State dept. corrects their wrong Keystone assumptions..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Once again this incompetent administration has NO idea of what they are doing. Case in point Keystone.

The State Department on Friday corrected several errors it made in a key study evaluating the impact of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, including an understatement of how many people could be killed on railroad tracks if the project were rejected and oil traffic by rail increased.
The January report determined that blocking the controversial pipeline could increase Oil train traffic and lead to an additional 49 injuries and 6 deaths per year, mostly by using historical injury and fatality statistics for railways.
That finding was a small element of a broader examination of how building the pipeline could impact climate change, endangered species, quality of life and other issues.
But the report mistakenly used a forecast for three months of expected accidents rather than full-year figures, officials said. The correct estimate of deaths should be roughly 4X as large; between 18 and 30 fatalities per year.

Officials also revised a footnoted reference to how much electricity would be needed to power pumping stations along the route of the pipeline that would link Canada’s Oil sands region to Texas refineries.
Running at something less than full capacity, the pumping stations would not require as much electricity, and so tax power plants less than originally reported.
Revising that footnote has no impact on the State Department’s estimation of expected Greenhouse gas emissions tied to the pipeline, a spokesperson said.
“It is common practice to publish an errata sheet that notes and corrects errors in voluminous technical documents such as environmental impact statements,” the State Department said.
US Corrects Keystone Study Errors | Live Trading News

BUT the BIGGEST totally UNACCOUNTED for mistake is what happens when Canada ships 1 million barrels a day via an oil tanker because Keystone not built.

Was there any accounting for what happens if another Exxon Valdez occurs?
Consider the risks:
A) Keystone carries in one mile of pipe 700 barrels.
B) 1 million barrel tanker carries in one mile on open ocean 1 million barrels.

Explain how much it would cost to clean up another Exxon Valdez on the open ocean that is still affecting the environment...
Versus cleaning up less then 2,000 barrels on the open dry land?

Which would have a greater environmental impact??
New Republican majority passes House Keystone bill...

U.S. House passes Keystone bill
WASHINGTON Fri Nov 14, 2014 - The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives approved the Keystone XL pipeline on Friday, but a similar measure struggled to get enough support in the Senate and President Barack Obama indicated he might use his veto if the bill does get through Congress.
The legislation, approved by 252 votes to 161, circumvents the need for approval of TransCanada Corp's (TRP.TO) $8 billion project by the Obama administration, which has been considering it for more than six years. No Republicans voted against the measure, while 31 Democrats voted for the bill. It was the ninth time the House has passed a Keystone bill, and supporters were confident that this time the Senate would follow suit and pass its version. But passage was not assured in the Senate, which is expected to take up the measure next Tuesday. Supporters were still one vote shy of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster, a blocking procedure, an aide to a Keystone supporter said on Friday. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity.


A TransCanada Keystone Pipeline pump station operates outside Steele City, Nebraska

Approval for the pipeline, which would help transport oil from Canada's oil sands to the U.S. Gulf coast energy hub, has rested with the Obama administration because it crosses an international border. The decision has been pending amid jousting between proponents of the pipeline who say it would create thousands of construction jobs and environmentalists who say it would increase carbon emissions linked to climate change. If the measure did pass Congress Obama would have to decide whether to make rare use of his veto power.

While the White House has not said if he would do this, Obama has threatened to use his veto in the past. On Friday, he said he still favored the evaluation that is being carried out by the State Department. Noting legal action in Nebraska, where a court is expected to rule in coming weeks on a case over the pipeline's route in the state, Obama said "until we know what the route is it's very hard to finish that evaluation. And I don't think we should short-circuit that process." The House vote would have no effect on the State Department’s review, department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told a briefing. She did not say when it would be completed.

Keystone is profoundly insignificant. It's a classic example of the GOP trying to use something small to deflect from the fact that their party can't achieve anything big.
Keystone is profoundly insignificant. It's a classic example of the GOP trying to use something small to deflect from the fact that their party can't achieve anything big.

