Someone please explain Bachmann's "reasoning'?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Bachmann attacked President Obama's speech yesterday and in part she proposed to “massively cut” government and to repeal “job killing regulations.’’

If the cost of government is largely the cost of salary and benefits, then cutting government means cutting jobs.

Cutting jobs increases unemployment, so, I conclude, cutting government is a "job killing" proposition.

In my thought process, these government employees have bills to pay, children to raise and whether they are productive in the eyes of some or not, they still pay taxes. In addition they buy things: pizzas and pies, shoes and socks, books and bagels.

How will increasing the unemployment numbers stimulate our economy?
What they need to do is dismantle NASA, all scientific agencies, all National Parks, stop using the Army engineering in civilian endeavors like dikes along the Mississippi...
The reasoning is simply. Eliminating the burden on the American people will allow them to create businesses, expand businesses, and seek out their own financial futures without the government needing to micromanage their lives.
How many tax payers does it take to pay one public employee's salary and benifits?
I would bet it is closer to 50.
Wouldn't it be better to spend that money elsewhere?
Bachmann attacked President Obama's speech yesterday and in part she proposed to “massively cut” government and to repeal “job killing regulations.’’

If the cost of government is largely the cost of salary and benefits, then cutting government means cutting jobs.

Cutting jobs increases unemployment, so, I conclude, cutting government is a "job killing" proposition.

In my thought process, these government employees have bills to pay, children to raise and whether they are productive in the eyes of some or not, they still pay taxes. In addition they buy things: pizzas and pies, shoes and socks, books and bagels.

How will increasing the unemployment numbers stimulate our economy?

Do you understand the broken window fallacy? Are those jobs created out of whole cloth with no cost? And where do you get the bolded part? I want to see some evidence. From what I see on the ground, the waste is MASSIVE compared to the salary. They simply are not in comparison. I will waste the entire years salary for my entire work center in a single day...

In the short term, jobs may be lost. In the long term, we will be a stronger nation because of it. In particular, cutting regulations saves no upfront cost but can go miles to securing our industry again.
This thread is implying the best form of job-making economy would be one in an entirely socialist government.

If the best way to create jobs is to take money out of the economy and put it into government, why not do it with 100% of money earned? Then unemployment would be 0 and we'd all be rich right?
You really have no fucking idea where the money to pay those parasites comes from, do you?

Parasites like... the Department of Defense?
Nice strawman, dickweed.

I'm of course speaking of the parasites at the Departments of Education, Commerce, Labor, Energy, HHS & HUD, Security & TSA, CPB/PBS/NPR, BATF, DEA, ONDCP, and the rest of the Alphabet Soup Mafia.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Now, where does the money to pay those stooges come from?.... Santa Claus?
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You really have no fucking idea where the money to pay those parasites comes from, do you?

Parasites like... the Department of Defense?
Nice strawman, dickweed.

I'm of course speaking of the parasites at the Departments of Education, Commerce, Labor, Energy, HHS & HUD, Security & TSA, CPB/PBS/NPR, BATF, DEA, ONDCP, and the rest of the Alphabet Soup Mafia.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Yes, let's totally ignore the biggest blackhole of money for the US government, the Department of Defense. All those other departments and programs just don't give us the same feeling of overcompensation as it does, so they should go first.
Santa is oh so bountiful on the taxpayers dime.

What ever happened to that list that showed all the waste and the multiple Depts doing the same thing??

Get rid of the useless Depts and the Fed employees that work in em.
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This thread is implying the best form of job-making economy would be one in an entirely socialist government.

If the best way to create jobs is to take money out of the economy and put it into government, why not do it with 100% of money earned? Then unemployment would be 0 and we'd all be rich right?

Nothing is implied in the OP, it is what it is. Gov't employees do many things and this weekend government employees are being honored for giving their lives to save others on Sept. 11, 2001.

Odd-dude is an asshole, suggesting they are part of some great parasitic community goes way beyond his usual hyperbole and hatful rhetoric.

The thread has nothing to do with socialism; all forms of government employee persons to do the business of government; assholes use words like" socialism" as pejorative to invoke fear and hate; a divisive tool used by the enemies of government, the neo-anarchists of the New Right.

Without Gov't regulations and employees to enforce the rule of law, chaos would rule. It's what the Kochroaches and other plutocrats want. Sadly they've convinced the dumbest and most selfish of our people to think liberty means never having to say your sorry for fucking over the citizens of this country.
Now, how does making the unemployment rolls grow stimulate the economy?

The butcher, the baker, the barber and the burger maker will all lose customers when the local government building is empty of employees.

The owner of the shops rented to each of these private sector employees will suffer, rents will not be paid and doors will close. The landlord won't be able to pay his mortgage or insurance, pay for the building to be maintained so others too will be out of work.

Without work the government employees will not be able to pay the mortgage on the home which is underwater (and why would they); soon the already depressed values of homes will fall, banks will be in trouble and on and on it goes.

Should government be cut?. Probably, but not in one drop of the axe and not across the board, Suggesting so is stupid and based on emotion. Only hysterics or those who truly hope to bring down our nation (it can happen, ask the former leaders of the USSR) advocate such an extreme and irresponsible action.
You really have no fucking idea where the money to pay those parasites comes from, do you?

Parasites like... the Department of Defense?
Nice strawman, dickweed.

I'm of course speaking of the parasites at the Departments of Education, Commerce, Labor, Energy, HHS & HUD, Security & TSA, CPB/PBS/NPR, BATF, DEA, ONDCP, and the rest of the Alphabet Soup Mafia.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Now, where does the money to pay those stooges come from?.... Santa Claus?

Aren't you a libertarian Oddball? Why would you not want military might cut from the federal government? That would seem first and foremost wise in terms of fiscal responsibility, and in terms of federal government power.
Parasites like... the Department of Defense?
Nice strawman, dickweed.

I'm of course speaking of the parasites at the Departments of Education, Commerce, Labor, Energy, HHS & HUD, Security & TSA, CPB/PBS/NPR, BATF, DEA, ONDCP, and the rest of the Alphabet Soup Mafia.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Now, where does the money to pay those stooges come from?.... Santa Claus?

Aren't you a libertarian Oddball? Why would you not want military might cut from the federal government? That would seem first and foremost wise in terms of fiscal responsibility, and in terms of federal government power.

Huge, enormous cuts should be made to the military budget, but he's right about all the other programs.

The Fed is the first to blame for our constantly dwindling economy and strength of the dollar, but the government certainly does their part to make it even worse.

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