So you don't think China gave the go-ahead for Putin's invasion?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Unless you are one of the idiots who believe that every action taken by our adversaries is irrational, it is obvious that China gave Putin the go-ahead to invade Ukraine by promising to buy Russia's oil and gas in the future. This, of course, fit in with Putin's need to engage in a foreign war to bolster his political standing at home (sound familiar?). Furthermore it will give China additional leverage over Europe by holding Russian energy resources hostage to European cooperation with it. This has all become a feasible strategy because of a compromised Biden assuming the US presidency and depleting its military assets.

Does anyone still think that Trump's foreign policy achievements and Biden's foreign policy disasters were just coincidental flukes of history?
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Good OP, but the fly in Putin's ointment was that Ukraine kicked Russia's ass on the battlefield.
Putin's 3-day war is dragging on over a year, and Russia is losing, badly.
The EU successfully switched their energy supply from Russia to the global market.
Let's hope that China sees that their prosperity only happens when the civilized world allows it.
I would say more than just China and India. But the propagandists led us all to believe that the entire world's countries were against Russia.

And now, China's stance is turning out to be understandable and very rational.

Biden is taking the only position possible for America to adopt against China's less than overt support of Russia.

Russia is stronger than ever and Putin's popularity is soaring with his people.

Col Doug Macgregor says so, and he's not alone in America.
Surely you don't imagine there's an advantage to be had in being proactive with this story Shirley?

Whether or not Americans believe the facts is of no importance. Germany is deciding and is already beginning to act accordingly.
Unless you are one of the idiots who believe that every action taken by our adversaries is irrational, it is obvious that China gave Putin the go-ahead to invade Ukraine by promising to buy Russia's oil and gas in the future. This, of course, fit in with Putin's need to engage in a foreign war to bolster his political standing at home (sound familiar?). Furthermore it will give China additional leverage over Europe by holding Russian energy resources hostage to European cooperation with it. This has all become a feasible strategy because of a compromised Biden assuming the US presidency and depleting its military assets.

Does anyone still think that Trump's foreign policy achievements and Biden's foreign policy disasters were just coincidental flukes of history?
Biden gave Russia the go-ahead.
He said a small incursion wasn't worth bothering with.
The whole thing is a money-laundering operation anyway.
They're testing weapons on the population and making money handover fist.
Well what has China got to lose? Let the two other super power go at it and they just sit back and wait

good things come to those who wait
Unless you are one of the idiots who believe that every action taken by our adversaries is irrational, it is obvious that China gave Putin the go-ahead to invade Ukraine by promising to buy Russia's oil and gas in the future. This, of course, fit in with Putin's need to engage in a foreign war to bolster his political standing at home (sound familiar?). Furthermore it will give China additional leverage over Europe by holding Russian energy resources hostage to European cooperation with it. This has all become a feasible strategy because of a compromised Biden assuming the US presidency and depleting its military assets.

Does anyone still think that Trump's foreign policy achievements and Biden's foreign policy disasters were just coincidental flukes of history?

Joe Biden publicly invited Putin to invade Ukraine. The DemoKKKrats have been desperate for a war with Russia since 2016, when Hillary Clinton decided she and her co-conspirators could make a shit ton of money by starting a war with Russia.

Look back to before 2016 how the corporate media talked about Russia. Look at Obama's Russia policy. And George Bush's and Bill Clinton's. They were all deep, deep in bed with Russia.

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