"...Sounds A Lot Like" You Know Who


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Rightwing, succinct, and correct.

"Every Republican Should Hear New Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Message and Make It Their Platform

....she sounds a lot like Donald Trump, though perhaps even more honest about the problems that plague society. “Natural families” are a key to any society’s success and the vast majority of Republicans have bowed to LGBTQIA+ supremacy in one way or another.

Rightwing, succinct, and correct.

"Every Republican Should Hear New Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Message and Make It Their Platform

....she sounds a lot like Donald Trump, though perhaps even more honest about the problems that plague society. “Natural families” are a key to any society’s success and the vast majority of Republicans have bowed to LGBTQIA+ supremacy in one way or another.

My 100 year old grand aunt walked to her polling place in Rome to vote for Meloni
Rightwing, succinct, and correct.

"Every Republican Should Hear New Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Message and Make It Their Platform

....she sounds a lot like Donald Trump, though perhaps even more honest about the problems that plague society. “Natural families” are a key to any society’s success and the vast majority of Republicans have bowed to LGBTQIA+ supremacy in one way or another.

Here's the better question, why do you on the right need to irrationally hate LGBTQ+ people?
Somewhere in Hell, Mussolini is smiling.
Frankly, I would love to have my life from 2016 back.

I don't know anyone who pines for 2020.
Progs play dumb when things are not so good for them. And then they twist the realities of what happens in that reality to accuse others. Covid was released on purpose with the shills in place domestically to make the worst out of it. The riots were started on purpose and needed just a spark which they got. The election was stolen with the abuse of the mail in system and some questionable voting machines.
It is noteworthy that when the two morons from posts #3 and #4 were challenged to provide any support for their views.....

......they punted.

Neither could.

This is an ongoing pattern with Democrat voters......they follow orders, and cannot explain nor defend what they vote for.

Very different from the social policies outlined by Meloni, here are the House Republican's plan:

  • Fight inflation and lower the cost of living by cutting government spending, lowering taxes, and deregulating industry.
  • Maximize American-made energy and move supply chains and manufacturing away from China.
  • Secure the border by increasing funding to law enforcement, hiring 200,000 more officers, ending catch-and-release, requiring legal status for jobs, targeting DAs who refuse to prosecute crime, and fighting the import of fentanyl that's killing thousands.
  • Establish a Select Committee on China to counter the growing threat of the CCP.
  • Advance a Parents' Bill of Rights, protect women competing in women's sports from transgender ideology, work on legislation to curb censorship and privacy invasion by Big Tech.
  • Uphold constitutional freedoms including free speech, the rights of preborn children, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms.
  • End proxy voting in Congress, push for voter ID and accurate voter rolls with fair observer access to polling sites.
McCarthy also said the GOP's first order of business would be to repeal the 87,000 new IRS agents – many of them armed – that the Democrats approved this year."

House Republicans just laid out their agenda if they win bigly in the midterms. Here's the rundown.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) held a town hall on Friday morning to unveil House Republicans' action plan should they retake the House this November.

Can any Democrat voter articulate their disagreement?

I bet not.
The problem is that in the past the R's have also promised lots of things, that when it's time to make it more than lip service, they only have excuses to give. I agree that they are certainly far better than the D's, and typically we're at a 'status quo' when they are in the majority, but sadly I have little faith in them. Personally I think a high percentage of those in DC, regardless of political affiliation, are bought and paid for, and there's very little we can do to change it. 😔

Your comments are spot on as usual though, couldn't agree more. :cool:
The problem is that in the past the R's have also promised lots of things, that when it's time to make it more than lip service, they only have excuses to give. I agree that they are certainly far better than the D's, and typically we're at a 'status quo' when they are in the majority, but sadly I have little faith in them. Personally I think a high percentage of those in DC, regardless of political affiliation, are bought and paid for, and there's very little we can do to change it. 😔

Your comments are spot on as usual though, couldn't agree more. :cool:

Yup....so true.

But, as you say, they are the only other choice.

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