Survivor. Are you watching?

Yep, there is only ONE SURVIVOR. Outwit, outlast, outplay. I don't think the purpose of going on Survivor is to try and impress everyone with your high moral character. It's A GAME. And many games involve "tricking" the other players. Doesn't mean you're a bad person if you deceive someone in a game like this where deception is pretty much a standard, and really...acceptable...method of getting ahead.
I'm not so sure Tasha would win though she would probably get some votes. She has been great in the immunity challenges and she is a pleasant and likable person. But she hasn't played the game like Tony has. She hasn't made the big moves or taken the big risks. Tony has. And if the person isn't a reprehensible a-hole in the process, the jury tends to reward that kind of skill. Remember Richard Hatch was not the most lovable guy in the first Survivor, but the jury rewarded him with the win because he was the smartest player that year. Ditto Boston Rob the year he won.

Yes, you are right...there have been times when a person, regardless of how slick they were in lying and back stabbing, was still given the win....but, like Russell Hantz, they were so mad at him they didn't vote for him at the end.

His manipulative, cunning and emotionally abusive demeanor, especially towards the women (who he alternately insulted and charmed) enabled him to make it to the Final Tribal Council on two separate occasions. But it also caused him to receive the ire of the Jury, denying him of the title of Sole Survivor.
Russell Hantz - Survivor Wiki

True, that Tony is not that despicable, but LJ and Sarah are really disgusted with him, and almost everyone voted out after them, was because of telling whether or not some of them can hold a grudge and overlook his playing skills.

I have no problem with Tony winning, but someone that uses the kinds of lies he does, I don't feel like they are playing the "social" part that well whereas Tasha hasn't really alienated anyone so far.

But don't you think the 'lies' are just playing the game? It is after all the kind of game that you have to manipulate and fool people to your own advantage because somebody has to be eliminated every week until the final three. So other winners have done it. And those who have done it the most effectively without violating too much trust or without pissing too many folks off have been rewarded by the jury.

I do, and that's the trick....not pissing off too many folks. Russell was so despicable and thought he was smarter than everybody else and the jury showed him he wasn't. Like I said, Tony hasn't reached that point yet, although when he is talking to the audience he does come across a tad arrogant. And, a lot depends on the character of the jury, some will hold a grudge, but most reasonable people will acknowledge that being played was part of the game and do reward the one that was able to do it more skillfully.

I used to just shake my head at the heavy religious demonstrations in some previous seasons where various candidates were appealing to a higher power to help them. I have to wonder about a higher power that would help folks scheme, manipulate, cheat, and lie their way to success. :) But that ultimately is the very nature of Survivor.

I agree, it seems like it is mostly done for show. Although, we are told to pray at all times, it would seem rather contradictory to pray and then go and lie...I know it's the nature of the game, but it seems controversial to one's true character. I guess I would make a lousy Survivor...wouldn't be able to pacify my conscience....:)
All Tasha has done is win immunity challenges. And I suspect her luck in that regard is due to run out. She doesn't really play the game other than that. And Woo...what exactly has Woo done? Nothing that I can think of.

The one thing that came to my mind is that this would have been kind of a boring season without Tony. He is running this game. And even though I tend to dislike cops, I like Tony. He's ALIVE. Most of the others seem kind of dead. They like to lay around in the water and think that they have the numbers so they don't have to do anything. Boring.

I CAN'T WAIT to see their faces when they think they're voting out Tony and he plays that special immunity idol AFTER the votes are read! And one of them is voted out instead! That's going to be a riot.

Yep, Tony IS this season of Survivor. I hope he wins.

But you can't really say that remaining likeable and agreeable is not playing the game. There are many strategies to be used, and the one that is able to remain without pissing everyone off to the point they hate them didn't play that well either. And winning challenges is part of the game...that is what keeps you in the game. Those that never win challenges and never make moves are called floaters, and I don't think you can put Tasha in that category.
I think Tasha would have made more moves if the odds were in her favor but unfortunately, things did not fall into place for her at the right times. And that is what this game is all about. Outwit, outplay, outlast. Tony kinda fell into the winning beginning team....Tasha was stuck with the least smart players...hence, not a lot of opportunity to make important moves.
I guess the minute Tasha lost immunity, she was gone. If she had won immunity tonight, it would've just been Spencer. Reading between the lines, Kass persuaded Woo to stick together and not do the plan to flush out Tony and his idols because Tasha said that Tony was the Russhole Hantz of their season and that got Kass to thinking a final two with Tony. But it sounds like some of them think SHE is the Russhole Hantz of the season, not Tony.

