Southern Border...Lake and Abbott

No. I am a Haslam voter.

"The legislation, which becomes state law Tuesday and takes effect Jan. 1, 2019, requires local law enforcement officials to comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement requests to hold immigrants for purposes of deportation.

If city and county governments don't comply, state government could withhold economic and community development grants for those communities going forward until such time they comply.

Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, R-Oak Ridge, the Senate speaker, said he believes Haslam made a wise decision allowing this legislation to pass. "There are no sanctuary cities in Tennessee and his action today assures that remains the case. As a supporter of the bill, I believe this is a good result for all," he said"

Thats not what I gathered from your last post.
Then WHY is LAKE claiming she will solve the AZ border issue.
Just LIES.
Campaign LIES.
Because the federal government isn't doing their job, moron. So she is going to send those wonderful ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS up to your neck of the woods and you will welcome them with open arms. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Biden invited the invasion, it will take a Republican president to slow it down since as we all know, Dimocrats always have an excuse to not secure the border, and instead if they had things their way, illegal aliens would be provided healthcare paid for of course by 'citizens', which by the way is a dirty word to Dimocrats.
Are ya retarded?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Neither does he. He's in TN, bitching about someone that holds no office in AZ who is a republican while touting the exact same type of moves by the republican governor or TN. In other words--he talks out both sides of his mouth -- a typical TROLL. Mods have slipped big time since I joined this board.
Biden invited the invasion, it will take a Republican president to slow it down since as we all know, Dimocrats always have an excuse to not secure the border, and instead if they had things their way, illegal aliens would be provided healthcare paid for of course by 'citizens', which by the way is a dirty word to Dimocrats.

They already do that in California, don't they?
Border security falls under the responsiblity of the federal government so state Governors are limited in what they can do. The real question is why has the Biden administration done nothing to deal with this problem? Which has only gotten worse since he was sworn in and no small part of that has been because of in some cases the actions taken by Biden.

I don't think it's a big question at all. Biden wants these people coming in plain and simple. Reversing all of Trump's successful policies was no accident.
Because the federal government isn't doing their job, moron. So she is going to send those wonderful ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS up to your neck of the woods and you will welcome them with open arms. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
So Lake, if elected, won't or can't do ANYTHING about crossings, she will just bus them out.

The only thing different in tricking people to get on a bus out of the state, would be who picks up the tab. Political donations are free fungible money to be blown at the politician's whim on political ads, stunt, and other expenses. It is just not important enough to her and the people that support her to support, until they can stick the bill to the whole state, having her cake and eating it too at the voter's expense. You or I could do the same. We just don't care enough to spend our money on it, and no political brownie points to be made for us. DeSantis got good right-wing publicity off his stunt, and stuck Floridians with the bill.

It's like Mexico not paying for the wall. Nobody really cares as long as steps are going forward to solve the problem.
So Lake, if elected, won't or can't do ANYTHING about crossings, she will just bus them out.


With a crisis in both Arizona and Texas, Lake has joined the growing number of voices calling to declare an invasion at the southern border, a move proponents have argued would give the governor additional powers to deal with the crisis under the Constitution.

"It's also important to call it what it is for our policy as well. We're going to be invoking our inherent powers under Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution to defend ourselves from the invasion in lieu of the federal government reneging on their guarantees to protect us under the Guarantee Clause, Article IV, Section IV.

"So we will issue a declaration of invasion, and we will take on those powers that are granted to us in the U.S. Constitution, and we will take care of the problem at our border."

Lake’s campaign page lists a lengthy list of sweeping border policies she intends to implement. Lake wants to create a criminal illegal alien database and a special border court and also strip state funding from municipalities that declare themselves "sanctuary" jurisdictions. Her plan also allows law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants and traffickers for trespassing and expands the National Guard's mission to allow it to destroy cartel tunnels and shoot down drones from Mexico.

She also wants to take additional measures to target criminal cartels that she says have "complete operational control" of the border and that are facilitating a massive influx of deadly illicit fentanyl into the United States. Her plan includes a carveout to allow law enforcement to seize cartel property.

However, she was less enthused by the moves by Ducey and Abbott to send busses of migrants to Washington, D.C., and New York City, calling it a "cute, fun photo op."

"But I'm not for taking people who are here illegally, putting them on busses and shipping them around this country. That sounds like something Joe Biden would do," she said. "It is something Joe Biden is doing. We're just moving people who shouldn't be here further into the country and it makes it harder to track them down. So I am not for that."

She did say, however, that she’s enjoyed watching the outrage from New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

So it seem, she plans on doing quite a bit including battling Democrats in court over who has what right to do what.
What has Abbott done to secure the Texas Border?
Is it working?

Lake, if elected, has a plan......
During a television interview Lake was asked about her wild campaign rhetoric, particularly the part where she has says that, if elected, she would declare an “invasion” on the southern border and send National Guard troops and who knows what else down there, supposedly over the influx of the deadly drug fentanyl.
Fentanyl is mostly snuk into the country legally so that's pure bs.
It's like Mexico not paying for the wall. Nobody really cares as long as steps are going forward to solve the problem.
Problem is not being solved though, and for a variety of reasons. For his part, Joe only made it worse from day 1 or 2 and the latest, a big non-forced error, that still has not been recovered or managed effectively. DeSantis is just a political gadfly 700+ miles away. The Governors of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are right there, their state border being the international board, and they have a responsibility to their states, to deal with what is not being dealt with at the national level for whatever reason. I wish them luck, actually.

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