Some illegals head back to Venezuela after Chicago ran out of free stuff for them


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
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Gee......if we do not give them free shit, they are less likely to stay.

That, along with a stay in Mexico until your asylum request can be processed, a secure border with the CBP allowed to do their job, and Mexico not allowing the caravans to come through Mexico is the reasonable solution to the whole illegal immigration thing.

Provide immediate humanitarian aid such as beans/rice and water to the dehydrated or starving, provide immediate life saving medical treatment for those who seriously need it, and herd them back across the border. No migrant is entitled to ANY other resources here in the USA--not continued food, shelter, transportation, education, legal help, not anything. We might provide some barges to get them back across the river but that's it.

Make it a felony offense to knowingly hire them. Change the constitution so that children born to non citizen parents do not automatically become citizens. Until a constitutional amendment can be passed, tell the parents that their citizen kid can stay here but they have to leave. They can take the kid if they want to. For the few who qualify for asylum status, they must leave if the situation in their home country changes. And no chain migration allowed.

Do that and they all go home and few will bother to try to come.
You cannot have a welfare state with open borders.

Welfare state and secure borders works.

Open borders dictates that you must not be a welfare state.

Giving US taxpayer money to anyone on earth who wants to swim the RIO GRANDE is BULLSHIT.

Gee......if we do not give them free shit, they are less likely to stay, or arrive ILLEGALLY in the first place!


Why didn't the family go to Canada? Canada says they are open to admitting Illegals and giving them benefits, no?
We had that with Trump, it worked, and then Biden said no more of this, let them in!
Yes. Trump threatened the President of Mexico with tariffs if he continued to allow the caravans to come through Mexico and that resulted in 27k or so Mexican troops on their southern border preventing access to Mexico. The 500 or so miles of wall strengthened or completed during the Trump years helped the CBP much more effectively control the far fewer migrants who managed to get here anyway. The stay in Mexico policy resulted in most just going home or not coming in the first place.

Adults had to prove the kids traveling with them were theirs, sometimes DNA tests were done to decide the matter, and most of the kids that were being trafficked were rescued. The number of those were alarming.

Biden immediately reversed all that resulting in some 6 to 10 million more illegals here since January 2021 and thousands more coming almost every day. Child, sex, drug trafficking has increased by 100s of percent and U.S. security is seriously compromised. There is a caravan numbering 7 to 10,000 approaching our southern border as we speak now and it is growing by hundreds every day.
Gee......if we do not give them free shit, they are less likely to stay, or arrive ILLEGALLY in the first place!

I say let them go, just as soon as they are locked up in a camp put to hard labor until they produce enough to offset all of the costs incurred in caring for them while here plus the cost of the return ticket! Plus an extra $5,000 for our trouble.
Why didnt they go to Columbia, Brazil, or Guyana? Thats what our immigration policy says.

The Biden Doctrine, America's current policy, welcomes all illegals with open arms, particularly if they are up to no good. You are referring to the old immigration policy based upon the Law that we had before.

Gee......if we do not give them free shit, they are less likely to stay, or arrive ILLEGALLY in the first place!

They were seeking paying jobs, you dumbass. Can you read?
Rural folks get most of the free stuff.
You cannot have a welfare state with open borders.

Welfare state and secure borders works.

Open borders dictates that you must not be a welfare state.

Giving US taxpayer money to anyone on earth who wants to swim the RIO GRANDE is BULLSHIT.
Actually, that family probably felt homesick.

But if they had stayed a little longer, they would have no doubt become accustomed to this unique nation and would have found jobs and started sending money back to their relatives in Venezuela.

That Native American welfare for European Colonials was amazing.

How much food, money, clothing, and shelter did the settlers get for free from the Native Americans?

Did the settlers come to American for the specific purpose of getting free shit from the indians?

You comparison is fucking retarded...seeing as how we have LEGAL immigration.

Have you ever called out the Comanche tribe for waging war and conducting raids on neighboring Native American tribes. They took captives from other tribes during warfare, using them as slaves, selling them to the Spanish and Mexican settlers. You probably do not care to bring up COMANCHE slave trade and ownership of other Native Americans because you are trying to use slavery as a political tool.

You do not ACTUALLY dislike us it to promote bullshit.
Ruh Roh

New book reveals Ice Age mariners from Europe were America’s first inhabitants​

Some of the earliest humans to inhabit America came from Europe according to a new book Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America’s Clovis Culture. The book puts forward a compelling case for people from northern Spain traveling to America by boat, following the edge of a sea ice shelf that connected Europe and America during the last Ice Age, 14,000 to 25,000 years ago.
Groundbreaking discoveries from the east coast of North America are demonstrating that people who are believed to be Clovis ancestors arrived in this area no later than 18,450 years ago and possibly as early as 23,000 years ago, probably in boats from Europe. These early inhabitants made stone tools that differ in significant ways from the earliest stone tools known in Alaska. It now appears that people entering the New World arrived from more than one direction.
In “Across Atlantic Ice,” the authors trace the origins of Clovis culture from the Solutrean people, who occupied northern Spain and France more than 20,000 years ago. They believe that these people went on to populate America’s east coast, eventually spreading at least as far as Venezuela in South America

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