Suggestions for new Bible versions


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Thinking of the Queen James one, I have an idea for another one :)

The Average American Christian Bible. Featuring only every 5th word of just Genesis, Leviticus. John, and Revelations since that's all most "Christians" need anyway. ;)
I suggest a "Holy Bible for the Blind"
No it's not in braille, it's a bible where the OT portions have Tanakh version captions, so blind people can now see the difference between the changed words in the NT version of the OT passages. :)
A Rabbinical Lexicon wouldn't hurt either, since it helps to know the true meaning of words used.
I have thought of a translation of the Bible that replaces the geography with American locations and replaced the names with American names.
How about The Reinstated Islamic True Text--it is a bible that rewrite passages and add books that fully agrees with the Qu'ran.

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