Sodomy in U.S. Military ?!

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals–or bestiality. :confused:

And now this is an added concern, that sodomy has been removed, and as we have discovered, that bestiality–the prohibition against it–has been removed from the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So yes, the House will have problems with this bill.
On Nov. 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.
It states: “(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient tocomplete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said the effort to remove sodomy from military law stems from liberal Senate Democrats’ and President Obama’s support for removing the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.

“It’s all about using the military to advance this administration’s radical social agenda,” Perkins told “Not only did they overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but they had another problem, and that is, under military law sodomy is illegal, just as adultery is illegal, so they had to remove that prohibition against sodomy.”
Perkins said removing the bestiality provision may have been intentional–or just “collateral damage”
“Well, whether it was inadvertent or not, they have also taken out the provision against bestiality,” he said. “So now, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), there’s nothing there to prosecute bestiality.”

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military | Conservative Infidel
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The right isn't just The Party Of Stupid. They're the Party of Peeing Toms.

What consenting adults do in privacy that hurts no one is their business.

“It’s all about using the military to advance this administration’s radical social agenda,” Perkins told “Not only did they overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but they had another problem, and that is, under military law sodomy is illegal, just as adultery is illegal, so they had to remove that prohibition against sodomy.”

Perkins said removing the bestiality provision may have been intentional–or just “collateral damage”

Bestiality should be illegal.
They're the Party of Peeing Toms.

oops ... That was supposed to read Peeping Toms.

As far as I know, Rs aren't actually peeing on the people they want to control.
Since Obama considers the American people to be just so many sheep then it makes sense that we all take a better view of what he's been going to us all. A more nuanced, inclusive, diverse view.
Meh! Bah! Here is Henry the screaming sheep.

[ame=]The Screaming Sheep (Original Upload) - YouTube[/ame]
Are you really going to pretend a military of animal fuckers is worthy of respect?
Sweden did the same thing and is now battling gays to increase the penalties for animal cruelty.

Perversion goes hand in hand with every other perversion.
Just so the holier-than-thou rightwingers will know, sodomy includes oral sex between consenting members of the opposite sex. So if you really want to ban blowjobs, step up and give it a try.
Just so the holier-than-thou rightwingers will know, sodomy includes oral sex between consenting members of the opposite sex. So if you really want to ban blowjobs, step up and give it a try.
Don't confuse sodomy with fellatio. And FYI, the marriage bed is considered undefiled in the Bible that considers marriage as a union between males and females who are traditionally given unique roles in family.

Seems to me you're the holier-than-thou leftwinger foisting your mores on people you don't care about in the least bit whatever. :rolleyes:
They're the Party of Peeing Toms.

oops ... That was supposed to read Peeping Toms.

As far as I know, Rs aren't actually peeing on the people they want to control.
You're lying. Peeping Toms are voyeurs who derive sexual gratification by looking into other people's bedroom windows, many of whom go on to become sexual predators of one kind or another. Voyeurism is a crime Most of the Republicans that I know have jobs and are tired when they get home and are wise enough to get rest and refreshment at home. They would never consider being voyeurs in any way, shape or form, and you should drop the calumny. In case you are unaware of it, calumny is against the law, and you are pushing the envelope under the umbrella of free speech. Free speech does not include such a callous manipulation device as calumny.

Your extremism on this issue will drive out what decent people are left from your party. Not all Democrats buy into the sin-is-good scenario. But keep going full steam ahead. Your divisive rhetoric will only drive out the good, because you're drawing red lines for them to either stay or leave the bs scenario extremists are creating and go back to their roots of decency enforced by love of their fellow man.
Just so the holier-than-thou rightwingers will know, sodomy includes oral sex between consenting members of the opposite sex. So if you really want to ban blowjobs, step up and give it a try.
Don't confuse sodomy with fellatio. And FYI, the marriage bed is considered undefiled in the Bible that considers marriage as a union between males and females who are traditionally given unique roles in family.

Seems to me you're the holier-than-thou leftwinger foisting your mores on people you don't care about in the least bit whatever. :rolleyes:

Fellatio is one act in the several that come under sodomy. I am not confused at all.

As for my being "holier-than-thou, I am not the one trying to prosecute consenting adults for sex acts that harm no one. I am not the one using the standards one a single religion to justify putting these restrictions into law for everyone.
The right isn't just The Party Of Stupid. They're the Party of Peeing Toms.

What consenting adults do in privacy that hurts no one is their business.

“It’s all about using the military to advance this administration’s radical social agenda,” Perkins told “Not only did they overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but they had another problem, and that is, under military law sodomy is illegal, just as adultery is illegal, so they had to remove that prohibition against sodomy.”

Perkins said removing the bestiality provision may have been intentional–or just “collateral damage”

Bestiality should be illegal.

Not at all surprising, Obama has been giving it up the ole 'dirt road' to Americans for 5 years now. :eek:

Plus from what I hear, he is the receiver, not the punter lol..

Just so the holier-than-thou rightwingers will know, sodomy includes oral sex between consenting members of the opposite sex. So if you really want to ban blowjobs, step up and give it a try.
Don't confuse sodomy with fellatio. And FYI, the marriage bed is considered undefiled in the Bible that considers marriage as a union between males and females who are traditionally given unique roles in family.

Seems to me you're the holier-than-thou leftwinger foisting your mores on people you don't care about in the least bit whatever. :rolleyes:

Fellatio is one act in the several that come under sodomy. I am not confused at all.

As for my being "holier-than-thou, I am not the one trying to prosecute consenting adults for sex acts that harm no one. I am not the one using the standards one a single religion to justify putting these restrictions into law for everyone.

These acts when male on male, degrade our military readiness. The rank and file know who they are and they often get fragged. At least, that's how it was when I served.

Just sayin
Liberals/Progressives have never found a perversion they couldn't endorse. . :doubt:

And neocons never found a part of our personal lives they couldn't invade. Pity the neocons couldn't learn to mind their own business while they are lying about wanting a less intrusive gov't, isn't it?

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