Southern Border...Lake and Abbott

You really don't get it do you.

The southern border is under control of the drug cartels.

Bullshit. You don't seem to get it. Federal government controls our border. The cartels are emboldened by our completely broken immigration system that both parties talk a good game about, yet do absolutely nothing but offer their band aid solutions (AKA: throwing money at it), tots and pears to a decades old problem they seemingly aren't too keen to solve anyway. So, the cartels flagrantly attempt to cross our border and do the exact same bad gang shit that they do in their country in our country.

The problem for cartels is, America's LEO force doesn't quite suffer from the level in current police corruption seen in Mexico, especially in border states as well as areas in and around Mexico City where 'being disappeared' is a real thing. So, cartels are overmatched in force in America, so they got creative, and started trafficking in their future pushers, who were mostly just poor people in Mexico. But who gives a shit about them when we have social media to feed us our opinions, amirite?!?

Magaturds purposely throw in the typical 'border jumper' with cartel member because their Orange evangelist says so. Classic good guy/bad guy setup.

In reality, nothing about our southern border has changed dramatically. It's the type and potency of the particular drug being pushed over border fort the last 50 years. We have the resources to ride into Mexico and exterminate the cartels. But, we won't do that.

We could work with the Mexican government to actually reform immigration from both sides of the aisle, but that's too much work.
Bullshit. You don't seem to get it. Federal government controls our border. The cartels are emboldened by our completely broken immigration system that both parties talk a good game about, yet do absolutely nothing but offer their band aid solutions (AKA: throwing money at it), tots and pears to a decades old problem they seemingly aren't too keen to solve anyway. So, the cartels flagrantly attempt to cross our border and do the exact same bad gang shit that they do in their country in our country.

The problem for cartels is, America's LEO force doesn't quite suffer from the level in current police corruption seen in Mexico, especially in border states as well as areas in and around Mexico City where 'being disappeared' is a real thing. So, cartels are overmatched in force in America, so they got creative, and started trafficking in their future pushers, who were mostly just poor people in Mexico. But who gives a shit about them when we have social media to feed us our opinions, amirite?!?

Magaturds purposely throw in the typical 'border jumper' with cartel member because their Orange evangelist says so. Classic good guy/bad guy setup.

In reality, nothing about our southern border has changed dramatically. It's the type and potency of the particular drug being pushed over border fort the last 50 years. We have the resources to ride into Mexico and exterminate the cartels. But, we won't do that.

We could work with the Mexican government to actually reform immigration from both sides of the aisle, but that's too much work.

No, it doesn't. The feds have abdicated control of the border. They are feckless corruptocrats intent on letting every criminal in that they can.

We like the true refugees. They hate your guts, but our dear leaders are importing hardened criminals by the bushel.
No, it doesn't. The feds have abdicated control of the border. They are feckless corruptocrats intent on letting every criminal in that they can.

We like the true refugees. They hate your guts, but our dear leaders are importing hardened criminals by the bushel.
Fucking Liberals would drop dead if they didn't have an economic class below them.
Bullshit. You don't seem to get it. Federal government controls our border. The cartels are emboldened by our completely broken immigration system that both parties talk a good game about, yet do absolutely nothing but offer their band aid solutions (AKA: throwing money at it), tots and pears to a decades old problem they seemingly aren't too keen to solve anyway. So, the cartels flagrantly attempt to cross our border and do the exact same bad gang shit that they do in their country in our country.

The problem for cartels is, America's LEO force doesn't quite suffer from the level in current police corruption seen in Mexico, especially in border states as well as areas in and around Mexico City where 'being disappeared' is a real thing. So, cartels are overmatched in force in America, so they got creative, and started trafficking in their future pushers, who were mostly just poor people in Mexico. But who gives a shit about them when we have social media to feed us our opinions, amirite?!?

Magaturds purposely throw in the typical 'border jumper' with cartel member because their Orange evangelist says so. Classic good guy/bad guy setup.