The move reflects political acumen. The people support the pipeline, and the president doesn't. Putting the bill on his desk forces him to either do something he doesn't want to do or (again) go against the people, further harming Hillary's chances in '16. They need to keep doing things like this. The people don't want amnesty, they want the pipeline, and they don't want obamadon'tcare.
Once again this incompetent administration has NO idea of what they are doing. Case in point Keystone.

The State Department on Friday corrected several errors it made in a key study evaluating the impact of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, including an understatement of how many people could be killed on railroad tracks if the project were rejected and oil traffic by rail increased.
The January report determined that blocking the controversial pipeline could increase Oil train traffic and lead to an additional 49 injuries and 6 deaths per year, mostly by using historical injury and fatality statistics for railways.
That finding was a small element of a broader examination of how building the pipeline could impact climate change, endangered species, quality of life and other issues.
But the report mistakenly used a forecast for three months of expected accidents rather than full-year figures, officials said. The correct estimate of deaths should be roughly 4X as large; between 18 and 30 fatalities per year.

Officials also revised a footnoted reference to how much electricity would be needed to power pumping stations along the route of the pipeline that would link Canada’s Oil sands region to Texas refineries.
Running at something less than full capacity, the pumping stations would not require as much electricity, and so tax power plants less than originally reported.
Revising that footnote has no impact on the State Department’s estimation of expected Greenhouse gas emissions tied to the pipeline, a spokesperson said.
“It is common practice to publish an errata sheet that notes and corrects errors in voluminous technical documents such as environmental impact statements,” the State Department said.
US Corrects Keystone Study Errors | Live Trading News

BUT the BIGGEST totally UNACCOUNTED for mistake is what happens when Canada ships 1 million barrels a day via an oil tanker because Keystone not built.

Was there any accounting for what happens if another Exxon Valdez occurs?
Consider the risks:
A) Keystone carries in one mile of pipe 700 barrels.
B) 1 million barrel tanker carries in one mile on open ocean 1 million barrels.

Explain how much it would cost to clean up another Exxon Valdez on the open ocean that is still affecting the environment...
Versus cleaning up less then 2,000 barrels on the open dry land?

Which would have a greater environmental impact??

are they errors and miscalculations

or outright lies meant to pull the wool over the eyes

of the people too stupid to know the difference
Keystone is profoundly insignificant. It's a classic example of the GOP trying to use something small to deflect from the fact that their party can't achieve anything big.
HEY GIVE ME SMALL things THAT work EVERYTIME versus grandiose failures i.e. Obamacare 2,000 pages of crap that can NEVER be totally implemented.
You idiots that want BIG PLANS never for once considered how a man walked on the moon!
It wasn't done in ONE GIGANTIC first time out of the box effort!
It was so minute in details that the testing had testing and tests of the testing of testing... it was important to get it right the first time a man went up in a rocket!
But you putzes and your "GRAND PLANS"! Idiots playing at planning!
YES Keystone is a small when comparing to the total 185,000 MILES of already existing pipelines... 1,795 miles small or 9/10ths of one percent of all
the existing pipelines.
YES it is small and thanks to idiots like you and Obama you'd prefer the oil to be shipped over the ocean to china in 1 million barrel tankers... like
Exxon Valdez! Remember the mess that caused and YOU WANT that to happen again?

Byers says. "Imagine oil-laden tankers passing through one of the richest fisheries in the United States. That will raise many concerns."

Unimak Pass is about 800 miles southwest of Anchorage. David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. Large ships must ride out the storms in sheltered coves in the Aleutians. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble. "A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Environmental Dangers of em Not em Building Keystone XL - Popular Mechanics
But stupid idiots like you and Obama want 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean through 40 foot seas... VERSUS
700 barrels traveling in one mile of pipeline! How absolutely stupid!
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
The ONLY way I can communicate to those idiots that don't comprehend the difference between shipping 1 million barrels in a tanker traveling one mile on the open ocean versus 700 ---- repeat that 700 BARRELS, not millions, 700 barrels in pipeline on dry land over one mile.
Because it will take 24 hours to travel the 1,800 miles of pipeline and SURPRISE to all you that can't grasp it... NOT all 800,000 barrels can fit into
one mile of pipe at the same time! Surprise!!!
Now this is what a 1 million barrel Oil tanker looks like:
Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 11.16.26 PM.png

