Solution for the rights' disaster handout to the worst or the worst in their party.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
Sorry but we MAGA patriots are taking this country back from you type people, the real nation destroyers. Tax cuts to the wealthy and big businesses and cutting unnecessary regulations is essential to making America great again. Trump understood this. It's why his policies were so successful.
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
Good example of leftist DUPISM. When Trump cut taxes on the rich, he also cut taxes on the middle class and poor, He also racked up a list of 55 accomplishments, all of them good for the middle class and the poor, and all well screened out by leftist media.
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
Have you ever considered learning the English language, child?
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
The deficit is 31 trillion you moron. If we don't start cutting something then this country is going to crash. Most people aren't as stupid as you apparently are. If Democrats purposely crash the economy you lunatics won't be able to blame Republicans.

Of course I don't expect much out of the Republicans. They won't cut enough spending or taxes to make much of a difference.
The deficit is 31 trillion you moron.
Nope, that is the accumulated debt from yearly deficits.

"Today, my administration announced that this year the deficit fell by $1.4 trillion — the largest one-year drop in American history — $1.4 trillion decline in the deficit.

Let me repeat that: the largest-ever decline in the federal deficit.

Let me be clear: This record deficit reduction includes the cost of my student loan plan and everything else we’re paying for. The deficit is down $1.4 trillion this year, even after accounting for 30 years of debt relief paid in advance.

You know, this — this follows last year’s drop of $350 billion in the deficit.

And because we’re making sure the largest corporations pay their ma- — their fair share; cracking down on billionaire tax cheats; and giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices in the future beginning "

Although almost every U.S. president in the past half-century has run a record budget deficit at one time or another, the largest budget deficits in U.S. history were run by former President Donald Trump and his two immediate predecessors.2

However, under the administration of Trump's successor, President Joe Biden, the deficit has gone down, even though his administration has had to deal with expenses connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Donald Trump is one of three presidents with the biggest budget deficits in history.
  • The deficit topped $1 trillion in 2020.
  • By 2022, under Joe Biden's administration, the deficit has declined to some $900 billion.
  • The U.S. government has run a budget deficit for nearly all of the past 60 years.
  • A president's influence over a budget deficit doesn't start until after the fiscal year ends (September 20) during their first year in office.
Nope, that is the accumulated debt from yearly deficits.

"Today, my administration announced that this year the deficit fell by $1.4 trillion — the largest one-year drop in American history — $1.4 trillion decline in the deficit.

Let me repeat that: the largest-ever decline in the federal deficit.

Let me be clear: This record deficit reduction includes the cost of my student loan plan and everything else we’re paying for. The deficit is down $1.4 trillion this year, even after accounting for 30 years of debt relief paid in advance.

You know, this — this follows last year’s drop of $350 billion in the deficit.

And because we’re making sure the largest corporations pay their ma- — their fair share; cracking down on billionaire tax cheats; and giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices in the future beginning "

Although almost every U.S. president in the past half-century has run a record budget deficit at one time or another, the largest budget deficits in U.S. history were run by former President Donald Trump and his two immediate predecessors.2

However, under the administration of Trump's successor, President Joe Biden, the deficit has gone down, even though his administration has had to deal with expenses connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Donald Trump is one of three presidents with the biggest budget deficits in history.
  • The deficit topped $1 trillion in 2020.
  • By 2022, under Joe Biden's administration, the deficit has declined to some $900 billion.
  • The U.S. government has run a budget deficit for nearly all of the past 60 years.
  • A president's influence over a budget deficit doesn't start until after the fiscal year ends (September 20) during their first year in office.
The deficit didn't fall you idiot it is increasing by the second. You morons are cheering a slow down in the increase not a reduction in the amount. I never ignored Trump's deficit spending I'm not a partisan hack like you are.
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
The solution is be more fiscally responsible, avoiding a government shutdown.
The deficit didn't fall you idiot it is increasing by the second. You morons are cheering a slow down in the increase not a reduction in the amount. I never ignored Trump's deficit spending I'm not a partisan hack like you are.

