Socialism vs. Capatalism in a nutshell.

How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.

No American liberal is advocating government ownership of the means of production, so YOUR definition of socialism is in no way valid to the discussion. The most successful economies in the world, are those which have private ownership, and a strong social safety net to buffer the periods of contraction in a market based economy.

Earned income credits, which are an "only in America" form of idiocy, are a completely socialist concept, which is taking money from the middle class and giving it to the poor, to the benefit of corporations which pay minimum wages, which are some of the most profitable companies in America.

Everything that Lakhota has listed below is a socialist program. Everything.


Right off the top: Individual vaccines are not Socialist.
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.

No American liberal is advocating government ownership of the means of production, so YOUR definition of socialism is in no way valid to the discussion. The most successful economies in the world, are those which have private ownership, and a strong social safety net to buffer the periods of contraction in a market based economy.

Earned income credits, which are an "only in America" form of idiocy, are a completely socialist concept, which is taking money from the middle class and giving it to the poor, to the benefit of corporations which pay minimum wages, which are some of the most profitable companies in America.

Everything that Lakhota has listed below is a socialist program. Everything.
Funny, what was the Unaffordable Care Act again? The government ownership of health insurance? What did Obama do with his government take over of the College Tuition fund? You are such a lying bitch, it is disgusting.
Capitalism does no such thing. All it does is care about making more money . It will destroy anything that gets in the way of that goal .

And that's exactly why it's never a logical idea to assume somebody accomplished in business would then be proficient in government. The two serve mutually opposing goals. It's possible, but would take a massive POV turnaround to get there.
Let's just take one of them, #38.



Sweet, huh? Those are Thalidomide babies. Victims of a poorly-researched drug that was prescribed to pregnant mothers. There were anywhere between 10,000 and 100,000 of them born with stunted or missing limbs, deformed organs including hearts, blindness, deafness and other travails. No more than 50% of them even survived infancy. These children were born in England and Canada and Australia and Germany and 42 other countries.

But they weren't born here.

Why not?

Because DA EEBIL SOCIALIST GUMMINT worker Frances Kelsey with the FDA took a good look and said "uh-uh". And the drug company who wanted their profits put the pressure on and Kelsey said "I SAID uh-uh". Whelp, Frances Kelsey was right, which is why she got the Presidential Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service in 1962.

Frances Kelsey passed away in 2015 at the age of 101. She's a heroine.
You are
The OP picture should actually be reversed, because without American socialism - capitalism would really suck.


Capitalism unchecked by gov regulation will destroy itself . We already saw this in the early 1900s .
Capitalism being humanisitic is the optimum of providing a better life for a higher percentage of the population. However Socialism government jobs takes a lot of taxes and gives those employed a better life then the capitalist jobs.
millennials say otherwise.

The only economy they've seen is stagnant wages, while their employers enrich themselves.
In decades past, workers rights kept capitalism in check. But thats been slowly degreaded; hence the current situation.

anways, sweden is doing just fine.

In b4 they have a rape death from Muslim migrants next week.

Here's a wag who associates "rape" with "religion".

How come Rump doesn't describe all them Mexican "rapists" as "Catholics" then? Are you saying he's full of shit?
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.
3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.
Not the exclusive control over the means of production.
We have a command economy.
Still waiting for a real life example of this horrible USA socialism.

Y’all talk so much “socialism “ shit all day . I’m sure you’d have plenty of examples. So step up!
we have to dumb it down for the right wing.

we can't have socialism, we believe in Capitalism and use money.

If danielfailos actually dumbed his posts down any more, they'd be incoherent.
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Not true, nearly half of American households pay no federal income tax, so when these people vote they are voting to use other people's money.
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Capitalism should require a for-profit, TrumpTowerBase.
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Not true, nearly half of American households pay no federal income tax, so when these people vote they are voting to use other people's money.
income taxes are not the Only taxes;

and, taxes are more of a burden for the Poor than the Rich.
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Not true, nearly half of American households pay no federal income tax, so when these people vote they are voting to use other people's money.
income taxes are not the Only taxes;

and, taxes are more of a burden for the Poor than the Rich.
The only federal taxes the poor pay are fica taxes that have nothing to do with policy issues. Every time the poor vote on federal matters they are voting to spend other people's money.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Not true, nearly half of American households pay no federal income tax, so when these people vote they are voting to use other people's money.
income taxes are not the Only taxes;

and, taxes are more of a burden for the Poor than the Rich.
The only federal taxes the poor pay are fica taxes that have nothing to do with policy issues. Every time the poor vote on federal matters they are voting to spend other people's money.
federal taxes are not the only taxes.
Socialism is merely using the Other Peoples tax monies.

Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Not true, nearly half of American households pay no federal income tax, so when these people vote they are voting to use other people's money.
income taxes are not the Only taxes;

and, taxes are more of a burden for the Poor than the Rich.
The only federal taxes the poor pay are fica taxes that have nothing to do with policy issues. Every time the poor vote on federal matters they are voting to spend other people's money.
federal taxes are not the only taxes.
When it comes to paying for actions by the federal government they are the only relevant taxes.
Gibberish. Everyone pays taxes and taxes are used for everything.

Building a base in Iraq is “other people’s tax money “ .
Not true, nearly half of American households pay no federal income tax, so when these people vote they are voting to use other people's money.
income taxes are not the Only taxes;

and, taxes are more of a burden for the Poor than the Rich.
The only federal taxes the poor pay are fica taxes that have nothing to do with policy issues. Every time the poor vote on federal matters they are voting to spend other people's money.
federal taxes are not the only taxes.
When it comes to paying for actions by the federal government they are the only relevant taxes.

There are taxes everywhere . Including feds. Fed taxes also add to the costs of goods and services that we all pay for . To say no one is paying into the feds is disingenuous .
How about you define “socialism “. Cause cons seem to think socialism = “things I don’t like”.
To be fair, leftists have been defining socialism as things like Police Protection and Fire. Roads. Etc.

So, when you have a bunch of people advocating for socialism without knowing the meaning, I think you may have some influence from those who know we will never accept real socialism until we all don't know what the fuck it means anymore.

Socialism is exclusive government ownership or control of the means of production. Communism is pretty much the same thing, but under the incredible delusion that such a system can work without a government enforcer.

See the idiot post below this one.
Socialism doesnt need to be government control/ownership. It can be collective ownership or cooperative ownership. But it any case, socialism involves worker's self-management.
In contrast, communism involves a classless society. Socialism still involves social classes, but it should inherently reduce the most extreme disparity among classes.

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