Susan Rice And How The Press Keeps Ignoring Republican Obstructionism


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Once again, the press is turning a blind eye to the unprecedented obstructionism coming from the Republican Party.

In the wake of Ambassador Susan Rice's Capitol Hill meetings with Republican senators this week and the harsh assessment they quickly gave reporters, most new accounts stressed that if Rice were nominated to be secretary of state she would face stiff opposition. Reporters detailed how Republicans were raising objections to Rice's involvement in the controversy surrounding the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi after she was selected to appear on Sunday talk shows to relay the intelligence community's assessment of the attack. (An assessment that was later changed.)

Here's the key fact most press accounts omitted: The GOP continues to engage in unrivaled obstructionism. And its threat to vote down Rice as secretary of state before she's even named likely represents an unparalleled act of partisan defiance.

The extremist maneuver erases decades, if not centuries, of Capitol Hill protocol with regards to allowing a newly elected president to confirm the secretary of state of his choosing. The aggressive GOP attempt to derail Rice's rise also runs counter to how Democrats confirmed Condoleeza Rice as secretary of state, despite outstanding questions about her involvement in selling and planning the Iraq War.

Even more shocking with regards to Susan Rice was the threat this week from Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) that she would try to block any secretary of state nominee, whether it's Rice or someone else, unless the White House provides more answers about Benghazi. (The White House has been providing Benghazi answers for 10 weeks now.)

Ayotte's stunning threat is, without question, the definition of (militant) obstructionism :

One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster.​

More: Susan Rice And How The Press Keeps Ignoring Republican Obstructionism | Blog | Media Matters for America
Actually, that would be the definition of an "obstructionist," not "obstructionism..."

You'd think a "journalist" would know these things...
And how long did the Dem's block pretty much ALL Bush's appointees?

Payback's a bitch. Anyhow, they're mostly a bunch of radical gasbags anyway. Block away.
And how long did the Dem's block pretty much ALL Bush's appointees?

Payback's a bitch. Anyhow, they're mostly a bunch of radical gasbags anyway. Block away.

How many Cabenet level appointees did the Democrats block?

However the worst thing that congress did was to try and stop reccess appointments.
That sure came back to bit them in the ass.........
Uh....she is lucky she isn't going to be charged for lying to Congress.

The SecState job shouldn't be on her mind, maybe getting a lawyer should be.

Only a scumbag liberal would complain someone won't give them a job for being a criminal lying to the face of those that determine who gets the job.
Uh....she is lucky she isn't going to be charged for lying to Congress.

The SecState job shouldn't be on her mind, maybe getting a lawyer should be.

Only a scumbag liberal would complain someone won't give them a job for being a criminal lying to the face of those that determine who gets the job.

Petraeus told Congress that he knew within minutes that a terrorist attack was taking place at the embassy but that there were various reports coming in. At least a couple of the reports claiming that the attack was the result of a Demonstration gone wrong. A sort of copycat style demonstration which mimicked the one taking place in Egypt.

David Petraeus: Did President Obama and Susan Rice Lie About Benghazi?

The short answer is no. Neither the President nor Susan Rice lied to Congress or the American people.

Now tell me Gen. Petraeus is a liar.

Once again, the press is turning a blind eye to the unprecedented obstructionism coming from the Republican Party.

In the wake of Ambassador Susan Rice's Capitol Hill meetings with Republican senators this week and the harsh assessment they quickly gave reporters, most new accounts stressed that if Rice were nominated to be secretary of state she would face stiff opposition. Reporters detailed how Republicans were raising objections to Rice's involvement in the controversy surrounding the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi after she was selected to appear on Sunday talk shows to relay the intelligence community's assessment of the attack. (An assessment that was later changed.)

Here's the key fact most press accounts omitted: The GOP continues to engage in unrivaled obstructionism. And its threat to vote down Rice as secretary of state before she's even named likely represents an unparalleled act of partisan defiance.

The extremist maneuver erases decades, if not centuries, of Capitol Hill protocol with regards to allowing a newly elected president to confirm the secretary of state of his choosing. The aggressive GOP attempt to derail Rice's rise also runs counter to how Democrats confirmed Condoleeza Rice as secretary of state, despite outstanding questions about her involvement in selling and planning the Iraq War.

Even more shocking with regards to Susan Rice was the threat this week from Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) that she would try to block any secretary of state nominee, whether it's Rice or someone else, unless the White House provides more answers about Benghazi. (The White House has been providing Benghazi answers for 10 weeks now.)

