States Rush To Debate New Vaccine Laws As Measles Outbreak Spreads

That's fine, so long as your kids don't get to go to school with kids who were vaccinated.
2 of the 3 do. Oldest is in 2nd grade,middle is in Kindergarten. 3rd child will be starting headstart in fall.

Yeah, we have to eliminate the phony "religious objections".
Get your kids immunized, idiots!

Nope. Not gonna happen. I don't vaccinate my kids and I don't get vaccines. Wife just got note from her baby doc to not have to get the TB test done while she is pregnant. 1. the vaccines DON'T WORK. 2. Vaccines have caused hundreds of deaths and THOUSANDS of people have been compensated for vaccine related injuries since the late 80's when vaccine courts were set up. The vaccines use aborted fetal cells as one example of disgusting and immoral things the put in them and then inject you with.

Measles Vaccines Kill More People than Measles CDC Data Proves The Liberty Beacon

Only sheeple refuse to research themselves the side effects and dangers of vaccines.

Nope. Not gonna happen. I don't vaccinate my kids and I don't get vaccines.

You're an idiot.

the vaccines DON'T WORK.

Obviously. Just look at all the polio cases last week. All the smallpox deaths last month. Moron.

Only sheeple refuse to research themselves the side effects and dangers of vaccines

Only sheeple refuse to research themselves the death and injuries vaccines prevent.
1. Opinion everyone has one,most are wrong including this one.
2.Obviously research how many deaths FROM the MMR vaccine in past 10 years vs deaths from Measles in last 10 years.
3.I did both and came to correct conclusion that vaccines are dangerous and full of poison,they harm more than they help. Its a for profit industry not an industry to just help people stay safe.
  • Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available.
  • In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally – about 400 deaths every day or 16 deaths every hour.
  • Measles vaccination resulted in a 75% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2013 worldwide.
  • In 2013, about 84% of the world's children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday through routine health services – up from 73% in 2000.
  • During 2000-2013, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths making measles vaccine one of the best buys in public health.
WHO Measles

BTW the black plague ended without vaccination.

US and CDC. Show me where it is even on the top ten list yet alone a leading cause.

If you want to throw the US in with other countries that have universal healthcare and their people are dying at a rate not seen in the US that is your business.

Thanks for the CDC link.
It's amazing what a good vaccine program can do.
If you can minimize the anti-vaxer idiots.

Seldom do I get thanked for proving someone wrong, bravo. Maybe measles just ran its course as did the Black Plague and perhaps Polio?
Polio did not run its course. Jesus. It was vaccinated into submission.

I realize that the left wing takes things like this at face value and anyone who even questions science is labeled a heretic but let's make a few observations. Why do viruses seem to go away all on their own, like the black plague? (Edit: although I use this as an example the Plague, I believe, was bateria not a virus but they both mutate and something ended the black plague) Simple, for the same reason that we have an epidemic, they mutate into a form that attacks a person then mutate into a virus that doesn't. Seems to me that explains where the black plague went.

My first "inoculation" wasn't by a shot but by a suger cube. I remember standing in line waiting for the miracle. Maybe it was and I am just completely wrong. Matter of fact I don't think I would with hold a vacination from me or my children, I don't know enough to take the chance. But I am thinking that I rarely get sick, although many around me do, so something is protecting me other then just good luck.

I think Polio ran it course. I think increased sanitation may have also helped that is why in third world countries there are still outbreaks inspite of vacinations.

Any way we don't need to sanitize each other with flame, if you wish to discuss, discuss, if you wish to do as usual don't bother.

Hidden History of Polio Vaccine

Polio Was NOT Eradicated By The Vaccine



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So just ignore that our immune systems are becoming weaker.
It natures way of eliminating the weak and making our species stronger.
How do you think that the black plague ended without any vaccine or cure?
We have 7,000 to 13,000 die every year from the common cold too.

Many parents don't think that it's a good idea to bundle the vaccines.
We should spread them out and a one day old baby should not get a vaccine until they are at least 3 months old.
Do you actually read anything that other people post or are you so convinced that you are right that you have become a parrot?

Yes I do. I don't think that you do though, sometimes.
I also do not think I am always right.
I just put my opinion out there.
You are the one who seems to have a problem with conservatives opinion's.
You're always attacking them like you think you are still in the flame zone.
And yet you ignore that the plague HAS NOT ended and that there is a vaccine for it! Priceless.

I never said one way or the other.
Back then I think it was because of the weather, there are fewer fleas in winter than in summer, therefore when winter began the plague drifted away.
In the late 17th century during the plague outbreak in London, the Great London fire burned down a large percentage of the city, especially those areas where the houses were cheap and built close together. This killed or drove away the majority of rats and the plague left with them.

GW cured the black plague? Really? :)D
  • Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available.
  • In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally – about 400 deaths every day or 16 deaths every hour.
  • Measles vaccination resulted in a 75% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2013 worldwide.
  • In 2013, about 84% of the world's children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday through routine health services – up from 73% in 2000.
  • During 2000-2013, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths making measles vaccine one of the best buys in public health.
WHO Measles

BTW the black plague ended without vaccination.

