Socialists Standing Today On The Bodies Of Cops They Trashed For The Last Few Years And Refused To Support..And It's All To Take Away Gun Rights


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Today Socialists In NYC are holding a memorial service for a cop killed in the line of duty by a convict let loose on probation. Democrat/Socialists want to use a huge crime wave that they created intentionally as an excuse to remove our rights to protect ourselves.

8 cops have been killed this week alone. The primary reason is because Democrats refuse to enforce the law. This is all part of the plan.
Democrat/Socialists in Washington want to impose an $800 liability insurance fee on gun owners....and require that all gun owners must prove they have the ability to secure their guns in a safe. They are already getting ready to force FFL dealers to provide safes and other locking devices to gun buyers.

They don't care about the source of the crime, which is themselves, and their reckless refusal to support cops and enforce the laws. They want to take our guns.


NY and NJ are busy creating their own bills that will require that all gun owners undergo psychological evaluation.
They want to turn gun owners into criminals the same time they're ignoring the criminal activity of repeat-offenders they keep on our streets on purpose.
Every cop that was killed this week was murdered by somebody let out of jail early or in the country illegally, so Democrats have blood on their hands.


Leftists have never given a shit about the victims of gun crime. They're just a handy platform from which to preach disarmament.

The goal has always been to make people unable to resist leftist tyranny...because armed people don't get on the boxcars.
They made sure they got into power....then they created massive they plan on imposing laws on us while ignoring anyone who tries to stop them.
It's just like Obamacare.
They created the health care crisis....and then passed OBamacare.
A federal police force run by democrats is just around the corner making your sheriff nothing more than a uniformed order taker.....
Here's a clue for the left......try punishing the criminal....not the ordinary citizen.
The people who commit violent crimes should be locked up...not let out.
Make the punishment fit the crime.
If you murder someone you need to get the same treatment. sounds horrible....but the only way to end or reduce crime is make the punishment fit the crime.
Killers need to die in the most horrible way possible.....not the most humane.
Countries like Singapore are the safest and have the lowest crime rate in the world because of harsh punishment for crimes and a respect for those who enforce the law.

Begin changing America by going after those who contributed the most to this massive crime. The media and the Democrat Party. Kamala Harris as we speak is in Honduras participating in human-smuggling operations.


The Corrupt and Racist Democrat Politicians are worried that their criminal constituents might be shot by armed crime victims
Nonsense. Preposterous. And whatever other words of disgusted dismissal of your asinine argument you prefer.

I’m going to utilize the same arguments that has been used to dismiss the greatest killer of cops for the last two years, it didn’t kill them. That has been the argument regarding COVID. And COVID has killed far more cops than gunfire, or really any other cause.

So far this year, 27 cops have died, and of those twenty seven, fourteen have been from COVID. 14 that is. Literally half of the cops who have died so far this year, has been from COVID. Four have died from gunfire. Four. 4.

But lets use a year that is complete. 2021.

515 cops died, and of those, 353 died from COVID. More than half of the causes were COVID. The War on Cops only shot and killed 62. The Republican war on Covid preventative Measures killed 353.

But not according to them. According to them, COVID didn’t kill those cops. According to them comorbidity factors were the cause of death, not COVID.

So Socialists were not the cause, in fact, the gunfire that killed the cops didn’t actually kill them. It was their comorbidity factors. Their weakened systems that prevented clotting, their lack of sufficient blood to allow some to be lost. It wasn’t gunfire. They had heart conditions, or some other problem probably resulting from their poor genetic make up or something.

That is what you all say about the 353 dead cops last year who died from COVID.

Now, you ignore those. You don’t give a flying fuck about those dead cops. You only give a shit when you can pin it on your political opponents. So why am I supposed to get all hair on fire insane now? You all have shown me that the truth doesn’t matter, and reality doesn’t matter, facts don’t matter. All that matters is beating your opponent with shit that doesn’t make any sense.

So fuck off, and take your Socialist and other crap and stick it up your ass. If you guys gave half a flying fuck about cops, you would have given at least one thread to the threat of COVID for cops. Instead of downplaying the disease, and creating insane conspiracy theory nonsense threads about the vaccine.

Of course, if Trump was President, you all would be swearing the Vaccine developed under him was the greatest thing ever, of all time.

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