Ayotte's stunning threat is, without question, the definition of (militant) obstructionism :
One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster.​
More: Susan Rice And How The Press Keeps Ignoring Republican Obstructionism | Blog | Media Matters for America

The press isn't talking about Republican obstructionism?

I have one question, what fucking planet do you live on?
Uh....she is lucky she isn't going to be charged for lying to Congress.

The SecState job shouldn't be on her mind, maybe getting a lawyer should be.

Only a scumbag liberal would complain someone won't give them a job for being a criminal lying to the face of those that determine who gets the job.
Only a scumbag libtard would appoint a lyiing scumbag. But then they have clinton as well.
Uh....she is lucky she isn't going to be charged for lying to Congress.

The SecState job shouldn't be on her mind, maybe getting a lawyer should be.

Only a scumbag liberal would complain someone won't give them a job for being a criminal lying to the face of those that determine who gets the job.

Petraeus told Congress that he knew within minutes that a terrorist attack was taking place at the embassy but that there were various reports coming in. At least a couple of the reports claiming that the attack was the result of a Demonstration gone wrong. A sort of copycat style demonstration which mimicked the one taking place in Egypt.

David Petraeus: Did President Obama and Susan Rice Lie About Benghazi?

The short answer is no. Neither the President nor Susan Rice lied to Congress or the American people.

Now tell me Gen. Petraeus is a liar.
Obamaturd and rice both lied. Your av is right, you are blind.

Once again, the press is turning a blind eye to the unprecedented obstructionism coming from the Republican Party.

In the wake of Ambassador Susan Rice's Capitol Hill meetings with Republican senators this week and the harsh assessment they quickly gave reporters, most new accounts stressed that if Rice were nominated to be secretary of state she would face stiff opposition. Reporters detailed how Republicans were raising objections to Rice's involvement in the controversy surrounding the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi after she was selected to appear on Sunday talk shows to relay the intelligence community's assessment of the attack. (An assessment that was later changed.)

Here's the key fact most press accounts omitted: The GOP continues to engage in unrivaled obstructionism. And its threat to vote down Rice as secretary of state before she's even named likely represents an unparalleled act of partisan defiance.

The extremist maneuver erases decades, if not centuries, of Capitol Hill protocol with regards to allowing a newly elected president to confirm the secretary of state of his choosing. The aggressive GOP attempt to derail Rice's rise also runs counter to how Democrats confirmed Condoleeza Rice as secretary of state, despite outstanding questions about her involvement in selling and planning the Iraq War.

Even more shocking with regards to Susan Rice was the threat this week from Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) that she would try to block any secretary of state nominee, whether it's Rice or someone else, unless the White House provides more answers about Benghazi. (The White House has been providing Benghazi answers for 10 weeks now.)

Ayotte's stunning threat is, without question, the definition of (militant) obstructionism :
One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster.​
More: Susan Rice And How The Press Keeps Ignoring Republican Obstructionism | Blog | Media Matters for America

The press isn't talking about Republican obstructionism?

I have one question, what fucking planet do you live on?

Did you read the entire article? Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point.

The press isn't talking about Republican obstructionism?

I have one question, what fucking planet do you live on?

Did you read the entire article? Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point.

I don't see a need to read an article that is clearly divorced from reality.
Asswipe, Petreaus LIED to Congress when he was still in office.

Rice lied to Congress and the American public. She went on national TV to openly lie to whoever would listen to her bullshit, because she believed Obamination could protect her.

The video wasn't the cause of the attack and AQ isn't dead like she claimed, you stupid fuck.

Uh....she is lucky she isn't going to be charged for lying to Congress.

The SecState job shouldn't be on her mind, maybe getting a lawyer should be.

Only a scumbag liberal would complain someone won't give them a job for being a criminal lying to the face of those that determine who gets the job.

Petraeus told Congress that he knew within minutes that a terrorist attack was taking place at the embassy but that there were various reports coming in. At least a couple of the reports claiming that the attack was the result of a Demonstration gone wrong. A sort of copycat style demonstration which mimicked the one taking place in Egypt.

David Petraeus: Did President Obama and Susan Rice Lie About Benghazi?

The short answer is no. Neither the President nor Susan Rice lied to Congress or the American people.

Now tell me Gen. Petraeus is a liar.

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