Study Finds Ideal Climate for Life Is Five Degrees Warmer than Present


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Where are the great civilizations of the rainforest?
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Where are the great civilizations of the rainforest?
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Where are the great civilizations of the rainforest?
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Where are the great civilizations of the rainforest?
See ancient civilizations in the Yucatán.
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Where are the great civilizations of the rainforest?
Mayas? Incas? Aztecs? Ever hear of em?
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Why does the UN insist the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on futile climate change policies? The real agenda is concentrated political authority, global warming is the hook. This is not about facts or logic, It's about a new world order, the UN and their disciples have made "environmental catastrophe" a household topic to achieve its goal.
That is almost 10 degrees F

It would wipe out our coastal communities, cause massive hurricanes, flooding and wildfires.

Yes, we would survive, but not the way we are now
Hilarious. I show how the Left hate science and you jump in and validate it.

Explain to the class why the most prolific period of life on earth was when we had no ice caps.
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Warmer climates are EASIER to survive in than Colder ones. Colder ones take more planning to survive.
Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Warmer climates are EASIER to survive in than Colder ones. Colder ones take more planning to survive.
Hard to grow corn in ice.
And what would Sea Level be at 5 degrees warmer?
It was great in the dinosaur days!
No Florida at all.
Our East, Gulf, and most of the West Coast and the major coastal cities of the World under water.


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Duh. The most prolific period of life in earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic.

Only the unscientific Left believe today’s climate is the best possible.

Peer reviewed study.

A team of scientists set out to make the search for life on planets outside our solar system more efficient. To do so, they determined to identify what planetary factors are ideal for life. After substantial research and consideration, the scientists found “Based on our experience from Earth, the highest biomass and biodiversity is present in tropical rainforests, and the least in cold polar regions. Thus, higher temperatures than currently existing on Earth seem to be more favorable.”

The ideal planetary temperature for life, the scientists found, is an average temperature approximately five degrees Celsius (nine degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than on Earth.

The scientists also found more moisture would be beneficial, maximizing the ratio of rainforests to deserts. One of the benefits our modest global warming is that warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, resulting in more inland precipitation.
Where are the great civilizations of the rainforest?

They went extinct after voting in Progressive leadership

And what would Sea Level be at 5 degrees warmer?
It was great in the dinosaur days!
No Florida at all.
Our East, Gulf, and most of the West Coast and the major coastal cities of the World under water.


Oh brother move to the previous cooler climates where the ice has now melted allowing for better climate and better growing of crops. The EARTH HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN A CONSTANT STATE OF CHANGE-------coooler some years, warmer others. Lots of ice ages and lots of warmer periods. The flooding, icing over, drying up btw----------------HAS A GREAT BENEFIT. It deposits minerals that the soil needs to refurbish itself.
Sustained wet bulb temps of 35C kill every large animal that can't get into air conditioning, deep water or underground. It doesn't matter if they're resting in the shade while soaking wet next to a fan. They'll still die from heatstroke.

Portions of the earth are already hitting wet bulb temperatures of 33C, and those heat waves see the deaths of thousands. Now the denier brain trust here wants to jack temperatures up another 5C. Apparently, they'd like to see a death toll in tens of millions.

Not all deniers are genocidal morons. Just almost all of them.
Sustained wet bulb temps of 35C kill every large animal that can't get into air conditioning, deep water or underground. It doesn't matter if they're resting in the shade while soaking wet next to a fan. They'll still die from heatstroke.

Portions of the earth are already hitting wet bulb temperatures of 33C, and those heat waves see the deaths of thousands. Now the denier brain trust here wants to jack temperatures up another 5C. Apparently, they'd like to see a death toll in tens of millions.

Not all deniers are genocidal morons. Just almost all of them.

So the air conditioner is millions of years old.

I learn sooooooooooooooooo much listening to the Consensus Brigade

Do Variation in Earth's magnetic affect the weather/climate?

It lived in South America along with 40 foot crocodiles and giant turtles in what must have been a great inland sea -- when the temperature must have been much much much warmer in order to support giant lizards. Did I mention that it was MUCH WARMER?

They estimated at least 10 degrees warmer than today


How did you arrive at the 35C temperature?


Science. Climate science. Spin the wheel.
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