Susan Rice Pulls Out Of Her Running For US Secretary of State

And you guys keep playing right into it.

That's the point I was trying to get across to you, which you missed. You aren't going to regain power by offending women and minorities. there just aren't enough angry white males to take you over the top in general elections.

McCain and Grahmnn are part of what I consider the "Still Sane" part of the GOP. The grown-ups in the room. But much like Romney, they can't get around the InfoTainment part of Limbaugh and Faux News that really insist this Benghazi business was the most important issue.

Even though you make yourselves look like a bunch of douchebags by going back to it.

Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

You have a warped definition of what beating up means and yeah it's a shame she was expected to think before opening her mouth...a real travesty of justice being required to use one's head.:eusa_eh:
Kerry is used to being very rich and able to get what he wants by arrogantly demanding it. The world is his servant, or at least his wife's servant. What makes him perfect for this regime's top negotiator is that he hates this country almost as much as his boss and can be counted on to not agree to any deal unless it is as detrimental to this nation as possible.
And you guys keep playing right into it.

That's the point I was trying to get across to you, which you missed. You aren't going to regain power by offending women and minorities. there just aren't enough angry white males to take you over the top in general elections.

McCain and Grahmnn are part of what I consider the "Still Sane" part of the GOP. The grown-ups in the room. But much like Romney, they can't get around the InfoTainment part of Limbaugh and Faux News that really insist this Benghazi business was the most important issue.

Even though you make yourselves look like a bunch of douchebags by going back to it.

Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

Who was it beating up on the black woman when democrats were calling Condi Rice an Aunt Jemima?
Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

Who was it beating up on the black woman when democrats were calling Condi Rice an Aunt Jemima?

Daily Kos: Madison DJ Calls Condi Aunt Jemima

No hypocrisy there...:cool:
And you guys keep playing right into it.

That's the point I was trying to get across to you, which you missed. You aren't going to regain power by offending women and minorities. there just aren't enough angry white males to take you over the top in general elections.

McCain and Grahmnn are part of what I consider the "Still Sane" part of the GOP. The grown-ups in the room. But much like Romney, they can't get around the InfoTainment part of Limbaugh and Faux News that really insist this Benghazi business was the most important issue.

Even though you make yourselves look like a bunch of douchebags by going back to it.

Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

Well there is an interesting facet of this. She never did get appointed. So the republicans just beat the crap out of someone who was never appointed. It kind of raises the bar for the crap they have to send at the next person.
Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

Well there is an interesting facet of this. She never did get appointed. So the republicans just beat the crap out of someone who was never appointed. It kind of raises the bar for the crap they have to send at the next person.

She didn't get appointed since she knew she was wrong. Hence she saves face by blaming it on the potential "difficultly of the process"..

There would be no difficulty if there was no lie.
Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

Who was it beating up on the black woman when democrats were calling Condi Rice an Aunt Jemima?

Your point?
Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

Who was it beating up on the black woman when democrats were calling Condi Rice an Aunt Jemima?

Your point?

And yours? :cool:

I sure hope Kerry would get confirmed if appointed. I can't wait to see what the republicans throw at him, again.

The truth would be plenty. John Fucking Kerry is a disgrace. He accused US soldiers of committing atrocities both in Vietnam and, to prove he doesn't learn much, in Iraq as well. He is unqualified for anything other than parking his fatass yacht in places where he can avoid taxes.

You really think any Republican wants to relitigate Iraq at this point?

62% of Americans now think going into Iraq was a mistake. You think the GOP really wants to talk about that right now?

fact is, the GOP senators will grease the skids to get Kerry into State because he's part of the old boys network.

You're either delusional or stupid. Both is most likely.
Yeah, the GOP would like to bring up sound bites of Kerry "supporting our troops" by accusing them of raping women and killing children in Iraq. That has sufficient gravitas for the job.
[ame=]John Kerry says stupid troops stuck in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]John Kerry calls American troops terrorists - YouTube[/ame]

And you guys keep playing right into it.

That's the point I was trying to get across to you, which you missed. You aren't going to regain power by offending women and minorities. there just aren't enough angry white males to take you over the top in general elections.

McCain and Grahmnn are part of what I consider the "Still Sane" part of the GOP. The grown-ups in the room. But much like Romney, they can't get around the InfoTainment part of Limbaugh and Faux News that really insist this Benghazi business was the most important issue.

Even though you make yourselves look like a bunch of douchebags by going back to it.

Yeah they "played right into it". The GOP didn't want her...and...she will not be...pity, really. :cool:

Actually, there were a lot of Dems who didn't want her, either. And you have to wonder how serious Obama was about appointing her.

But you had old white guys beating up the black woman, that's really going to look good when you are telling women how you are their friend in 2016.

You assume that most women and minorities are not capable of rational thought.

Another card from the deck of you need us to do your thinking.

Anyone with a mind understands It has nothing to do with her color or gender,but the left keeps playing too the weak minded.
Susan Rice, like Condi Rice, has more class than 90 of the Senators and 98% of the Congresspeople.
Anger over what Susan Rice did that Sunday morning has ZERO to do with her skin color. For someone to even make that charge illustrates just how out of touch with reality most of the main stream media IS at this point. The truth is...Rice either lied to the American people or she allowed herself to be used as a pawn by others to mislead the American people. Either way she is unfit to serve as Secretary of State.
Anger over what Susan Rice did that Sunday morning has ZERO to do with her skin color. For someone to even make that charge illustrates just how out of touch with reality most of the main stream media IS at this point. The truth is...Rice either lied to the American people or she allowed herself to be used as a pawn by others to mislead the American people. Either way she is unfit to serve as Secretary of State.

David Petraeus: Did President Obama and Susan Rice Lie About Benghazi? The short answer is no. Neither the President nor Susan Rice lied to Congress or the American people.

Rice put many caveats regarding the attack in Benghazi and repeatedly said that information is still coming in but at that point this was the intelligence she was cleared to express to the press and the public at large.

The simplest answer is because the CIA didn’t want to tip off the terrorists, responsible for the attack, that they were on to them and on their tail. In essence the CIA cleared the most benign intelligence report they had for dissemination to the press.

Had Susan Rice or President Barack Obama gone on national, and international, television and stated what the absolute facts of Benghazi were they would both be guilty of treason to the United States of America.

Even the President of the United States can not declassify intelligence as he sees fit and to do so would have been not only illegal but irresponsible.

Petraeus Testifies Obama & Rice Didn't Lie Used Early Declassified Info
Prove the President cannot declassify material. He is the executive administrator of the country, commander of the armed forces, and can do pretty much what he wants.

I think you are wrong on the treason statement.
Prove the President cannot declassify material. He is the executive administrator of the country, commander of the armed forces, and can do pretty much what he wants.

I think you are wrong on the treason statement.

Darth Vadar claimed he and his minion could declassify material on a whim. That right there is reason enough to doubt it.

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