So it's now F5 and as soon as Spencer doesn't have immunity, he's gone. If he does have immunity, it just may be Kass after all because it's looking like it'll be virtually impossible to get rid of Tony with his frickin' overpowered II. He can't play it as late as F3, can he? I know the regular one expires next week, he may end up giving that one to Trish or Woo if they're in trouble over Kass and Spencer.
I guess the minute Tasha lost immunity, she was gone. If she had won immunity tonight, it would've just been Spencer. Reading between the lines, Kass persuaded Woo to stick together and not do the plan to flush out Tony and his idols because Tasha said that Tony was the Russhole Hantz of their season and that got Kass to thinking a final two with Tony. But it sounds like some of them think SHE is the Russhole Hantz of the season, not Tony.

So it's now F5 and as soon as Spencer doesn't have immunity, he's gone. If he does have immunity, it just may be Kass after all because it's looking like it'll be virtually impossible to get rid of Tony with his frickin' overpowered II. He can't play it as late as F3, can he? I know the regular one expires next week, he may end up giving that one to Trish or Woo if they're in trouble over Kass and Spencer.

Yep, it's a foregone conclusion, there's no way that Tony is going to not end up at the end. But you never know. Whoever wins immunity next week could turn things around.

I was disappointed that they didn't go through with their plan to flush Tony's idols out, at least the most powerful one. It's obviious that Tony wants to go to the end with Trish, because no one in their right mind would give it to Trish....she has done nothing and as much as they dislike Tony, he has played the most cunning game of gotta hand it to him.
Yes, I think Tony has played the smartest game so far. And part of the reason is what Spencer said tonight: that it is very difficult to lie to Tony because he can spot a lie like nobody else.

So the final three is most likely Trish, Kass, and Tony? Given the general unlovableness of those three, I think the the jury would give it to Tony for superior play. I would. :)
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Definitely disappointed to see Tasha go last night. I guess it is silly to hope they vote Tony off next week. :lol:
They can't vote Tony off because of the super powerful idol they have. The only thing they can do is flush it and they don't know he has it. They do know he has the regular immunity idol which is also a game changer.

I meant to mention last night too. . .wasn't Woo (Wu?) wonderful with those kids? I saw him in an entirely different light and now find myself emotionally pulling for him too a bit. But he has offended nobody, apparently, and some might find that dangerous to take to the end. If the final three is Kass, Tony, and Woo, then its anybody's guess who the jury will choose, but my best money might switch to Woo.
They can't vote Tony off because of the super powerful idol they have. The only thing they can do is flush it and they don't know he has it. They do know he has the regular immunity idol which is also a game changer.

I meant to mention last night too. . .wasn't Woo (Wu?) wonderful with those kids? I saw him in an entirely different light and now find myself emotionally pulling for him too a bit. But he has offended nobody, apparently, and some might find that dangerous to take to the end. If the final three is Kass, Tony, and Woo, then its anybody's guess who the jury will choose, but my best money might switch to Woo.

Oh yes....I completely forgot to bring that up...I saw a side of Woo that I hadn't seen before and I was thoroughly impressed with him. I agree with you, considering how they all feel about Tony, he might not want to risk it and take Woo to the end, Woo definitely has earned my respect.

(Judging from the previews, unless Kass wins immunity next week, she's not going to the end)!
They can't vote Tony off because of the super powerful idol they have. The only thing they can do is flush it and they don't know he has it. They do know he has the regular immunity idol which is also a game changer.

I meant to mention last night too. . .wasn't Woo (Wu?) wonderful with those kids? I saw him in an entirely different light and now find myself emotionally pulling for him too a bit. But he has offended nobody, apparently, and some might find that dangerous to take to the end. If the final three is Kass, Tony, and Woo, then its anybody's guess who the jury will choose, but my best money might switch to Woo.

Oh yes....I completely forgot to bring that up...I saw a side of Woo that I hadn't seen before and I was thoroughly impressed with him. I agree with you, considering how they all feel about Tony, he might not want to risk it and take Woo to the end, Woo definitely has earned my respect.

(Judging from the previews, unless Kass wins immunity next week, she's not going to the end)!

And Spencer didn't do himself any favors, especially with the fans, when he flat out said he didn't like kids. :) That might be brutally honest, which is commendable, but it is not too endearing.
They can't vote Tony off because of the super powerful idol they have. The only thing they can do is flush it and they don't know he has it. They do know he has the regular immunity idol which is also a game changer.