US and CDC. Show me where it is even on the top ten list yet alone a leading cause.

If you want to throw the US in with other countries that have universal healthcare and their people are dying at a rate not seen in the US that is your business.

Thanks for the CDC link.
It's amazing what a good vaccine program can do.
If you can minimize the anti-vaxer idiots.

Seldom do I get thanked for proving someone wrong, bravo. Maybe measles just ran its course as did the Black Plague and perhaps Polio?

Who did you prove wrong? Where?

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause. Maybe worldwide that is the case but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason.
BTW the black plague ended without vaccination.

US and CDC. Show me where it is even on the top ten list yet alone a leading cause.

If you want to throw the US in with other countries that have universal healthcare and their people are dying at a rate not seen in the US that is your business.

Thanks for the CDC link.
It's amazing what a good vaccine program can do.
If you can minimize the anti-vaxer idiots.

Seldom do I get thanked for proving someone wrong, bravo. Maybe measles just ran its course as did the Black Plague and perhaps Polio?

Who did you prove wrong? Where?

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause. Maybe worldwide that is the case but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason.

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause.

My source was the World Health Organization.

Maybe worldwide that is the case

It is the case.

but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason

Vaccinations are not the reason why it is a leading cause of death for children worldwide.
That's fine, so long as your kids don't get to go to school with kids who were vaccinated.
2 of the 3 do. Oldest is in 2nd grade,middle is in Kindergarten. 3rd child will be starting headstart in fall.

Yeah, we have to eliminate the phony "religious objections".
Get your kids immunized, idiots!

Nope. Not gonna happen. I don't vaccinate my kids and I don't get vaccines. Wife just got note from her baby doc to not have to get the TB test done while she is pregnant. 1. the vaccines DON'T WORK. 2. Vaccines have caused hundreds of deaths and THOUSANDS of people have been compensated for vaccine related injuries since the late 80's when vaccine courts were set up. The vaccines use aborted fetal cells as one example of disgusting and immoral things the put in them and then inject you with.

Measles Vaccines Kill More People than Measles CDC Data Proves The Liberty Beacon

Only sheeple refuse to research themselves the side effects and dangers of vaccines.

Nope. Not gonna happen. I don't vaccinate my kids and I don't get vaccines.

You're an idiot.

the vaccines DON'T WORK.

Obviously. Just look at all the polio cases last week. All the smallpox deaths last month. Moron.

Only sheeple refuse to research themselves the side effects and dangers of vaccines

Only sheeple refuse to research themselves the death and injuries vaccines prevent.
1. Opinion everyone has one,most are wrong including this one.
2.Obviously research how many deaths FROM the MMR vaccine in past 10 years vs deaths from Measles in last 10 years.
3.I did both and came to correct conclusion that vaccines are dangerous and full of poison,they harm more than they help. Its a for profit industry not an industry to just help people stay safe.

Obviously research how many deaths FROM the MMR vaccine in past 10 years vs deaths from Measles in last 10 years.

By all means, share your research.

Its a for profit industry not an industry to just help people stay safe

By all means, share just how much profit the vaccine industry generates.
Start with the MMR vaccine.
US and CDC. Show me where it is even on the top ten list yet alone a leading cause.

If you want to throw the US in with other countries that have universal healthcare and their people are dying at a rate not seen in the US that is your business.

Thanks for the CDC link.
It's amazing what a good vaccine program can do.
If you can minimize the anti-vaxer idiots.

Seldom do I get thanked for proving someone wrong, bravo. Maybe measles just ran its course as did the Black Plague and perhaps Polio?

Who did you prove wrong? Where?

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause. Maybe worldwide that is the case but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason.

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause.

My source was the World Health Organization.

Maybe worldwide that is the case

It is the case.

but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason

Vaccinations are not the reason why it is a leading cause of death for children worldwide.

From WHO:
Key facts
  • 6.3 million children under the age of five died in 2013.
  • More than half of these early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions.
  • Leading causes of death in under-five children are preterm birth complications, pneumonia, birth asphyxia, diarrhoea and malaria. About 45% of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition.
  • Children in sub-Saharan Africa are more than 15 times more likely to die before the age of five than children in developed regions.
WHO Children reducing mortality

6.3 millionchildren under age five died in 2013,
nearly 17 000 every day

Under-five mortality
Causes of death
83%of deaths in children under age five are caused by infectious, neonatal or nutritional conditions

Causes of under-five mortality
Preventing under-five deaths
59%of children with suspected pneumonia are taken for treatment to an appropriate care provider

Care seeking for pneumonia

Ok, I finally found Measles mentioned on the WHO site. It is on this chart at 2 percent.

WHO Causes of child mortality
Thanks for the CDC link.
It's amazing what a good vaccine program can do.
If you can minimize the anti-vaxer idiots.

Seldom do I get thanked for proving someone wrong, bravo. Maybe measles just ran its course as did the Black Plague and perhaps Polio?

Who did you prove wrong? Where?

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause. Maybe worldwide that is the case but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason.

Sigh, your implication was that more children die of measles in the US then any other cause.

My source was the World Health Organization.

