Study: Most of vaccinated die because of vax-induced autoimmune attacks on their own organs

Karma is an even bigger beyotch than EWE

Answering your own posts.

Confess -- you're really the Salad n Chief, Joe Biden. Looky, folks, the senile old man who thinks he's president uses our humble board! We should be flattered.

Answering your own posts.

Confess -- you're really the Salad n Chief, Joe Biden. Looky, folks, the senile old man who thinks he's president uses our humble board! We should be flattered.

Biden was a much better choice than MAGAs orange embarrasment. The voters proved that.

bottom of the OP article>>>

I iterate.

Yep. You constantly iterate Instead of iterating so much, you should look up some of the words you try to use, so you don't look so dumb.

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