Zone1 St John Vianney (tormented by Satan) "greatest of all evils is not to be tempted.."


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
St John Vianney said the "greatest of all evils is not to be tempted.. [because then Satan] "looks upon us as his property"

I had begun, all on my own, to believe this... had also heard it alluded to by both Cahtolics and non-Catholic (Christians)

So maybe it is true what some other saintly (but un-remembered) person said, something to the effect that if you have a lot of sufferings.. it means ... can't recall the exact words but something to the effect of... it's not a bad thing..

LOL... (sorry for not remembering verbatim but I think that works just the same..)
St John Vianney said the "greatest of all evils is not to be tempted.. [because then Satan] "looks upon us as his property"

I had begun, all on my own, to believe this... had also heard it alluded to by both Cahtolics and non-Catholic (Christians)

So maybe it is true what some other saintly (but un-remembered) person said, something to the effect that if you have a lot of sufferings.. it means ... can't recall the exact words but something to the effect of... it's not a bad thing..

LOL... (sorry for not remembering verbatim but I think that works just the same..)

As a sufferer of what many neurologists claim is the worst pain that a human being can suffer, I'll buy that.

Up until I read what you wrote, paraphrased in another thread, I thought my suffering was pointless.


As a sufferer of what many neurologists claim is the worst pain that a human being can suffer, I'll buy that.

Up until I read what you wrote, paraphrased in another thread, I thought my suffering was pointless.


I'm glad you don't find it pointless anymore. I have sufferings I still feel are pointless but I have found... how do I say it?

I have been shown many things through all I have suffered... many htings... I don't know why it all seems "negative" but... whatever..

Whoever said life on Planet Earth is some kind of endless picnic? although some of us subconsciously ... seem to think .. well, if I just do this and that, that old picnic day will arrrive...

It never does.. but oh well.. Heaven is that endless picnic... so I've heard.. :)

Satan won't be there. :) greatest "picnic" you can imagine!

Thanks for sharing... Anathema may be helped by what you (we) say

St. Paul talked about suffering as participating in the Passion of Christ.

I recall Mother Angelica (who had some serious and painful medical conditions) would say a simple prayer that gave the suffering meaning. It was something like - Lord please use my suffering for the saving of souls.
St. Paul talked about suffering as participating in the Passion of Christ.

I recall Mother Angelica (who had some serious and painful medical conditions) would say a simple prayer that gave the suffering meaning. It was something like - Lord please use my suffering for the saving of souls.

That's exactly what my spiritual teacher keeps reminding me of.

I adore Mother Angelica.


That's exactly what my spiritual teacher keeps reminding me of.

I adore Mother Angelica.

do you have fibromyalgia?

I don't know much about it but I'll pray for you if you pray for me


My sufferings are too many to mention and most here probably wouldn't u/stand half of them, plus I don't want to talk about them anyhow.

do you have fibromyalgia?

I don't know much about it but I'll pray for you if you pray for me


My sufferings are too many to mention and most here probably wouldn't u/stand half of them, plus I don't want to talk about them anyhow.


I will definitely pray for you!

They used to say I had fibro, but I think it's my body rebelling against the poisons in the food and prescription drugs and in the air we breathe. No one has ever been able to explain fibro.

My biggest problem is trigeminal neuralgia. I won't explain it. Just accept that it's exquisitely painful.

Thanks for your prayers.


I will definitely pray for you!

They used to say I had fibro, but I think it's my body rebelling against the poisons in the food and prescription drugs and in the air we breathe. No one has ever been able to explain fibro.

My biggest problem is trigeminal neuralgia. I won't explain it. Just accept that it's exquisitely painful.

Thanks for your prayers.

I'm very sorry. When I suffer a lot, I remember Jesus on the Cross... well, I try to... sometimes I just get angry @ God.. LOL but He understands (hopefully :rolleyes:). . Like I say, no one would understand... well, they'd u/stand some of it but again, I don't like talking about it. I like remembering the day in the future when all this misery comes to an end. The devil seems to be telling me that day will never come... sigh.

Do you take anything for pain?

Also, you mentioned diet. I used to be into studying such things. I learned the following that may be helpful:

don't drink store bought milk. Raw milk is better, way... except it may be hard to find. Or you can buy cream and nonfat at the store and mix them. Homogenization is bad for your arteries... so this 1%.. 2% stuff is BAD... long story

don't even think about being vegan, except maybe for one day...

eliminate trans fats

eliminate white sugar

and other stuff I cannot readily recall. Also, oil for cooking should always be in a glass, preferably dark glass container because plastic doesn't keep out all air and air causes rancidity.. I think maybe oil can be rancid without it tasting bad? I don't know.. I gave up plastic as much as possible years ago.

I'm very sorry. When I suffer a lot, I remember Jesus on the Cross... well, I try to... sometimes I just get angry @ God.. LOL but He understands (hopefully :rolleyes:). . Like I say, no one would understand... well, they'd u/stand some of it but again, I don't like talking about it. I like remembering the day in the future when all this misery comes to an end. The devil seems to be telling me that day will never come... sigh.

Do you take anything for pain?

