"Strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years"

What are you blathering about? What problems is Biden pretending don't exist? What problems is he ignoring? There are lots of analysts who are praising Biden's economic performance.

The only people who have been "damned dumb over all these years" are those who support the Republican lie that the economy performs better under a Republican President than it does a Democrat.

Biden is in denial about the border, supply chain shortages, inflation, denial about leaving people In Afghanistan, the only thing he isn’t in denial about is the winter of darkness for the unvaccinated. The guy continues to divide, just like Trump divided, the only ones that see it as uniting are the partisan hacks. The economy is doing great because we have been printing billions and we threw over four trillion into the economy, it damn well being doing well, the rich benefited the most and thus why the stock market is doing well. The issue is the debt, Trump and Biden, Obama and Bush have added trillions into debt and we may be in trouble, sooner than latter.
What are you blathering about? What problems is Biden pretending don't exist? What problems is he ignoring? There are lots of analysts who are praising Biden's economic performance.

The only people who have been "damned dumb over all these years" are those who support the Republican lie that the economy performs better under a Republican President than it does a Democrat.

holy fk can't make this shit up!!!!! really, how entertaining. Canada doesn't expect you to have an brain, huh?
Whew. You scared me. I thought for a second you were on hallucinogenic drugs, had lost your mind, slammed your head in a car door, or had had apoplexy. :smoke:

You were confusing me with someone else. I haven't been around here for a couple days because I made two New Year's resolutions:

1. Quit smoking.

2. Start planning the next Jan. 6-style Capitol occupation.

The quitting smoking resolution only lasted two days, so I'm busy working on the second resolution. :04:

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