Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Wrong. Islam believes that Allah must rule ALL including the Government. Islam believes MAN must make this happen. They believe that everyone must be Islamic and that those that are not are not worthy of life. They believe in killing those that leave the religion. They believe that unbelievers are not worth anything except as slaves.

Christians believe that all should learn of God through Jesus. That they should CHOSE to worship him. They do not believe that man must rule, they believe that God will destroy Satan with an army of Angels. They do not call for the death of anyone whether they leave the religion or not.

Islam demands MAN rule the Earth through the dictates of Allah. They demand that all convert or die. They believe that all Government must be Islamic run.

Christians do NOT believe man should rule the Earth. They believe that a final war between Good and evil will occur, Good being an Army of Angels. NOT man. They do not believe the Church should run the Government.

They do not believe that any one should be forced to covert. Only given the opportunity to do so.

I believe in the separation of church and state...nothing need more be said. Your irrational fear is just that...irrational.
Wrong, dick for brains, sunni-boy DID claim that America would become an islamic nation and be RULED by SHARIA LAW, and there IS NO separation of church and state under islam.

What IS irrational is that FUCKED IN THE HEAD muslim thinking that America is going to be taken over by islam and RULED by sharia law.

OVER MY DEAD BODY, and everybody else I know that would FIGHT TO THE DEATH to defeat ANY kind of fucking MUSLIM TAKE OVER.


Other than being a giant pussy, what's stopping you from doing something about now? Sunni Man has announced his intent.
Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.
Bull shit. Don't give me your watered down line of crap.

Who was it that just about tore Europe apart not long ago? muslims, rioting.

You're fucking stupid, and no, you're not more INFORMED than I am either. You're a liar.
I believe in the separation of church and state...nothing need more be said. Your irrational fear is just that...irrational.
Wrong, dick for brains, sunni-boy DID claim that America would become an islamic nation and be RULED by SHARIA LAW, and there IS NO separation of church and state under islam.

What IS irrational is that FUCKED IN THE HEAD muslim thinking that America is going to be taken over by islam and RULED by sharia law.

OVER MY DEAD BODY, and everybody else I know that would FIGHT TO THE DEATH to defeat ANY kind of fucking MUSLIM TAKE OVER.


Other than being a giant pussy, what's stopping you from doing something about now? Sunni Man has announced his intent.
Bring it, you'll find out, punk.

Or does your order of the pacifist liberal homos prevent you from acting like a man?
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Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.
Bull shit. Don't give me your watered down line of crap.

Who was it that just about tore Europe apart not long ago? muslims, rioting.

You're fucking stupid, and no, you're not more INFORMED than I am either. You're a liar.

Saigon is indeed a pathological liar.
Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.

Your facts seem correct to me. Here we only allow "Kosher" labeling on foods if a Rabbi verifies it. Same with Halal and Zabiah labeling, which must be processed according to Islamic law, and certified by some Islamic authority. In all these cases, the USDA nor the FDA, will do such certification, but require that some religious authority confirm it before it can be put on the label.
Sunni man dumped catholicism to be a muslim 12 years ago. You are fearful of someone with THAT kinda thinking horsepower? The only thing dumber he coulda done is become a Morman.

Ah, he's a convert. That explains a lot. Converts to islamism seem to be especially belligerent and especially angry. It's as though they feel they have to meet some standard of behavior promoted by the loud, obnoxious clerics and "Capt. Hook" types.

It's just comical to read the silly "take over America", claims.

He says that as he drives his kafir chevy to the kafir mall to buy a new pair of kafir Nike sneakers and stops for a burger at kafir McDonalds. But yeah, he wants a sharia state?

He's a loon. Let him try living in a sharia state and let's see how he does. Yemen awaits.
Wrong, dick for brains, sunni-boy DID claim that America would become an islamic nation and be RULED by SHARIA LAW, and there IS NO separation of church and state under islam.