Also, you mentioned diet. I used to be into studying such things. I learned the following that may be helpful:

don't drink store bought milk. Raw milk is better, way... except it may be hard to find. Or you can buy cream and nonfat at the store and mix them. Homogenization is bad for your arteries... so this 1%.. 2% stuff is BAD... long story

don't even think about being vegan, except maybe for one day...

eliminate trans fats

eliminate white sugar

and other stuff I cannot readily recall. Also, oil for cooking should always be in a glass, preferably dark glass container because plastic doesn't keep out all air and air causes rancidity.. I think maybe oil can be rancid without it tasting bad? I don't know.. I gave up plastic as much as possible years ago.


Thanks for all of that advice. I am already doing much of it, but I do need to switch to raw milk. I'm on a waiting list at a good local farm for their raw milk.

My biggest diet shift was away from oxalic acid. All plants make it, but there are some that make far less of it. It's a limited diet but it seems to help.

I take no pain medication but I do take a neuro drug which controls the flare ups.

And I just started with a new chiropractor today who practices a very different technique. I'm optimistic.

Too much to explain, but thanks for asking.

Take care.


Thanks for all of that advice. I am already doing much of it, but I do need to switch to raw milk. I'm on a waiting list at a good local farm for their raw milk.

My biggest diet shift was away from oxalic acid. All plants make it, but there are some that make far less of it. It's a limited diet but it seems to help.

I take no pain medication but I do take a neuro drug which controls the flare ups.

And I just started with a new chiropractor today who practices a very different technique. I'm optimistic.

Too much to explain, but thanks for asking.

Take care.


maybe this is too personal but I was wondering what caused the problem? or do they not know?

I understand if you don't want to go there...
maybe this is too personal but I was wondering what caused the problem? or do they not know?

I understand if you don't want to go there...

It started happening and increased greatly when I was on psychotropic drugs prescribed by doctors.

Beyond that, they're clueless.

St John Vianney said the "greatest of all evils is not to be tempted.. [because then Satan] "looks upon us as his property"

I had begun, all on my own, to believe this... had also heard it alluded to by both Cahtolics and non-Catholic (Christians)

So maybe it is true what some other saintly (but un-remembered) person said, something to the effect that if you have a lot of sufferings.. it means ... can't recall the exact words but something to the effect of... it's not a bad thing..
Am an advocate of almost any Deflection technique that works, even if its success is founded on a Placebo type effect .
A danger can arise when patients are so overcome with their results that they start to ascribe reasons for success which are unfortunately illusory.
As in the type of area that you cite, for example .imo.

A clue as to how illogical an overall mantra can be, is seen when you make a change to the opening subject ( the greatest of all evils ) to , "the greatest of all sins ".
The follow -on then has to be , "is not to sin,or , not to be sinned against ."
Clearly gobbledygook, or, mumbo jumbo , which is precisely the basis of many deflection treatments where , for example , a witch doctor delivers such incant .
Of course , if the mumbo jumbo works for you, that is likely your only point of interest . Understandably .

My general point is to beware making an illusion an imagined act of real magic .
Am an advocate of almost any Deflection technique that works, even if its success is founded on a Placebo type effect .
A danger can arise when patients are so overcome with their results that they start to ascribe reasons for success which are unfortunately illusory.
As in the type of area that you cite, for example .

A clue as to how illogical an overall mantra can be, is seen when you make a change to the opening subject ( the greatest of all evils ) to , "the greatest of all sins ".
The follow -on then has to be , "is not to sin,or , not to be sinned against ."
Clearly gobbledygook, or, mumbo jumbo , which is precisely the basis of many deflection treatments where , for example , a witch doctor delivers such incant .
Of course , if the mumbo jumbo works for you, that is likely your only point of interest . Understandably .

My general point is to beware making an illusion an imagined act of real magic .

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It started happening and increased greatly when I was on psychotropic drugs prescribed by doctors.

Beyond that, they're clueless.


my first response to this was


"they" tried to put me on those years ago.. was on an anti-depressant that I'd never heard of until then and haven't heard of since (which is telling all by itself?). One day I was tired of the side effects (paranoia was one and I was already ... PTSD) and threw what was left in the bottle into the trash... haven't touched those damn things since... have told doctors many times: I hate drugs

"Reality isfor people who can't handle drugs"
My general point is to beware making an illusion an imagined act of real magic .

well, i have to give u cred for giving us the "general point" because I was failing therewith

Anyhow, you can call something "magic" (ironically) or you can call it whatever else, but I say (again, this seems rather ironic)

whatever works

That's exactly what my spiritual teacher keeps reminding me of.

I adore Mother Angelica.

this is one of myfavorite things about the Cahtolic faith, which thing is unique to it only:

offering sufferings to God for the salvation of souls.. which is likely a lost art w/ most Catholics due to the nefarious detritus of Vatican II, which "council" threw out so many really beautiful teachings of the Catholic faith. That's not to sayall novus ordo priests are evil (though plenty are), because I have met a few who really inspired and helped me. But i will never ever accept Vatican II... mostly because it was instituted by anti-Catholic pervs (communists and others)

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