One does not have to be a partisan hack to see that one party is determined to destroy the country as we have known it and that one is trying to stop the destruction.
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
The deficit didn't fall you idiot it is increasing by the second. You morons are cheering a slow down in the increase not a reduction in the amount. I never ignored Trump's deficit spending I'm not a partisan hack like you are.
Learn the difference between our increasing debt and our continued deficit spending.

Obviously lawmakers need to be constrained by a balanced budget amendment because they have proven they can't.
Nope, that is the accumulated debt from yearly deficits.

"Today, my administration announced that this year the deficit fell by $1.4 trillion — the largest one-year drop in American history — $1.4 trillion decline in the deficit.

Let me repeat that: the largest-ever decline in the federal deficit.

Let me be clear: This record deficit reduction includes the cost of my student loan plan and everything else we’re paying for. The deficit is down $1.4 trillion this year, even after accounting for 30 years of debt relief paid in advance.

You know, this — this follows last year’s drop of $350 billion in the deficit.

And because we’re making sure the largest corporations pay their ma- — their fair share; cracking down on billionaire tax cheats; and giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices in the future beginning "

Although almost every U.S. president in the past half-century has run a record budget deficit at one time or another, the largest budget deficits in U.S. history were run by former President Donald Trump and his two immediate predecessors.2

However, under the administration of Trump's successor, President Joe Biden, the deficit has gone down, even though his administration has had to deal with expenses connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Donald Trump is one of three presidents with the biggest budget deficits in history.
  • The deficit topped $1 trillion in 2020.
  • By 2022, under Joe Biden's administration, the deficit has declined to some $900 billion.
  • The U.S. government has run a budget deficit for nearly all of the past 60 years.
  • A president's influence over a budget deficit doesn't start until after the fiscal year ends (September 20) during their first year in office.
Call me when the yearly deficit is zero like it should be.
Until then, the rest is just pathetic excuses.
Sorry but we MAGA patriots are taking this country back from you type people, the real nation destroyers. Tax cuts to the wealthy and big businesses and cutting unnecessary regulations is essential to making America great again. Trump understood this. It's why his policies were so successful.
Again you can say anything here, but come on, try to have something that is true to be represented by. You want tax cuts for the wealthy and big business, little hared to back up when by far this countries best economic times came with taxes that were high for big business and the wealthy. and historically we know how business operated without regulation , They ate our children for their bottom line. You have nothing to offer. Except bozo TALK.
Good example of leftist DUPISM. When Trump cut taxes on the rich, he also cut taxes on the middle class and poor, He also racked up a list of 55 accomplishments, all of them good for the middle class and the poor, and all well screened out by leftist media.
His tax cuts were limited by time for the poor and middle class but will never expire for the wealthy , They get to keep them, we don't. Historically, that's not a tax cut. There is no 55 things he did to help the middle class and poor unless it helped him personally or helped the golden few among us from that 55 things you talked about. . So one more time bullshit or prove me wrong.
The deficit is 31 trillion you moron. If we don't start cutting something then this country is going to crash. Most people aren't as stupid as you apparently are. If Democrats purposely crash the economy you lunatics won't be able to blame Republicans.

Of course I don't expect much out of the Republicans. They won't cut enough spending or taxes to make much of a difference.
Yup this is a Democratic problem when most of this deficit has been under hate party presidents. You are a joke, like every q anoner here. Now for a facts, if you are concerned at all about our economy, you would be a idiot to vote for a Republican for president. For almost 90 years, Democratic presidents have buried the results of your hate party presidents as far as the economy is concerned , pay for the masses , stock market increases, income growth , Job growth and gross domestic product , another q anon idiot beat into the ground. I know exactly the only way you can answer and that is by giving the results of one or two of your hate party presidents, doesn't count ace this is over a period of time. So you have no answer other than you hate me and think I'm dumb.
The deficit didn't fall you idiot it is increasing by the second. You morons are cheering a slow down in the increase not a reduction in the amount. I never ignored Trump's deficit spending I'm not a partisan hack like you are.
You partisan hack, most of the deficit belongs to right wing presidents. You are a blithering idiot.

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