In reality, nothing about our southern border has changed dramatically. It's the type and potency of the particular drug being pushed over border fort the last 50 years. We have the resources to ride into Mexico and exterminate the cartels. But, we won't do that.

We could work with the Mexican government to actually reform immigration from both sides of the aisle, but that's too much work.

The only thing wrong with our immigration system is when we have leaders that don't enforce it. As for the drugs, those crossing the border are repaying the help they get from the cartels via unknown pathways into the country, fake identification and SS numbers. In the second half of Trump's term fighting the courts, the Communists, when he got most of his policies in order, border crossings dropped to record lows and has been reported on by right and left wing media at the time.
Problem is not being solved though, and for a variety of reasons. For his part, Joe only made it worse from day 1 or 2 and the latest, a big non-forced error, that still has not been recovered or managed effectively. DeSantis is just a political gadfly 700+ miles away. The Governors of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are right there, their state border being the international board, and they have a responsibility to their states, to deal with what is not being dealt with at the national level for whatever reason. I wish them luck, actually.

Dementia reversing Trump's very effective polices was no accident. It was deliberate and no error at all.
Dementia reversing Trump's very effective polices was no accident. It was deliberate and no error at all.
It was deliberate, alright, but it was definitely an error, in multiple ways, and it sets the tone for his administration or lack of administration, depending on your view. Existing policies in play were not great, by any means. But, to come in, not only changing, but announcing to the world, without even a heads up to Mexico, so we ended up with a mad dash to the border, for which he stupidly had no new plans, infrastructure of personnel to handle, in place. Mexico threw up their hands and released the thousands being held up at their southern border, as all deals were off. I don't know if it was senility, stupidity, or just bending to pay back political favor, but it was some Fk Up Sht. You know I voted for him, but he had the first three months to fix it, in my view, but he didn't and compounded it, in my opinion when they started the midnight flights (some to airports not usually open) unannounced publicly, as if trying to work in secret, to put one over on the American public. Even Kamala was laughing about, when he was called on it by the public and press. She supposedly got put in charge, but the sht show belongs to Joe. It was a first day FKUP with no attempt to improve and no legislative push to fix immigration as a whole, as too busy giving away more money. People that start things in motion with no clue what they are starting, no plan to handle it, nor course corrections to make it better, tend to piss me off.
It was deliberate, alright, but it was definitely an error, in multiple ways, and it sets the tone for his administration or lack of administration, depending on your view. Existing policies in play were not great, by any means. But, to come in, not only changing, but announcing to the world, without even a heads up to Mexico, so we ended up with a mad dash to the border, for which he stupidly had no new plans, infrastructure of personnel to handle, in place. Mexico threw up their hands and released the thousands being held up at their southern border, as all deals were off. I don't know if it was senility, stupidity, or just bending to pay back political favor, but it was some Fk Up Sht. You know I voted for him, but he had the first three months to fix it, in my view, but he didn't and compounded it, in my opinion when they started the midnight flights (some to airports not usually open) unannounced publicly, as if trying to work in secret, to put one over on the American public. Even Kamala was laughing about, when he was called on it by the public and press. She supposedly got put in charge, but the sht show belongs to Joe. It was a first day FKUP with no attempt to improve and no legislative push to fix immigration as a whole, as too busy giving away more money. People that start things in motion with no clue what they are starting, no plan to handle it, nor course corrections to make it better, tend to piss me off.

It was an error for Americans but not an error for Democrats. Their intention was to have open borders so it worked out exactly as they planned.

After Trump found a way around Democrats resistance and multiple court cases where most of his policies were finally put in place, it reduced border crossings to record lows, so it was much more than "not great." His most successful policies were stay in Mexico and threatening the Mexican government US aid if they didn't stop people crossing their country to get to ours. Other policies which included applying for US asylum at your US Embassy in your own country made people realize there was no way to sneak into the country any longer, so they stopped coming.

