narrative"? And what do you understand by using the word "propaganda" now? I say what I think. For to say what I think I use my reality simulator - my brain. When this what I'm thinking is correlating with the reality all around then this is for am an indicator that this what I think could be preliminarily true.
What do you speak about at all when you say nothing is true and nothing is real? Why do you suddenly believe in facts? Which facts? The not existing facts? Do you live in a black box? What am I in your black box? Something what god sends to you from another universe so as not to let you despair in your lonely darkness?
I don't want to play.

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