What IS irrational is that FUCKED IN THE HEAD muslim thinking that America is going to be taken over by islam and RULED by sharia law.

OVER MY DEAD BODY, and everybody else I know that would FIGHT TO THE DEATH to defeat ANY kind of fucking MUSLIM TAKE OVER.


Other than being a giant pussy, what's stopping you from doing something about now? Sunni Man has announced his intent.
Bring it, you'll find out, punk.

Or does your order of the pacifist liberal homos prevent you from acting like a man?

You're the one talking tough and promising violence, Pole Rider. I'm stating that you lack the courage of your convictions. I'm stating that you are nothing but a flapping vagina with an Internet connection. You want to talk a big game yet here you have a Muslim American on this very board stating that his goal, and the goal of Islam, is for Sharia Law in America and the only tool you are willing to use is a caps lock key. :gay:
Pale Rider -

No, I'm not ignorant - I'm just better informed than you are.

I suggest you check how Sharia law is working in the UK, and let me know whay your concerns are then.

In reality there are as many variations as to what Sharia Law means as there are countries which use it, but of the 20 or so countries which do use it, only in 4 does it actually mean the kind of sinsiter, draconian stone age punishments that we would all fight against.

Even in most muslim countries, it is largely used not for ciminal, contract or civil law, but to settle divorces, inheritances etc.

Your facts seem correct to me. Here we only allow "Kosher" labeling on foods if a Rabbi verifies it. Same with Halal and Zabiah labeling, which must be processed according to Islamic law, and certified by some Islamic authority. In all these cases, the USDA nor the FDA, will do such certification, but require that some religious authority confirm it before it can be put on the label.

Yes, that is my take on it, too.

We just have to make sure any Sharia decision operates within the limits of our existing civil rights legislation, and then I don't see any major problems.
Sharia law is the antithesis of civil rights. It cannot operate within our current democratic system. Sunni's point is that the "true" Muslims will be able to use the system to destroy it. And he is not alone. Anyone who tauts Sharia has the same goal. It cannot be ignored.
Do those European Countries have a Constitution such as ours? You'r like a child worrying about the boogeyman. Hey....I'm a you really think THAT ANYTHING that happens in these matters isn't part of God's plan? If you believe that the great battle of good and evil is going to happen, don't you think that shit's going to happen to provoke it?
Not saying it's going to be Islam......could be anything...including Corporatism.......which the right seems to think of as a secondary religion.
I view Islam as a military takeover system, and sharia law is designed to make servile victims out of the female population. You should see what they do to Christian churches and Christians in their countries.

50 Christian Churches burned in Jamma, Ethiopia, by rampaging Muslims.

"suspected" Islamists burned down 7 schools. (Nigeria)

Palestinian Cleric Urges All Arabs to Murder christians, Jews, and Americans 'wherever they live.'

Hitler's book in Arab Hands They don't know Hitler planned their destruction after he destroyed the Jews, worldwide, according to this article's author.

Of course you view them that way. Just out of I seeing becki stick up for HITLER in this post?
No. Don't be absurd.

We have had this discussion before and been told it just isn't true. That there is no effort by Islam to convert other Countries, that there is no danger that Islam would create a climate where Western Democracies were converted to Sharia law and no longer democratic at all.

I have told you all that Islam preaches that it must take over the planet. That is it's goal. Islam believes that all the world must be Islamic. And they do not believe in separation of Church and State. Islam teaches that Allah must run every thing including the Government.

There are two schools of thought on how to achieve this goal. One is that they must just bide their time and allow their birth rate and monolithic approach to convert those Countries currently not Islamic. The second is that by violence they can achieve more quickly the goal.

Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.

Sunni Man is probably a 12 year old kid.

that was just a stupid thing to say

Leaders like this would be impotent without followers. Maybe we could decrease the amount of followers if we stopped thinking that the world belonged to us, if we stopped telling others what to do, if we stopped blowing the shit out of other sovereign countries, if we stopped killing innocents in the process. If we gave these people a peaceful, inspiring, alternative vision.