Now this is what ONE MILE of the Keystone pipeline looks like:
Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 11.19.49 PM.png

700 barrels will be flowing in every mile of the pipeline this versus
1 million barrels in an oil tanker traveling one mile on the open ocean.
Do you simpletons understand therefore the fact that:
The risk of destroying thousands of square miles of ocean ARE greater then destroying dozens of square miles of dry land?
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 11.26.30 PM.png
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???


We've got our own refineries.

You should be investigating who is trying to block KEYSTONE III. You do realize XL is the third correct?

Steyer your green billionaire is heavily invested in Kinder Morgan. As far as I know he has still not divested himself of them.

Kinder Morgan owns Trans Mountain. WHOOPSIES!!!!!!!!!!

The competitor to Trans Canada and Keystone. Steyer is invested in the competing pipeline company.

Yes you read that right.

OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

I am so glad you are still out there healthmyths. You have never given up the good fight and just wanted to take a minute out to thank you for what you've done over all these years.

Thank you.
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
Keystone is profoundly insignificant. It's a classic example of the GOP trying to use something small to deflect from the fact that their party can't achieve anything big.
Hmmm, who has had six years to achieve something besides "fundamentally transforming America" into a second rate nation?
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
What major mountain range lies between the Canadian oil and starting point of the Keystone pipeline, and the Gulf?

Tell us how a pipeline over/under/through the Rockies would work out.
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
What major mountain range lies between the Canadian oil and starting point of the Keystone pipeline, and the Gulf?

Tell us how a pipeline over/under/through the Rockies would work out.

That's not the argument. healthmyths is arguing that a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico makes shipping oil to China safer.

He's insane.
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
What major mountain range lies between the Canadian oil and starting point of the Keystone pipeline, and the Gulf?

Tell us how a pipeline over/under/through the Rockies would work out.

That's not the argument. healthmyths is arguing that a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico makes shipping oil to China safer.

He's insane.
Seems China is going to get all the oil and gas it needs from Russia anyway.
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
What major mountain range lies between the Canadian oil and starting point of the Keystone pipeline, and the Gulf?

Tell us how a pipeline over/under/through the Rockies would work out.

That's not the argument. healthmyths is arguing that a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico makes shipping oil to China safer.

He's insane.
Seems China is going to get all the oil and gas it needs from Russia anyway.

And from the oil they're going to extract right in our own Gulf Of Mexico because of our insane refusal to exploit our own resources.
OMG! Who is paying healthy to lobby for the Keystone Pipeline? The Canadians don't know how to build a refinery,,eh?
Maybe Keystone needs to sweeten the pot???
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
What major mountain range lies between the Canadian oil and starting point of the Keystone pipeline, and the Gulf?

Tell us how a pipeline over/under/through the Rockies would work out.

Like this, I suppose.
Building a refinery is not the issue. Canada wants to sell the oil on the open market.
China will buy 1 million barrels a day.
Do you want one million barrels sitting in a tanker waiting for a winter storm NOT to sink it and have this happen again?
View attachment 34098

The Pacific coast is closer to China than is the Gulf of Mexico.

btw, what will Canada be paying us to ship oil across the US? Where's that number?
What major mountain range lies between the Canadian oil and starting point of the Keystone pipeline, and the Gulf?

Tell us how a pipeline over/under/through the Rockies would work out.

That's not the argument. healthmyths is arguing that a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico makes shipping oil to China safer.

He's insane.
Seems China is going to get all the oil and gas it needs from Russia anyway.

And from the oil they're going to extract right in our own Gulf Of Mexico because of our insane refusal to exploit our own resources.

Where are foreign companies drilling in US territorial waters that American companies aren't allowed?

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