Somali gangs waging war with each other in Minneapolis


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I’m sure Ilhan Omar will address this issue immediately. Maybe the House Democrats will even include it in their little Kumbaya "resolution.."

"After the latest spasm of gang violence, Minneapolis' Somali residents and business owners on Monday stepped up their calls for help from City Hall and police headquarters to help curb the senseless shootings that they say too often go overlooked.

On Friday alone, five men of Somali descent were shot in separate attacks, one fatally.

Police and community members pinned the blame for the bloodshed on an ongoing feud between Cedar-Riverside neighborhood gangs like 1627 and Madhiban With Attitude (MWA) and their rivals, the Somali Outlaws, whose territory includes the area around Karmel Mall. Friday's shootings were a repeat of a familiar pattern: a shooting on one gang's turf is usually followed hours, if not minutes later by an "eye-for-an-eye" response so as not to appear weak, community members say. Two shootings last month are also blamed on the conflict.

East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions

Maybe they can send this guy to sing a few rounds of "Kumbaya" and try to smooth it all over.

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Sounds like a job for the Council of Somali Elders.

Better yet, some Blackhawks.

Don't laugh. Minneapolis/St. Paul is quickly becoming "Little Mogadishu" right here in our own front yard.

Most of our major metropolis' have devolved into sh*tholes over the last generation.

H*ll, if detroit was in any other country, nato would be on the streets

Sounds like a job for the Council of Somali Elders.

Better yet, some Blackhawks.

Don't laugh. Minneapolis/St. Paul is quickly becoming "Little Mogadishu" right here in our own front yard.

I was thinking of the reign of terror Somali gangs visited on the unfortunate people of Lewiston, Maine. When the residents demanded a police crackdown the Somalis claimed that the police had no jurisdiction over Somalis. Only the council of Elders could judge the gangs.

The people of Lewiston were badgered into making a public statement that the Somalis were of great benefit and revitalized the small community.
if we let them boil a long pork white guy in a pot that might smooth things over ?.
we will have to fatten a soy boy up like a foie gras goose
Lots of ethnic groups new to America had their gangsters like the Italians and the Irish. I don't really see a big difference.
Sounds like a job for the Council of Somali Elders.

Better yet, some Blackhawks.

Don't laugh. Minneapolis/St. Paul is quickly becoming "Little Mogadishu" right here in our own front yard.

I was thinking of the reign of terror Somali gangs visited on the unfortunate people of Lewiston, Maine. When the residents demanded a police crackdown the Somalis claimed that the police had no jurisdiction over Somalis. Only the council of Elders could judge the gangs.

The people of Lewiston were badgered into making a public statement that the Somalis were of great benefit and revitalized the small community.

---------------------------------------- the 'somalis' probably spend the Welfare money they get in 'lewiston' . 'somali elders , the same types of scum and drum beaters that went after the Covington Catholic Boys .
Lots of ethnic groups new to America had their gangsters like the Italians and the Irish. I don't really see a big difference.

When and where have Muslim ever been civilized. They’ve act like all over the world, and have done so since their inception
Lots of ethnic groups new to America had their gangsters like the Italians and the Irish. I don't really see a big difference.

And some of those gangsters, like Lucky Luciano , got deported back to their homelands, no questions asked.

The same should happen with these no goodniks. There should be a monthly slow boat boarding on the Mississippi to take them back to Somalia.
Lots of ethnic groups new to America had their gangsters like the Italians and the Irish. I don't really see a big difference.
Makes some sense. But we were a rising low tax nation at that time. Today we are a high tax nation that has peaked with the costs to handle this issue, very extreme.

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