some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?

What the fuck? The entire blue state of Washington is subside with government military contact s who are you trying to fool?

So you don't deny it. Good. That's why Red States are the ultimate "welfare queens".

Simple solution: If you don't like paying for welfare, put an end to the welfare programs.

Great idea (sarcasm)

Let's look at how one New Deal project impacted some red states (acutally historical records, not contemporary books spinning history for political purposes, as PC does ad nauseaum).

Rural Electrification
I can't verify everything you said but I can prove one item on the list a lie.
Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined,

The Obama administration passed another fiscal milestone this week, according to new data released by the Treasury Department. As of the close of business on Oct. 3, the total national debt was $14,837,099,271,196.71—up about $44.8 billion from Sept. 30.

That means that in the less-than-three-years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by $4.212 trillion--more than the total national debt of about $4.1672 trillion accumulated by all 41 U.S. presidents from George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNS News
If that's a lie I'll have to assume it's all a lie.
So why are you lying for him? What interest does it serve to argue a lie? Or do you actually believe that bullshit you just spouted?

I do believe it and so should you! Apologies in advance for this longer post. I'll try to keep it civil, even though you've been kind of a jerk right out the gate, and maybe even interesting as well. Numbers can be fun! THEY CAN

Firstly, who among those first 41 presidents contributed the most to the debt? Starting at Truman and ending at George H.W. Bush you'll find Democratic presidents have added $371 billion to the deficit. Republicans? $3.782 trillion.

But Paperman, someone from the peanuts gallery cries, nominal dollars is a silly way to measure debt increase over such a long period! You're so right, Hypothetical Sir or Ma'am. What about inflation? What about the country's GDP at that time? Over a long span of time it's much better to use debt-to-GDP ratio and measure its relative change under each president.


dat graph! Notice how the change in debt/GDP increases under every Republican president until it's finally being dragged into the positive. Even Obama follows the trend, coming down to only a 9% increase from Bush's incredible 20% increase. But you don't look convinced.


Sorcery! Accounting witchcraft! There's no way Obama is more fiscally responsible than Bush! It's no secret that Bush exploded the budget from a $421 billion deficit to a $1.632 billion deficit (not including Obama's stimulus package, which was added to his last budget after he left office). What some seem not to realize is that Obama has never significantly increased that deficit - in fact, following his work combating the recession, he's been cutting. From a high of $1.652 trillion, his deficit was down to $672 billion for FY 2013 - the fastest the deficit has dropped in 60 years.

Not too surprising though - historically, that's just what Democratic presidents do.

One more thing: I brought up decades of economic effects and you talked about half a presidency. I insisted on the wider view and you picked one item and declared the whole set must be bad. In the least confrontational way possible let me say: Stop looking for shortcuts.
Go to first new post some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?

1. a vote for GOP is a vote to kill SS, and throw your parents and grandparents out in the street.
2. a vote for GOP is a vote to take away the your grandparents meds, killing medicare.
3. a vote for GOP is a vote to kill aid to the poor and throw them out in the street.
4. a vote for GOP is a vote to kill food stamps and take food from hungry children.
5. a vote for GOP is a vote to add trillion$ more to the national debt with perpetual war.
6. a vote for GOP is a vote to create the CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA.
7. a vote for GOP is a vote make being elderly, poor and homeless a crime which will triple the prison population.

^^^^Typical libtard scare tactic to try and frighten people with bullshit. :cuckoo:
So you don't deny it. Good. That's why Red States are the ultimate "welfare queens".

Simple solution: If you don't like paying for welfare, put an end to the welfare programs.

Great idea (sarcasm)

Let's look at how one New Deal project impacted some red states (acutally historical records, not contemporary books spinning history for political purposes, as PC does ad nauseaum).

Rural Electrification

If you are going to whine about paying for welfare, then put and end to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. You're a king-sized hypocrite.
They care about the common good....

With other folks money...arent they special ? Lol

New Deal Democrats did and do, and many of us pay more in taxes than the hoi polloi conservatives who post cliches ("other folks money").

Rural Electrification

We will never see conservatives act in this ^^^ manner!

You don't pay taxes. You're a tick sucking off the ass of society. Your so-called "taxes" are simply a book-keeping transaction where a percentage is subtracted from the swag you have looted from the real taxpayers
I suggest that third parties are the solution to this quagmire the defines our government.Check out the Green Party at their website, they have fresh approaches to our pressing problems.

They're worse than the Democrats with their take from the rich and give to the animals bullshit.:lol:

There really should be churches where where working class conservatives can go worship rich people. Maybe even little rooms on the side where you guys can pay money to polish a rich man's shoes or maybe polish something else?
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