Surge in Shipping Costs Globally Could Cause Price Hikes From Coffee to Toys


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(Bloomberg) — The skyrocketing price of shipping goods across the globe may hit your pocketbook sooner than you think — from that cup of coffee you get each morning to the toys you were thinking of buying your kids.

Transporting a 40-foot steel container of cargo by sea from Shanghai to Rotterdam now costs a record $10,522, a whopping 547% higher than the seasonal average over the last five years, according to Drewry Shipping. With upwards of 80% of all goods trade transported by sea, freight-cost surges are

Why inflation is so high, the Saudi decreased barrels of oil and they are pro russia, the pandemic,

I use to like to ride in my car, not anymore with the price of gas so high. I enjoyed it during the pandemic.
(Bloomberg) — The skyrocketing price of shipping goods across the globe may hit your pocketbook sooner than you think — from that cup of coffee you get each morning to the toys you were thinking of buying your kids.

Transporting a 40-foot steel container of cargo by sea from Shanghai to Rotterdam now costs a record $10,522, a whopping 547% higher than the seasonal average over the last five years, according to Drewry Shipping. With upwards of 80% of all goods trade transported by sea, freight-cost surges are

Why inflation is so high, the Saudi decreased barrels of oil and they are pro russia, the pandemic,

I use to like to ride in my car, not anymore with the price of gas so high. I enjoyed it during the pandemic.
This is Joe Biden's America....Arent you glad the most extensive voter fraud organization stole the 2020 election....

What, did you think those cargo ships and the trucks used to haul the containers run on electric power or some shit?

Hell, I'm charging my eBay customers more for shipping now because I damn sure am not going to eat it.

I can figure first class and flat rate box shipping OK but anything else I use the calculated shipping option so if a customer is on the other side of the country and wants my widget then they will just have to pay the freight.
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That article is old news; prices are now dropping, so is demand. Since fuel prices have nothing to do with 'free markets' anyway, the price is going to drop far slower than it went up, so just keep on shoveling cash into the pirates' pockets.
I love it when Biden supporters complain about inflation and they're too stupid to comprehend that they voted for it, just shows we're doomed. The average American apparently has the IQ of a potato, just like their fearless leader.
I beg to differ, a potato is more intelligent than a Joe Biden Voter.

(Bloomberg) — The skyrocketing price of shipping goods across the globe may hit your pocketbook sooner than you think — from that cup of coffee you get each morning to the toys you were thinking of buying your kids.

Transporting a 40-foot steel container of cargo by sea from Shanghai to Rotterdam now costs a record $10,522, a whopping 547% higher than the seasonal average over the last five years, according to Drewry Shipping. With upwards of 80% of all goods trade transported by sea, freight-cost surges are

Why inflation is so high, the Saudi decreased barrels of oil and they are pro russia, the pandemic,

I use to like to ride in my car, not anymore with the price of gas so high. I enjoyed it during the pandemic.
You were warned. We all were.
That article is old news; prices are now dropping, so is demand. Since fuel prices have nothing to do with 'free markets' anyway, the price is going to drop far slower than it went up, so just keep on shoveling cash into the pirates' pockets.
I hope you are being "Sarcastic", because if you arent, you fit right in with the Penelopeabrain, Joe Biden voter.

I hope you are being "Sarcastic", because if you arent, you fit right in with the Penelopeabrain, Joe Biden voter.

View attachment 656571

Unlike you, some of actually look at the dates on stories, and we also keep up with the business press; that way we don't have to rely on clueless shills from ideological sites or partisans parroting rubbish. If you really thin shipping rates are the same now as they were in 2021m it's pretty obvious you're the one who is as big a dumbass as Penelope.

For sane people, BDS is just as stupid and dimwitted as TDS.
Unlike you, some of actually look at the dates on stories, and we also keep up with the business press; that way we don't have to rely on clueless shills from ideological sites or partisans parroting rubbish. If you really thin shipping rates are the same now as they were in 2021m it's pretty obvious you're the one who is as big a dumbass as Penelope.

For sane people, BDS is just as stupid and dimwitted as TDS.
Oh i see, that you saying how fast shipping rates went up, but will be slower going down, because fuel costs are still rising. Why would shipping rates be going down, when fuel costs continue to go up, and up, and up? I dont see in the near future any price reductions.
Oh i see, that you saying how fast shipping rates went up, but will be slower going down, because fuel costs are still rising. Why would shipping rates be going down, when fuel costs continue to go up, and up, and up? I dont see in the near future any price reductions.

Yes, you really don't know anything. I already knew that. Rates are down 20%-30% and falling. That doesn't mean those savings will get passed on to consumers, though, even though you probably believe that 'free market' bullshit anyway.
You'll learn to like eating only what you grow or you'll die hungry.

Your last words, if you want a beautific hereafter in Liberal-Land-in-the-sky MUST be "Thank You, "President" Xiden!

Oh, smile when you way it.
And no crossing your fingers when you do.

Remember, The Ministry of Truth is not just listening - they're watching, too.
Yes, you really don't know anything. I already knew that. Rates are down 20%-30% and falling. That doesn't mean those savings will get passed on to consumers, though, even though you probably believe that 'free market' bullshit anyway.
When was the last time the government didnt have their hands into "Free Markets"?
When was the last time the government didnt have their hands into "Free Markets"?

Hey, if you want to pay a lot for shipping I will be happy to broker your freight for you. Meanwhile, you should consider buying one of my ducks; they lay golden eggs and poop platinum.

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