Mexico understood the intention of this administration so they quit stopping people from crossing their country to get to ours. It was a lot of work they didn't want to do in the first place. So we went from stay in Mexico back top catch and release. Now they are coming in by the millions. Last report I heard, they arrested 113 people on our terrorist watch list since Dementia took over. Lord knows how many didn't get caught or got away.
Let me ask you, how come you and other Dimocrats do not condemn Dim leaders when they encourage the flood of third-worlders?
Because we are indeed a Country of Immigrants.
Accept that FACT ^^^^^
You come from Immigrants.
Legal or not.
Let's have Congress FINALLY find a path to citizenship, like your family most likely had. Congress has FAILED.

You believe ALL immigrants are evil and criminals.
I believe otherwise.
Most Immigrants are hard working family people.

Who are these homeless that you always bitch about.
Most aren't immigrants.

We need immigrants.
They willing work hard on farms, hotels, restaurants, and many other services.

Why don't YOU quit bitching and ask Congress to get off they collective ASSES and find a simple path to citizenship.

There, now you have my answer.^^^^^^^

Drug Cartels are a whole different animal.
They need to be shot on site.
Because we are indeed a Country of Immigrants.
Accept that FACT ^^^^^
You come from Immigrants.
Legal or not.
Let's have Congress FINALLY find a path to citizenship, like your family most likely had. Congress has FAILED.

You believe ALL immigrants are evil and criminals.
I believe otherwise.
Most Immigrants are hard working family people.

Who are these homeless that you always bitch about.
Most aren't immigrants.

We need immigrants.
They willing work hard on farms, hotels, restaurants, and many other services.

Why don't YOU quit bitching and ask Congress to get off they collective ASSES and find a simple path to citizenship.

There, now you have my answer.^^^^^^^

Drug Cartels are a whole different animal.
They need to be shot on site.

So just let the flood continue then the way it is. Got it.

Are you in favor of providing free healthcare the way California is now, and the way EVERY SINGLE Dim presidential candidate is in favor of?
Because we are indeed a Country of Immigrants.
Accept that FACT ^^^^^
You come from Immigrants.
Legal or not.
Let's have Congress FINALLY find a path to citizenship, like your family most likely had. Congress has FAILED.

You believe ALL immigrants are evil and criminals.
I believe otherwise.
Most Immigrants are hard working family people.

Who are these homeless that you always bitch about.
Most aren't immigrants.

We need immigrants.
They willing work hard on farms, hotels, restaurants, and many other services.

Why don't YOU quit bitching and ask Congress to get off they collective ASSES and find a simple path to citizenship.

There, now you have my answer.^^^^^^^

Drug Cartels are a whole different animal.
They need to be shot on site.
Every Country is a county of Immigrants until the flow can no longer be sustained without public assistance.

Back to the origin of this issue...
Why do Brown people run away from Brown Tyrants?
Because we are indeed a Country of Immigrants.
Accept that FACT ^^^^^
You come from Immigrants.
Legal or not.
Let's have Congress FINALLY find a path to citizenship, like your family most likely had. Congress has FAILED.

We have a path to citizenship. You fill out a a bunch of paperwork, submit that to our federal government, and if you're lucky, you're in the one million a year that gets selected to become a citizen. In the meantime, you can apply for a green card to work until that time.

It can't get much easier than that.
You fill out a a bunch of paperwork, submit that to our federal government, and if you're lucky, you're in the one million a year that gets selected to become a citizen
So THAT ^^^ is the selected Path.
C'mon Ray.
So THAT ^^^ is the selected Path.
C'mon Ray.

Yes, that's how we do things in this country. Its why people make reservations at their favorite restaurant. Either that or they wait in line to get a table.

What do the cimmunists mean by immigration reform? They mean let more and more in. They are doing that now and look at the problems we are having. Mr Piglosi's attacker is an illegal immigrant.

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