Statues and Monuments Campaign


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Trump thinks about one thing and that's all. Re-election. He has people around him that privately say his scorched earth campaign will cost him just that... re-election.

Will the statue shit work? Confederate flags are going away and NASCAR said it doesn't need Trump's support. Things are changing and preservation of the Confederate South in the South is changing with it. Disappearing in 2020.

"President Donald Trump is gambling his re-election on stoking anger over the removal of statues as Americans reckon with racist history.
However, some of the president’s associates aren’t sure he should be obsessing over statues of historical figures while tens of thousands are dying from the coronavirus, reported The Daily Beast.
“The question now is: Is the statue sh*t going to work?” said one senior Trump campaign adviser.
"Outside the campaign, some Trump allies are skeptical that statues will rescue the president’s re-election chances in the face of major health and economic crises."

Statues are almost always financed with private funds. Taxpayers finance perpetual maintenance, repair, and upkeep. The logical a reasonable solution is for whoever is paying the upkeep costs to determine a statue or monument's future.
Statues are almost always financed with private funds. Taxpayers finance perpetual maintenance, repair, and upkeep. The logical a reasonable solution is for whoever is paying the upkeep costs to determine a statue or monument's future.
imo Trump should help finance a "heros park" where local govts can send their Jim Crow era monuments, and they can be all housed together behind fencing, and people may, if they chose, pay a nominal entrance fee to walk amongst their great men.
What is accomplished by tearing down a statue or monument? The person or persons they are dedicated to are not responsible for any of the social or racial problems of today so it seems all tearing them down does is allow people to claim they did something without actually addressing the problems.

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