Maybe worldwide that is the case

It is the case.

but your implication is completely wrong then you try and distract by saying vaccinations was the reason

Vaccinations are not the reason why it is a leading cause of death for children worldwide.

From WHO:
Key facts
  • 6.3 million children under the age of five died in 2013.
  • More than half of these early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions.
  • Leading causes of death in under-five children are preterm birth complications, pneumonia, birth asphyxia, diarrhoea and malaria. About 45% of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition.
  • Children in sub-Saharan Africa are more than 15 times more likely to die before the age of five than children in developed regions.
WHO Children reducing mortality

6.3 millionchildren under age five died in 2013,
nearly 17 000 every day

Under-five mortality
Causes of death
83%of deaths in children under age five are caused by infectious, neonatal or nutritional conditions

Causes of under-five mortality
Preventing under-five deaths
59%of children with suspected pneumonia are taken for treatment to an appropriate care provider

Care seeking for pneumonia

Ok, I finally found Measles mentioned on the WHO site. It is on this chart at 2 percent.

WHO Causes of child mortality

Thanks for the info.
Hopefully anti-vaxxer idiocy doesn't result in any needless deaths of children here.

  • You may want to learn to question metric used in statements like these.

Measles is one of the leading causes of death? No. The number of deaths reported for measles includes children. Learn to think.

145,700 deaths in a population of 7 billion people. Think about that.

No one is saying that the vaccine does not work. However, before the vaccine, the vast majority of people who contracted measles survived with no lasting medical problems.

I believe in vaccines and have had my children vaccinated. However, your abject fear and terror at a minor childhood disease is rather amusing. Vaccinate your kids and you won't have to worry about those who are not vaccinated.

Problem solved.

Measles is one of the leading causes of death?

Of children, yes.

145,700 deaths in a population of 7 billion people. Think about that.

I think it would be higher if the anti-vaxxer idiocy continues.

However, before the vaccine, the vast majority of people who contracted measles survived with no lasting medical problems.

And the minority who died or had lasting damage? No big deal?

However, your abject fear and terror at a minor childhood disease is rather amusing.

Yes, idiots who put their own children and others at risk are really amusing. Asshole.
Your problem is, you don't think. You just react...with fear....

145,700 deaths in a population of 7 billion people is 0.00005% of the population.

Do you know why that is? Because people rarely die from measles.

You don't seem to understand (not surprising it appears) that its tragic that some do have medical issues after contracting measles.

However, the percentage is so slight as to be almost negligible and is by NO MEANS a justification for government breaking the sanctity of the parent/child relation. None at all.

You don't have the right nor the intelligence to make choices for others. What is amusing, since you don't seem to grasp English very well, is YOUR fear, no the plight of children.

Take your 'the sky is falling' sign back to the corner of Panicked and Irrational.

You just react...with fear....
Yes, I'm afraid of idiots who put children at risk for no good reason.

Do you know why that is? Because people rarely die from measles.

They rarely die because billions of people have been vaccinated. Idiot.

Take your 'the sky is falling' sign back to the corner of Panicked and Irrational.

The anti-vaxxers are the irrational ones.

And your view on abortion?

  • You may want to learn to question metric used in statements like these.

Measles is one of the leading causes of death? No. The number of deaths reported for measles includes children. Learn to think.

145,700 deaths in a population of 7 billion people. Think about that.

No one is saying that the vaccine does not work. However, before the vaccine, the vast majority of people who contracted measles survived with no lasting medical problems.

I believe in vaccines and have had my children vaccinated. However, your abject fear and terror at a minor childhood disease is rather amusing. Vaccinate your kids and you won't have to worry about those who are not vaccinated.

Problem solved.

Measles is one of the leading causes of death?

Of children, yes.

145,700 deaths in a population of 7 billion people. Think about that.

I think it would be higher if the anti-vaxxer idiocy continues.

However, before the vaccine, the vast majority of people who contracted measles survived with no lasting medical problems.

And the minority who died or had lasting damage? No big deal?

However, your abject fear and terror at a minor childhood disease is rather amusing.

Yes, idiots who put their own children and others at risk are really amusing. Asshole.
Your problem is, you don't think. You just react...with fear....

145,700 deaths in a population of 7 billion people is 0.00005% of the population.

Do you know why that is? Because people rarely die from measles.

You don't seem to understand (not surprising it appears) that its tragic that some do have medical issues after contracting measles.

However, the percentage is so slight as to be almost negligible and is by NO MEANS a justification for government breaking the sanctity of the parent/child relation. None at all.

You don't have the right nor the intelligence to make choices for others. What is amusing, since you don't seem to grasp English very well, is YOUR fear, no the plight of children.

Take your 'the sky is falling' sign back to the corner of Panicked and Irrational.

You just react...with fear....
Yes, I'm afraid of idiots who put children at risk for no good reason.

Do you know why that is? Because people rarely die from measles.

They rarely die because billions of people have been vaccinated. Idiot.

Take your 'the sky is falling' sign back to the corner of Panicked and Irrational.

The anti-vaxxers are the irrational ones.

And your view on abortion?

Strongly against.

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