Trump: Fascist or Democratic leader?

Ok, Round 2 of the Trump circus has begun. I've made the observation that Trump is a Populist Fascist leader. While being a bit in the gray area when it comes to regulations, he fits many of the other fascist attributes to a "T". The deregulation does make sense given he is a private businessman and that helps his personal enrichment game.

This thread is to point out Trumps fascist attributes and for those who think he is all about freedom and democracy to defend their position.

We are only a couple weeks in and we are seeing my first Fascist point being excellently highlighted. Recess Appointments. A tactic to bypass the constitutional power of Congress to advise and consent for cabinet picks. The all powerful Trump does not respect this process and is threatening to steam roll it.

Is that Fascist or Democratic in your mind??

Any other examples y'all want to point out... please go right ahead.
Do you fools really want to test God again? :oops:
Test God.


It appears God doesn't mind a guy who cheated on three wives.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who stole from cancer kids.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who created a fake university to steal from the elderly.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who fuck porn stars.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who bears false witness every day.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who lies every time he opens his mouth.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who blasphemes the Holy Bible.

It appears God doesn't mind a guy who invites another porn star to endorse him at the RNC convention.

So, pray tell us...

...exactly what does test God?
Trump wants to be Mussolini.

He wants to be Mussolini so bad it hurts.

If they are being used to force people in who otherwise wouldn’t get approved by the Senate… yes that’s absolutely what it does
Hey you idiot, they have to still be approved at the next session

You clueless fool
Holy shit.

Folks that hate trump are truly, and quite convincingly, insane. Doing the same thing, over and over, and not getting the desired results? :dunno:

Even after this type of tactic did not resonate and it cost them the election? They STILL insist on doing this, rather than discuss the issues that folks care about.

I mean, seriously, why would career politicians want to stop qualified people who are opposed to corruption, and deny them from being named to the administration?

Nope, it has nothing to do with the will of the voters. . . .

. . . . It's only because of "fascism." :rolleyes:

The whole point of recess appointments is to fill positions that need to be filled. And not wait on Congress should they lag on nomination hearings. It’s not to bypass advise and consent all together.

Only for a year, and has been done previously by both sides.

Are they all fascists now?
Holy shit.

Folks that hate trump are truly, and quite convincingly, insane. Doing the same thing, over and over, and not getting the desired results? :dunno:

Even after this type of tactic did not resonate and it cost them the election? They STILL insist on doing this, rather than discuss the issues that folks care about.

I mean, seriously, why would career politicians want to stop qualified people who are opposed to corruption, and deny them from being named to the administration?

Nope, it has nothing to do with the will of the voters. . . .

. . . . It's only because of "fascism." :rolleyes:

Just calling a spade a spade

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