Kamala Harris Still InThe Running For VP - You Can Tell Because Her Wikipedia Page Was 'Sanitized'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
An online battle has erupted over the Wikipedia page for Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., with a significant uptick in edits that reflects a pattern that's been seen ahead of past vice-presidential announcements and led Wikipedia to put the page under "discretionary sanctions."

Makes sense...Obama's administration, despite promising to be the most transparent administration evuh, was officially named the most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act. They scrubbed, hid, and refused to release hardly anything until forced to do so. Some things have still never been released.

Harris would be a gift to Trump. I repeat it again and again. She is the Establishment choice, and Trump can run heavily on NOT being a career politician, along with the obvious calling out of her work as AG in Cali. It's no wonder they are trying to clean it all up.

She was the one candidate running who I thought would quickly turn America into Canada, and you can bet your Constitution wouldn't survive this. The one fact for sure is her as V.P choice would greatly motivate Trump supporters.
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Hope they select Tammy Duckworth
I know. But biden is a gaffe meister. The dems don't want to reach too far down their bench for the "pinch hitter."

Duckworth couldn't hit a question about George Washington without saying the land for Mt. Rushmore was stolen from the native americans. It was, but ….. bash trump not GW. Jesus
I still look for the outside possibility of Hillary being the 'chosen one'.
An online battle has erupted over the Wikipedia page for Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., with a significant uptick in edits that reflects a pattern that's been seen ahead of past vice-presidential announcements and led Wikipedia to put the page under "discretionary sanctions."

Makes sense...Obama's administration, despite promising to be the most transparent administration evuh, was officially named the most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act. They scrubbed, hid, and refused to release hardly anything until forced to do so. Some things have still never been released.

She can sanitize all she wants but she's still da big ho. And dat bitch will always be da ho.
Somebody is working overtime to scrub Kamala Harris’s Wikipedia page, and there's a war is raging over it

It's a Wikipedia page. Scrubbing or not, the Internet is forever. They'll be a record of it somewhere and the media will find it...especially the right wing media.
That aside, she's still Biden's best choice for a VP. If picked, she will shred Trump and Pence. It won't be a fair fight. :)
Somebody is working overtime to scrub Kamala Harris’s Wikipedia page, and there's a war is raging over it

It's a Wikipedia page. Scrubbing or not, the Internet is forever. They'll be a record of it somewhere and the media will find it...especially the right wing media.
That aside, she's still Biden's best choice for a VP. If picked, she will shred Trump and Pence. It won't be a fair fight. :)
I wonder if the mms will ask her about spreading wide to be promoted! I bet they wont.
Somebody is working overtime to scrub Kamala Harris’s Wikipedia page, and there's a war is raging over it

It's a Wikipedia page. Scrubbing or not, the Internet is forever. They'll be a record of it somewhere and the media will find it...especially the right wing media.
That aside, she's still Biden's best choice for a VP. If picked, she will shred Trump and Pence. It won't be a fair fight. :)
I wonder if the mms will ask her about spreading wide to be promoted! I bet they wont.

Unless you can present any credible evidence of that happening, I'll just dismiss it as right wing BS.
She had Billy Barr hemming, hawing, and errring during his grilling last year. :)
her dad's name is Donald, he's from Jamaica. her mom's name is Shamala, she's from India.

let's start with the basics!
Everyone knows her record as AG. If the (D)'s are dumb enough to pick her they deserve to lose twice.
I guess this all works with the new theme of the day "erase any bad history in America!".

Unfortunately for her, I don't think the Bernie Bros or those family members and friends of those thrown in the klink for lengthy sentences for menial crime in their youth will be so forgiving at the ballot box. I'm sure if Trumps team plays this right, her performance as AG will resonate with voters, and they will have to decide...
some folks are tough on crime, some folks are soft on crime...there's no middle ground, my friends

there's a difference between getting convictions, and having conviction
The job of a prosecutor is to look out for the overlooked, my friends

how could Kamala, a black woman, countenance working for the machine, putting black bodies in jail?

she shouldn't be VP, she should be locked up for being a traitor to the black race and kicked out of the Democrat Party!


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