Study Finds That Full Lockdowns Did Not Reduce Coronavirus Mortality Rate


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Posting it here because it is too important to get lost elsewhere.

From 'The Lancet', which has had some problems of its own recently.

A study published Tuesday in The Lancet medical journal found that full lockdowns, border closures and high rates of coronavirus testing are not associated with a statistically significant reduction in the total number of critical cases or the virus’s overall mortality rate.

However, the study, which was based on data from the 50 countries with the most reported cases as of May 1, noted that lockdowns and border closures are likely associated with better overall health outcomes, as the measures helped drive down the rate of the virus’s transmission and reduce the load on hospital systems.

“In our study, an increasing number of days to border closures was associated with a higher caseload, and more restrictive public health measures (such as a full lockdown compared to partial or curfew only measures) were associated with an increase in the number of recovered cases per million population,” the researchers reported. “These findings suggest that more restrictive public health practices may indeed be associated with less transmission and better outcomes.”

“However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the researchers added.


“Countries with a higher per capita GDP had an increased number of reported critical cases and deaths per million population,” the researchers reported. “This may reflect more widespread testing in those countries, greater transparency with reporting and better national surveillance systems. Other potential putative reasons for the association might include increase [sic] accessibility to air travel and international holidays in wealthier countries.”


While I believe this, the Lancet is a leftist rag, a once proud source of medical excellence, reduced by fascists into a naked political agitator for the globalists...
Posting it here because it is too important to get lost elsewhere.

From 'The Lancet', which has had some problems of its own recently.​
A study published Tuesday in The Lancet medical journal found that full lockdowns, border closures and high rates of coronavirus testing are not associated with a statistically significant reduction in the total number of critical cases or the virus’s overall mortality rate.
However, the study, which was based on data from the 50 countries with the most reported cases as of May 1, noted that lockdowns and border closures are likely associated with better overall health outcomes, as the measures helped drive down the rate of the virus’s transmission and reduce the load on hospital systems.
“In our study, an increasing number of days to border closures was associated with a higher caseload, and more restrictive public health measures (such as a full lockdown compared to partial or curfew only measures) were associated with an increase in the number of recovered cases per million population,” the researchers reported. “These findings suggest that more restrictive public health practices may indeed be associated with less transmission and better outcomes.”
“However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the researchers added.
“Countries with a higher per capita GDP had an increased number of reported critical cases and deaths per million population,” the researchers reported. “This may reflect more widespread testing in those countries, greater transparency with reporting and better national surveillance systems. Other potential putative reasons for the association might include increase [sic] accessibility to air travel and international holidays in wealthier countries.”

Definitely makes sense. Here in America, there is no correlation between how strictly locked down a state is and how many death from the Kung Flu they've had.
Protesting with a dirty mask hanging under your chin while you scream like a baboon for days on end is not locking down.....and it wasn't part of Trumps covid policy....
Posting it here because it is too important to get lost elsewhere.

From 'The Lancet', which has had some problems of its own recently.

A study published Tuesday in The Lancet medical journal found that full lockdowns, border closures and high rates of coronavirus testing are not associated with a statistically significant reduction in the total number of critical cases or the virus’s overall mortality rate.

However, the study, which was based on data from the 50 countries with the most reported cases as of May 1, noted that lockdowns and border closures are likely associated with better overall health outcomes, as the measures helped drive down the rate of the virus’s transmission and reduce the load on hospital systems.

“In our study, an increasing number of days to border closures was associated with a higher caseload, and more restrictive public health measures (such as a full lockdown compared to partial or curfew only measures) were associated with an increase in the number of recovered cases per million population,” the researchers reported. “These findings suggest that more restrictive public health practices may indeed be associated with less transmission and better outcomes.”

“However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the researchers added.


“Countries with a higher per capita GDP had an increased number of reported critical cases and deaths per million population,” the researchers reported. “This may reflect more widespread testing in those countries, greater transparency with reporting and better national surveillance systems. Other potential putative reasons for the association might include increase [sic] accessibility to air travel and international holidays in wealthier countries.”


There was never any doubt that it would be ineffective....

Did they factor in the protests and riots?....

You mean protests at the capitals of people wanting their freedoms in the Dem gov states, Mem Day and 4th of July holidays.

Was thinking more about the Daily Riots in cities like Portland that have gone on for months.

No they were mostly wearing masks and it was the ones not wearing masks that spread it like wild fire and they took it home to the adults and grandparents.
Post #2's pathology is to see a higher degree of what is leftist than is really there. The Lancet has evolved just the right amount of Left, in our opinion. #2 is not educated enough to grasp what Deleuze tells us about the left: that the 'Left' is non-political, the Left is(movement [italics]) (it. badger's). The pertinent passages are in Bosteel's Badiou and Politics.

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