I meant to mention last night too. . .wasn't Woo (Wu?) wonderful with those kids? I saw him in an entirely different light and now find myself emotionally pulling for him too a bit. But he has offended nobody, apparently, and some might find that dangerous to take to the end. If the final three is Kass, Tony, and Woo, then its anybody's guess who the jury will choose, but my best money might switch to Woo.

Oh yes....I completely forgot to bring that up...I saw a side of Woo that I hadn't seen before and I was thoroughly impressed with him. I agree with you, considering how they all feel about Tony, he might not want to risk it and take Woo to the end, Woo definitely has earned my respect.

(Judging from the previews, unless Kass wins immunity next week, she's not going to the end)!

And Spencer didn't do himself any favors, especially with the fans, when he flat out said he didn't like kids. :) That might be brutally honest, which is commendable, but it is not too endearing.

True that....if Spenser wouldn't have won immunity, he would have been sent home last night.
Yeah, Spencer came off as a bit of a jerk when he said that, but what is he, 20? Woo is much older and more mature than he is. I doubt either will last to the finals, since Spencer is up next time there's a vote and he's not immune, and Woo will get voted out very late in the game because he could probably beat anyone there in the final vote.

The best "social" player just left. Woo is too quiet, Kass and Trish are too bitchy, and Tony is Tony so other factors will have to decide it -"played the hardest", "was always the mastermind" which would be Tony or the underdog that overcame insurmountable odds (Spencer), or the "less offensive that rode coattails but they're not Tony or Kass" (Woo and Trish).

There's only two more episodes left - next week and the finale that's supposed to be on a Wednesday this time for some reason.
Good show tonight! Very glad to see Trish gone. I kinda hope that Kass gets voted off next week and leaves the three guys as the final three.
I said before and I will say again...I heartily dislike Spencer for many reasons. I am not too fond of kids myself so that didn't bother me. He is just too sulky. Woo cracks me up. I like him but Tony has been rocking this game since day one and he is nothing like Russell.
Well Trish really showed her true colors tonight going off like a she had done some much to deserve to stay in the game.

Bravo for Spenser winning immunity right when he needed it the most. I'm not sure that Tony will be given the million dollars now, even if he has been playing them all, he's getting to be just as arrogant as Russell used to be and they showed him. He really got his butt handed to him when Kass went and asked Woo if he knew that Tony had blabbed on him.....really glad to see Woo finally make a good decision in helping boot Trish off.

Now Tony will have to play his special idol, so whoever he votes for next week will probably the one that goes and I'm betting that he will vote for Kass.

Can't wait for next week......Spenser has won several immunities under extreme pressure, I'm sure that counts for a lot when it comes to playing the game.
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Trish should've never pointed out how many friends she had on the jury right in front of Tony. I think he didn't want to lose his goat Kass.

I think of all four left, she is the one that can't win no matter what she says or does from here out. Did you see the jury's reaction to when she was bitching at Trish and then shooting Trish the bird and muttering an obscenity as Trish was leaving? Stupid, now who is Trish going to campaign against when she goes to the jury?

I'm okay with a Tony win because he has played the game hard from the onset and most of the players this season liked him despite his loudness and paranoia. His idols have expired but I think he bluffs his way into F3 with the remaining one. I still don't know if it's going to be a F3 or F2 for sure yet, but we will all soon find out. If he's with Woo or Spencer in either, he could lose.

Spencer is okay as a winner AFAIC too, because he's always been the underdog, and he's pulled out key immunities. He's also very intelligent, see how he smoked Tony on that puzzle. But he's still very vulnerable to be voted out any time he's not immune.

Woo is fine by me, too, even though he's non-verbal. I used to think there was no way he'd win or even be in the finals because of his UTR edit earlier in the season. There ARE clues pointing out to a Woo upset - Cliff saying that Woo was "one to look out for", them making a big deal about Woo stealing the clue from Spencer, and all that "stealth warrior" stuff and Spencer's remark over how Woo interacted with those children (did he vote for him?).

Tony *probably* wins but I need to think about it more. I think they will all try to drag Kass to the end and the FTC will be epic. The others annoy the jury, but they all hate her.
Why Trish? Tony voted for Trish? I didn't see that coming. I was rather expecting him to give her the regular idol to play since this was the last week they could use one. Sometimes I think I don't have this game figured out at all.

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