No, it's not "our fault". But we are not helping things, and the keyboard commandos simply refuse to admit that.

Wrong. Islam believes that Allah must rule ALL including the Government.
Doesn't Christianity also teach that God rules and reigns over everything and that all knees will bow to Christ??

No we that God reigns over everything and believe it will happen eventually of its own accord. Its just like you to twist words Sunni Man.

Naw, I was born here and have no desire to live in any foreign country.

So I will just work day and night in order to try and help my country embrace Islam and Sharia Law.

It's the most patriotic thing I can do during these tuff social and hard economic times. :cool:

Go fuck yourself.

Has it ever occurred to you that a lot of people don't want to live under Islam or Sharia?
Islamists don't give a shit what people want.


Of course not....that's my argument with the sarge. I can say I want everyone to convert to druidism.....but it's irrelevant.

Which is not the point dumb ass. Look to Europe. France Sweden Belgium England. As the Muslim population grows they demand more and more concessions , resort to violence more and more when not met.

The REREAD what Sunni man said. He wants the Muslim population to vote AWAY your rights. He wants the Musli8m population to institute religious laws. Obviously this won't happen any time in the near future. BUT look to Europe for what happens in the West as Muslim populations grow in those Countries.
Do those European Countries have a Constitution such as ours? You'r like a child worrying about the boogeyman. Hey....I'm a you really think THAT ANYTHING that happens in these matters isn't part of God's plan? If you believe that the great battle of good and evil is going to happen, don't you think that shit's going to happen to provoke it?
Not saying it's going to be Islam......could be anything...including Corporatism.......which the right seems to think of as a secondary religion.

Actually the U.K. is constitutional Monarchy and has Parliament and house of lords

And Britpat doesn't answer.

The fact is, Sharia law has been used for years in the UK, to settle divorce and inheritance cases in Muslim/Muslim disputes.

I haven't heard that it has been a problem.

Why are you again repeating your lies which have already been disproven in another thread. Sharia law has no legal standing and can't be enforced in the UK. The so-called sharia courts are voluntary, non-legal, institutions that have absolutely no standing in law.

problem is their still Islamic courts and non-government affiliated courts are allowed in the U.S.

Other than being a giant pussy, what's stopping you from doing something about now? Sunni Man has announced his intent.
Bring it, you'll find out, punk.

Or does your order of the pacifist liberal homos prevent you from acting like a man?

You're the one talking tough and promising violence, Pole Rider. I'm stating that you lack the courage of your convictions. I'm stating that you are nothing but a flapping vagina with an Internet connection. You want to talk a big game yet here you have a Muslim American on this very board stating that his goal, and the goal of Islam, is for Sharia Law in America and the only tool you are willing to use is a caps lock key. :gay:

Big Words over the internet
My only concern would be if women were somehow worse off from the Sharia judgement than they would have been that of a standard court - I think that needs to be guarded against.
A muslim woman is better off going to a Sharia Court than a standard Civil Court.

Because her concerns will be addressed and judged according to Sharia; basically the Quran and Hadith; thus the outcome will be in line with Islam and not some bogus made up Western secular law. :cool:
My only concern would be if women were somehow worse off from the Sharia judgement than they would have been that of a standard court - I think that needs to be guarded against.
A muslim woman is better off going to a Sharia Court than a standard Civil Court.

Because her concerns will be addressed and judged according to Sharia; basically the Quran and Hadith; thus the outcome will be in line with Islam and not some bogus made up Western secular law. :cool:

Possibly...but as in Islam it is easier for a man to divorce a woman than the other way around, we do need to ensure that a woman's legal right to divorce her husband is maintained.

Sharia 'courts' can not allow people to opt out of national law, even if they choose to do so.

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